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** Scroll down for the Raizada family tree if you need a refresher **


Six Months Later

Khushi hummed to herself as she watched the mehendi artist in front of her lay down an intricate design of lotuses on her right hand, having finished with her left one only a few minutes ago.

It was the eve of karva chauth and she was sitting in Shantivaan with most of the Raizada ladies, all getting their mehendi done while Aditi, the youngest of the lot, played music on the speakers. There was a lot of excitement in the air. Bhagi had finally proposed to Mitali two months ago, and although Mitali knew exactly what ring she was getting, she was completely caught by surprise to see him going down on one knee at her old house, the same house she had first met him in when she was just a lanky teenager.

It was beyond sweet.

How Bhagi kept the location and the date a secret from the over-excited and over-nosy Raizada cousins was still a big mystery.

Of course, to the elders of the house, the proposal meant they could officially start planning the wedding. Satya wasted no time in calling the family priest and setting up the dates. The engagement was slated to be held next week at Bhagi's house. The wedding was finalized to take place after six months, but where it would be was still a matter of big debate.

Satya –sitting in between her two younger sisters as two more mehendi artists worked on their hands– was trying very hard to convince anyone who would listen for a wedding in Delhi. While the others listened politely, the refusal was clear in their eyes. It was Nandini, Satya's sister-in-law and Bhagi's mother, who suggested a destination wedding and it was hard not to be swept away by the idea.

To Khushi, a destination wedding meant the undivided attention of her dear husband, who would be free of his duties as both the CEO of Raizada Industries and the proud owner of Keyes for at least one week. It could even substitute as their honeymoon.

A gloomy sigh escaped her lips at that thought.

The last six months, or more accurately, the first six months of her married life, had been crazy. Blissful, yes... exhilarating, definitely... but also too fast and hectic for her liking. The two of them had settled into their old pattern so quickly that it was hard to believe they were even separated for three weeks.

However, Arnav's responsibilities were mounting dangerously high. Despite his initial reluctance to fill his father's shoes at the company, he was now fully devoted to it. Each week he would tell her excitedly about new investors, upcoming projects, and the latest profits as though he had been doing it for years, instead of just one. His dedication to his restaurant was also no less. He would spend each weekend at Keyes, reviewing the dishes, experimenting with new recipes, and following up on the accounts.

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