Chapter 33: Apology

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Khushi entered the darkened penthouse, tired to the core

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Khushi entered the darkened penthouse, tired to the core. She had another long day at the hospital and was looking forward to a good night's sleep. Things had once again turned sour after her fight with Arnav almost a week ago now. She reverted back to sleeping on the sofa, staying late nights at the hospital and avoiding her husband at all costs. In many ways, it felt like those initial days of their marriage, but only worse. Back then she had no idea what life could be like, but now that she knew, it was so much harder to forget and go back to her lonely existence.

There was at least one good thing that resulted from their fight, however. Arnav resumed work and was going on about his daily tasks as though nothing had happened. Although it was good news, Khuhsi wasn't happy.

She knew it was silly to expect anything from him, least of all reconciliation. They didn't owe each other anything; hadn't he made that clear during his visit to London? So why was she hoping he would come apologize now that he seems to have come out of his depressive episode? It was naivety. Arnav was a master at the game of indifference, and although she wished to be the same, she just couldn't.

Shrugging to herself, Khushi was just about to head into the shower, when she heard Arnav walk in. Pretending not to acknowledge him, she continued towards the bathroom when she heard him clear his throat.

"Hey... do you have a minute?"

Khushi whipped around, dumbfounded to see him making the first move. His face betrayed no emotions, as he gestured to sofa, ignoring her confused face. She had no choice but to sit down, waiting for him to continue.

"NK invited us to his farmhouse this weekend."

Khushi sighed, disappointed. So he wasn't trying to make amends. "You can tell him that I am working."

Arnav frowned. "For real or is that just an excuse?"

"Does it matter? We are obviously not going to go."

"Actually, we are this time. So if you really are working, ask someone to take your shift."

Khushi paused. "Too bad. I can't trade my shift, so looks like you will have to go on your own."

Arnav watched her carefully, before saying, "What's the issue here? Going to the farmhouse or going to the farmhouse with me?"

She glared at him, unable to keep up her act of nonchalance any longer. "Have I grown-up enough in the past week for you to have a conversation with me?"

Arnav sighed, running his hands through his hair. "If you want an apology, then just say so."

"You don't ask to be asked for forgiveness!"

"Hmph... so why don't we come to a compromise then?"

"Like what?"

"Either we both say sorry, or neither of us does."

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