Chapter 64: Forgiveness

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"Just like how you probably regret marrying for the sake of your company," Myra said

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"Just like how you probably regret marrying for the sake of your company," Myra said. "But if everything worked out the way we wanted it to, it wouldn't be called life, would it?

Arnav looked at her perfect face; such a beautiful lie she was. A reminder of the biggest mistake he made in his life and all the resulting scars that he was now trying very hard to erase. It wasn't difficult to see what she was trying to do, reminding him over and over what his marriage meant. In fact, he had been expecting it since the moment she stepped inside his house.

"No, it wouldn't," Arnav said at last. He was getting tired of this cat and mouse game. He was long past falling for Myra's tricks. "You may regret leaving me Myra, but I certainly do not. In fact, I thank the day you chose your ambition over me... because if it wasn't for that, I would never have been fortunate to marry Khushi."

Myra didn't flinch at his confession. She was good at hiding her emotions, in fact, a master at manipulating them.

"If you came here all the way to make amends with me, in the hopes of starting a relationship with me again, then you may as well save your breath... Khushi and I are happy. There is no room for you or even your memories."

Myra shook her head. "You misunderstand me once again Arnav... I... I'm engaged."

Arnav was surprised, though it was not the first time he was hearing it. Her sister, Ira had let slip of the same to him many months ago.

"His name is Neil," Myra said, wrongly assuming he cared. "He owns a business in Dubai... we met during work."

"What gives you the impression that I care?"

Myra took a deep breath, as she often did when he was beginning to get on her nerves. "I know you don't... I'm telling you in the hope that you see that I'm not interested in a relationship."

Arnav didn't believe her. In fact, he didn't believe anything that came out of her mouth today. Experience had told him again and again, never to trust a snake. A woman as proud and arrogant as she was, would not have a change of heart in a day.

"I just want to be friends again," Myra said yet again.

"Right," Arnav muttered. "And does this new sense of friendship have anything to do with the successful opening of my restaurant by any chance?"

A line appeared on her forehead, the perfect balance of confusion and exasperation.

Arnav nodded towards the newspaper clutched in her hand. "That's why you came running back here isn't it... finally realized that I don't need my father's big fat inheritance after all?"

Myra looked at the paper, looking as though she had forgotten she was holding it.

"No," she said heavily. "I actually came to congratulate you... after all those struggles, you finally got what you wanted."

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