Chapter 47: Love

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Khushi took a deep breath, trying to clear her head

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Khushi took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. She found it hard to believe that the ever so understanding Arnav didn't see her point today. Where was she wrong?

Wasn't he the one who had said their marriage was just for pretense? Wasn't he the one who had taken her mangalsutra on the first day of her internship? Wasn't he the one who had told her to be just herself at the hospital, to forget the cage she had been pushed into? So then why was he expecting her to own up to being his wife?

They had become allies in unfair situations. She valued his company, no doubt, but how could she ever kid herself into thinking that his understanding towards her was something more?  He had proved, over and over again, that his heart belonged to Myra. Sound logic told her to leave it at that, to not dig deeper and discover that there wasn't much else hidden underneath his collected exterior.

And in case she missed the hint, hadn't he told her at NK's farmhouse underneath a blanket of stars why he didn't regret marrying her:

Because you are perfect for my family. And I know enough to realize that not everyone is like that.

Khushi had understood very clearly then itself, that like everyone else in the Raizada family, she had become a member he had learned to trust and care. And in all honesty, she had accepted that, cherished it too. So, what was the need to bring up their marriage now?

Perhaps she had overreacted about Ved, although it had been long coming. Khushi was seriously getting tired of Ved's grouchiness for the past three days, which especially peaked during Arnav's morning and evening checkups. And no matter how much she had racked her brain, she couldn't find a solution that didn't cost them their friendship. Confronting him could turn ugly, and nothing, at that point, would keep the awkwardness at bay. Her only hope had been that Ved would get the hint that she wasn't interested and resolve his feelings on his own.

All of that changed, of course, when she heard him telling Arnav this morning that he knew her better. And what was worse, was Arnav suggesting Ved to dig deep into her family. Khushi's irritation knew no bounds upon witnessing that.

Who were either of them to make decisions for her? How had Arnav missed the simple fact that Ved would lose it if he found out from a third party that she was married?! And wasn't it her choice what she disclosed about herself in the first place? She absolutely hated being associated with her father, and that was the very thing Arnav advertised?

And all for what? Because Ved was feeling insecure? It was ridiculous... if he was adult enough to develop a liking for her, then he should also be adult enough to take no for an answer (that's of course, if he had asked her, because Khushi was sure, eventually, Ved would have realized on his own what she wanted).

Perhaps she had indeed been expecting too much. Why would either of them understand the significance of choice, when it had been a luxury for them until now? Maybe if she had grown up like Lavanya or any of the other Raizada siblings, she would have been flattered that someone liked her, and she would know how to turn them down if the feelings weren't mutual. But all Khushi felt with this, was an added layer of obligation.

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