Chapter 16: Blue-Blooded

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Khushi brushed her hair for the umpteenth time, staring at her reflection properly for the first time in months

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Khushi brushed her hair for the umpteenth time, staring at her reflection properly for the first time in months. She wasn't a girl of vanity; her mother had always warned her that beauty was not strong enough to stand the test of time. But today, she cared. She cared how she looked like, because today she was resuming her internship.

Khushi didn't know what exactly about the situation bothered her. The fact that it was at a brand-new hospital, where she knew no one. Or the fact it was Arnav who had secured her the position.

She had spent the whole night pondering his words, trying to deduce what was it that had made her say yes to his proposition, despite her better judgement. It wasn't too hard to guess. She had yearned so long and so hard for the freedom to work that when it was handed to her on a silver platter, she couldn't help but give in. Even though her mind had been screaming in caution of her father, who although invisible, was still very much lingering in her life, she just couldn't get herself to say no to the possibility.

Because Arnav was right, surprisingly. If her in-laws had no problem with her pursuing an internship, then what could her father say? However, there was also the unresolved issue of Vihaan's appointment in the company. If Alok wanted, he could very easily blackmail her into quitting again, but would he? Would he care whether she was working post her marriage?

It was a situation fraught with complications.

And then there was the whole situation with Arnav himself. Despite trying so hard to reject his offer –fearful of her father– he had not budged from his decision to send her back to the hospital. Why was he so bothered about her life? What did it matter to him if she completed her internship? Hadn't he made is crystal clear that she was unwelcome in his life? So why then, did he invest so much time digging into her past? It was all so confusing.

Khushi let out a sigh. Deeming her appearance satisfactory, she was just about to leave when her eyes fell on the black beaded chain around her neck. Was she supposed to wear it or not? Who was she today? A Gupta or a Raizada? Would anyone at the hospital even care if she was married?

She had no clue. When another ten minutes passed with no answers, however, she simply turned away from her reflection, thinking she would cross that bridge when she came to it.

Outside in the living room, Arnav was seated at the dining table, having breakfast. Khushi hesitated, not knowing if she should bid him goodbye before leaving.

"Good morning," he said, when no words escaped her mouth.

She tried to smile, but the nerves were too much.

"Come sit," he continued. "Have breakfast."

Khushi shook her head. "I'm getting late."

"No, you are not," he answered, glancing at the clock. It was half past eight. "You need your energy. I will drop you off myself after."

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