Chapter 20: Bond

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Khushi jumped in shock, unable to process the sight in front of her. Having finished her first ever surgery in her new internship with flying colours, she had just arrived home in high spirits when she was blinded with sudden flashes of cameras, accompanied by screams from a group of people who she vaguely made out to be members of the Raizada clan.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" they wished in unison, throwing balloons and confetti on her.

She simply gawked at them in response. It was her birthday?

"I think she is in shock," said a familiar voice.

A warm hand gently pressed on her shoulder and she saw her brother come into focus.

"Are you okay?" Vihaan asked cheerfully, pulling her into a hug.

"What's going on?" she murmured, slowly regaining her voice.

"Surprising you silly... it's your birthday today! Don't tell me you forgot again?"

Khushi stepped out of the hug, avoiding Vihaan's eyes. She had indeed forgotten. The happiness of successfully completing her surgery was paling considerably next to the knowledge that today was her birthday.

Khushi absolutely hated celebrating her birthday, not that anyone in the past had ever gone out of their way to surprise her before. In the early days of her childhood, she received a grand party on behalf of her parents for the occasion, which were both suffocating and mind-numbingly boring. While her father used the gathering to broaden his social image, she was left all alone in the corner, avoiding the other pampered kids who would often pick on her for being different.

By the time she was old enough to refuse these poor excuses of a birthday party, her father, who was growing more and more wary of her "inappropriate behaviour", happily agreed. Her mother tried her best to make light of the situation by taking her to the temple and cooking up a feast at night, but after she had slipped into coma, Khushi had no reason to keep up that custom either. And except for her brother, no one seemed to have noticed a difference.

"Khushi?" Vihaan called, gently shaking her, but before he could finish his thought, Anjali stepped towards them. 

"Happy birthday Khushi!" she wished happily, pulling her into a hug. "Sorry for scaring you like that!"

Khushi tried to smile. "No, of course not. Thank you so much... but... how did you... find out?"

"It was Chote's idea!" Anjali answered, proudly. "And Lavu just needs an excuse to throw a party, so she spent the day organizing everything. Lucky that you were working late today."

Khushi nodded, feeling very weird that so many people took so much trouble just to make sure her birthday was celebrated.

"Come," Anjali said, holding her hand. "Let me introduce you to everyone... you probably don't remember much from the wedding."

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