Chapter 1: What's Going On?

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Evelyn screamed.

She was stuck in a dark cold room. The walls were made of old rough stone, they were slightly damp, not helping with the chilly air. Evelyn was little, she slammed her little fists against the thick wood and iron door.

"Let me out! Let me out! Please!"

Something came scuttling down the wall and stopped right in front of her, making her crying stop as she frowned and tilted her head.

"Hephaestus?" She whispered, the lizard made a humming noise, "What are you doing her buddy?"

Without an answer the lizard jump at her, he hit her in the chest making her hit the back stone wall, the Griever stalked towards her, the long sharp legs slamming into the floor making the stone crack. It screamed at her. It went to stab her with its leg, she couldn't move. Alby was holding her, keeping her stuck. She wiggled and fought with Alby, the Griever was getting closer. Evelyn had her hands pushing on his chest, her hands were becoming cold and icy blue. Alby flopped on top of her dead. She had killed Alby with her powers. Gally came bursting through the door, sliding under the Griever. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her away, just as the Griever stabbed down.

"EVELYN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Gally screamed, the life was leaving his eyes, he sunk to his knees, his face paled. She tried to pull her wrist free, but Gally's hand was clamped over her wrist, rigor mortis had set in. Gally's body was cold and stiff, his eyes dull and empty.

"MOM!" Chuck came running and slammed into her hugging her tight around the waist. He gasped in pain.

"Stop hurting me Mom!" He cried, he sunk to his knees crying, he was dying. Evelyn tried pushing him away, but her hands and now her arms were freezing, like frost bite, icy blue white shimmering like ice up her arms. When she tried pushing Chuck away he cried harder .

"Stop! You're killing me! You killed me!" Chuck's cry came out strangled. He was blue and covered in blood. So was Evelyn, covered in hot sticky blood, but her arms and now into her chest were freezing, it was going to freeze everything inside her.

"How could you?" Jeff yelled. He was standing in the doorway of the stone room now, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You couldn't save any of them! And you call yourself a healer! You're a WITCH! Look at what you did! Killing them all with some shucked up death magic!"

"Jeff! Watch out!" She reached out and lunged for him, but the Griever bit him, spraying Evelyn in blood.

She fell to her knees, a scream from deep within ripped through her-

Evelyn woke with a gasp and a wild scream.

"You're okay Love. Your okay." Newt, reached out to sooth her, but she smacked his hand away and scrambled away. She bumped into Sonny who was sleeping, she flinched and scrambled away, huddling on the other side of the helicopter in the corner away from everyone, her arms wrapped around herself. Her wild eyes searching for a way out.

"Evelyn..." Newt had crawled over, carful of the others still sleeping.

"NO!" She yelped, "Don't touch me!" She whimpered, big tears spilt over her eyelashes and down her grimy blood splattered cheeks, making big tracks.

"Lee..." he whispered, inching closer. "You aren't going to buggen' hurt me."

"How do you know?"

"'Cause I love you. And you love me. Remember? Fully and completely."

"I'm scared Newt." She whimpered again, her green eyes full of fear and a broken grief.

Newt slowly reached a hand out, she flinched, terrified she was going to hurt the young man in front of her. He held his hand steady, still slowly reaching out. His big brown eyes were steady and held hers firmly in place. She was terrified, but his unwavering steadiness help easer her anxiety slightly. His hand gently brushed her cheek. Every muscle tensed up, she forgot to breath, terrified she was going to suck his life.

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