Author's Note

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Thank you.

These past four years have been some of the hardest years of my life. Incredible, yes, but also grueling and nerve-wracking. A lot has changed since I first envisioned this version of Arnav and Khushi, including me... but one thing that didn't change was your love and your undeniable loyalty.

Thank you making it to the end.

This story first came to me 8 years ago, when I was up late one night, questioning if soulmates do even exist. Even though my upbringing was the exact opposite of Khushi's in this story, at that point of time, I had felt just as confused as her. Sorted by head, but completely lost at heart.

How do we know who our soulmate is? If they even exist? Books and movies make us believe that your heart will know, but experience said otherwise. In the age of Tinder and Hinge, how would anyone be convinced that there is one person out there who is perfect for you? This formed the basis of Arnav's character, and even though many of you were very annoyed with him in the earlier chapters, I hope I could convince you that love is not a onetime thing.

As we see everywhere around us, people fall in and out of love all the time. It doesn't mean that they weren't soulmates... it's just that circumstances change us in unpredictable ways. And as human beings, it is only natural to move on. I hope you guys could understand that as Arnav slowly, but inevitably, fell for Khushi.

This is, of course, my take on the ever-changing definition of love. I'm sure as life brings new adventures, my opinion on soulmates will also change and evolve.

Thank you once again for reading this. Sending all of you lots of love and hugs until I'm back with another story... you know I will not be able to stay away. 


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