Chapter 44: Accident

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"Sona, please fax this to Lilavati Hospital

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"Sona, please fax this to Lilavati Hospital. The doctors there have an emergency surgery and they can't seem to find–"

Khushi broke off, confused to see the nurse –Sona– paying no attention to her whatsoever. It was almost noon in AbhayaHospital, which meant the flow of patients was at its peak. And yet none of the nurses appeared to be stressed, for all of them were gathered around the third-floor reception desk, giggling like five-year-olds.

It was the day after Holi, which, much to Khushi's delight, had been nothing less than memorable. Although Arnav's win may have been inevitable, what with his notorious reputation, it had been nonetheless slightly insulting that he had managed to drench her in colours just by midday. Perhaps that's why Khushi didn't think twice before pushing him into the pool and doing whatever it took to make sure he felt her mark.

In retrospect, it was quite shocking that Arnav didn't say anything about the stunt she pulled. He had joined the festivities –in a set of dry clothes– a mere few minutes after their little Holi in the pool as though nothing had happened. And maybe, Khushi too wouldn't have noticed anything if it wasn't for how hot she felt as soon as she had walked away from him, almost as though she was running a high fever. It had taken every bit of resistance on her part to not check her temperature.

It was so strange.

What was it about Arnav's gaze, as he stood in the pool, his shirt stuck to him like second skin, that had made her feel both bold and shy at the same time? What was it in the way his warm hands had enveloped hers that had made her feel both wanted and foreign?

For the first time in Khushi's life, she found that she had no answers.

"–and then he winks at me!"

Khushi blinked, her attention caught on to the situation at hand.

"He has to be the most good-looking patient I have ever seen," one of the nurses was saying, blushing.

"Defintely still a bachelor," another one added. "I didn't see a ring on his finger."

"And apparently rich! They took him straight to the VIP floor!"

Khushi decided to intervene. "Ahem."

The nurses froze, clearly not expecting to see her. It was Sona who spoke: "Err yes Dr. Gupta – how can I help you?"

"Listening to me would be a good start," Khushi replied.

The nurses looked guiltily at the floor. "Sorry," Sona answered. "We were just..."

"Fantasizing about a VIP patient."

Some of them turned beet red at that comment, causing Khushi to burst out laughing. Most of the nurses were in their early twenties, just fresh out of college. It was so endearing to see them like deer caught in headlights.

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