Chapter 39: Riant

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Khushi took a deep breath as she entered Abhaya Hospital, steeling herself for what would be another long day

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Khushi took a deep breath as she entered Abhaya Hospital, steeling herself for what would be another long day. She had received the latest reports of Adya's case earlier that morning. Needless to say, they didn't look too good. Not only was there no change in brain activity, but Adya's heart was also slowing down. The Vigs would have to make a decision about keeping their daughter on life support sooner than later.

And Khushi was already dreading watching the family struggle with that choice.

To her great relief, however, the Vigs were in a much better shape than yesterday when Khushi stopped by for a routine check-up. Although all three of them looked hollow, dejected and sleep-deprived, they did not badger her like yesterday. In fact, none of them even spoke as Khushi updated the charts and adjusted the medications.

Wondering how they were faring, Khushi was just about to speak to Abhira when she received an urgent pager from Dr. Awasti. Excusing herself, she sped off to her senior's office without another thought.

A beckoning by her mentor usually meant something was serious.

Surprisingly, Dr. Awasti's usually strict voice was quite polite when Khushi arrived. "Come sit," she said, closing the file she was pouring over.

Khushi obeyed, wondering if this was a 'social' call.

"How is the meningitis case going on?" she asked, surveying her closely.

"Not too good," Khushi answered. "The patient's vitals are erratic, but on average, are slowing down. I have adjusted the medications for now, but she has to be monitored continuously until..."

Khushi couldn't finish as Abhira's haunting face came into focus.

"Until the parents decide on signing a DNR," Dr. Awasti finished.

Khushi nodded. DNR or "do not resuscitate" was the legal order that allowed Adya to pass away without any medical intervention. It was the agreement her father had refused to sign for her mother.

"Are you okay?"

Khushi was caught off guard. "Of course, why–"

"I had assigned my best resident doctor this case in the hopes that she would have everything sorted by now... instead, I find her not being able to complete her sentences."

Khushi didn't know what astonished her more. Dr. Awasti asking her about her "feelings" or Dr. Awasti saying very casually that she was her best resident doctor. Her mentor wasn't known for giving out compliments.

"Please don't misunderstand me," Dr. Awasti continued. "But I was expecting to find you here yesterday evening, monitoring Adya's vitals, not Dr. Durga... to be very honest, I have never seen you leave your shift on time, especially when handed an urgent case like this one."

"I'm sorry, I just–"

Dr. Awasti intervened. "No, no... don't apologize. You are not supposed to be working overtime, and I will never encourage you for that either. Your days as an intern are long past. I'm just saying that it's not like you to leave and I want to make sure it's not something serious."

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