Chapter 26: Low-key

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Khushi dragged her feet across the lobby of her apartment building, looking forward to a good night's sleep

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Khushi dragged her feet across the lobby of her apartment building, looking forward to a good night's sleep. She had just finished a twelve-hour review session with Ved and some of her other classmates in preparation for her intern exam scheduled for the very next day. While she definitely felt confident about her performance tomorrow, she also felt nervous.  What would keep her mind occupied once she was done with her exam?

One of the few things Khushi prized about herself, was her ability to handle a crisis. It was what had gotten her through twenty-five years of her father's regime, and it was what helped her now, when it had been more than ten days since Arnav left for London, and he neither called nor left a message about his whereabouts. For reasons best known to him, he was delaying his return.

Khushi couldn't care less. Or so she told herself.

After Lavanya's sudden visit last week, she had renewed her promise to not get involved in the internal dynamics of the Raizada family. If they all knew her marriage was a sham, then why bother holding up a pretense anymore? She would rather save her energy for the hospital, which housed real people with real problems and most importantly needed her, not her ancestry.

It was that newfound resolution that had pushed all semblances of Arnav out of her thought these past few days. If he wanted to space from her, then so be it.

Yawning to herself, Khushi entered the darkened penthouse and unmindfully went about her works. She had just sat down, serving herself dinner, made freshly by Lata –another problem she still didn't have a solution for– when she froze, staring at the den. The lights were turned on.

He was back.

Leaving her plate of food untouched, Khushi hesitantly crept to the open doorway, wondering if she really did want to see him. Her doubts vanished, however, when she finally managed to get a glimpse of him. Absorbed in a file, Arnav was seated at his desk, still in his work clothes. The suitcases lined up beside the door told her that he had arrived only a few minutes ago.

Khushi didn't know how long she stood there watching him. She yearned to just walk inside and envelope him in a hug, and at the same time, she felt like turning around and walking away to the living room. Why did she want to stay with a man who had married her for money?

Without a warning, Arnav suddenly glanced up, catching her leaning on the door. His eyes widened subtly in surprise.

"Hey..." was all he said.

Khushi didn't answer. What could she say?

"How was work?" he continued cautiously. "All set for your exam tomorrow?"

She just blinked.

"Are you nervous? You look like you haven't slept in days... if you are freaking out about the exam, then don't bother. You can always just take it next year if you are not feeling confident. I will talk to Awasti personally-"

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