Chapter 31: Time

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– July 2019 –

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– July 2019 –

Arnav woke up groggily to the sound of footsteps stomping across the marble floors. His head spun nauseatingly as he looked around for the source of commotion.

It was the day after his cousin, Dev's birthday. As per every year, the occasion was celebrated with an ample amount of pomp and flare –much like Dev himself– but unlike every year, the party costed Arnav a completely destroyed apartment (Bhagi and Dev had almost broken the TV in the middle of a wrestling match) in addition to a splitting hangover.

"Myra?" he called, clutching his head.

His girlfriend's displeased face came into view. She was busy packing up her stuff, once again readying herself for travel.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.


Her cutting tone caught his attention, forcing Arnav to kick back the covers and cautiously stumble out of bed.

"Myra," Arnav said, touching her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

She merely zipped up her suitcase in response.

"Can you please say something?" he muttered seriously. "How can I fix this if I don't even know what's wrong?"

"There is nothing to fix Arnav," she answered, straightening up; she had finished packing. "It's Monday today, and I have a job to report to."

"When will you be back?"

"I'm going to Bangalore straight after, so I don't know."

He stared at her incredulously. "B-but you just got back two days ago, how can you leave again today?"

"I told you–"

"Yeah you are very busy," he snapped unexpectedly. "You have a lot of work; the world will literally catch on fire if you take the day off."

Myra glared at him. "You have some nerve to tell me that! I left all of my work just to come down and spend time with you, but what did you do? You decided to throw a party for Dev, who you probably saw less than two days ago!"

"It was Dev's birthday Myra–"

"So now even Dev is worth more to you than me? Great. I was just leaving anyway."

Arnav let out a frustrated sigh. "You know, this whole sarcastic vibe doesn't suit you at all. If you have a problem with something, just say it."

She let out a cynical laugh. "Look who's talking! The man who has been sulking for the past three months–"

"I lost my restaurant Myra, do you even realize what that means? Since when have you become so insensitive–"

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