Chapter 24: Bed

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Khushi woke up the next day, entirely late for her shift

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Khushi woke up the next day, entirely late for her shift. Thankfully, Arnav had already left for the airport, leaving the apartment all to herself. She didn't know if she had the energy to talk to him about why she still chose her sofa over his stupid bed.

Truth be told, Khushi knew she shouldn't have expected more from him. What did they owe to each other? So what if he had a choice in the wedding? Why was she holding him responsible for her situation when she knew as clear as day that her father would have found another suitor to take Arnav's place in less than a day had he called off the wedding? At least with Arnav, she had the liberty to continue her practice, and not be drowned in the responsibilities of being married.

Perhaps it was betrayal.

Whether she liked it or not, Arnav had become her best friend, and to know that he never had or never will care for her was more than she could bear. She was simply a pawn, which he used to get his company in order (everyone knew how badly the Raizada shares plummeted when Arnav became the temporary CEO during Shankar's stroke). And instead of apologizing to her for it, for reducing her down to a bank account with unlimited access, he had made her feel unwelcome and unwanted.

Was she any better though?

Her conscience, the annoying little prick in the back of her mind, didn't think so. Hadn't Khushi too used the marriage to make sure her brother's position as CEO was secured? Despite nudges from Lavanya, hadn't she recoiled into a shell, having no intention whatsoever to really start a life with him?

And yet, these questions weren't much of a comfort to her already bruised ego.

"Bad morning?"

Khushi looked up from the files she was supposed to be signing off on, to find Ved. They were standing at the nurse's station, waiting for their placements for the day.

"No, bad night," she mumbled. "What's up with you?"

"The usual," he replied, although there was nothing casual about his voice.

"If you want to say something," she began, curious to know what was bothering him.

"It's nothing..."

Khushi shrugged and went back to her file. Not even two minutes had passed, before Ved's questions came tumbling out:

"It's just... I saw your name. On the list of people giving their intern exam this year. And I... I didn't understand."

Oh. So the news was out. It would only be a matter of time before the rest of their class also stood before her, trying to sniff out some new gossip.

"I didn't mean to pry..." Ved said slowly, watching her face.

"And yet you are."

He looked at his feet in answer.

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