Chapter 25: The Back Room

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he room was smokey, and smelt of sweat and booze, but there was a window open and the breeze helped. There were a few huge cranks sitting around all with some kind of drink in there hand. One guy looked like he was passed out, but when Evelyn looked closer he was still awake, just laying sprawled in his chair and staring at one spot on the celling, his eyes glazed over he hardly blinked and didn't seem to know what was going on around him. 

"The Bliss." Goose growled. 

He put some pressure on her back and steered her into the back corner, by the window.  He sat on a wood chair propping his feet up onto the table and pulled her down onto his lap. His arm loosely draped over her waist. Instantly all her muscles tense and her back stiff. Her big green eyes were wide in fear, her jaw clamped shut. Her heart was slamming into her chest, and she forgot to breath. He leaned into her, burying his face into her hair. 

"Play along." He hissed in her ear.

"You finally grace us with your presences!" Switch Blade yelled, he pushed off the wall and sauntered over to where Evelyn and Goose were sitting.  He plunked down in a chair opposite them and Flower came and draped herself over him. 

"Yeah. Had some stuff to take care of." Goose shrugged. 

"Kitten's got some claws 'eh?" 

"Damn straight." 

Switch was eyeing her greedily, she heard a growl in his chest. He licked his lips like he was hungry. Goose took his feet off the table and slammed them onto the floor. His arm tightened around Evelyn's waist, pulling her closer into him possessively. 

"She's mine." He growled. 

"I can take her away just as easily." Switch shrugged like he was board, but his eyes were still watching her hungrily. He was ignoring Flower right now, even though she was draped all over him, his wild dark eyes were on Evelyn. She had no choice but to trust the crank who had his arm around her waist. With her heart beat even faster and harder she swallowed her fear, shoved it deep down and slammed a lid on it. She stood up abruptly, her face in a snarl. She swung the hatchet once, the axe head stopped just under Switch Blades chin. The entire room, except the guy drugged out on The Bliss moved at once but froze when the sharp blade was at their leaders throat. He even froze, his eye wide. His lips slid into a smirk, his crazy eyes held a twisted amusement to them. 

"This lost little Kitty found her owner. You try anything with me, Your Majesty," She mocked him,  "my feral claws come out to play, And Snake already tried...he's rotting in the back alley already." 

She lifted the hatchet just a little higher, making Switch Blade's head tilt higher. His eyes danced with a crazed amusement, his smirk grew even more. She heard him hum. She held his gaze, fear turned to anger and that fueled her courage. She felt Goose's huge body right behind her. He slid them around her waist and buried his face into her neck. Her empty heart felt a pain so sharp she almost broke. Newt used to do that. If she closed her eyes and used every ounce of her imagination she could almost pretend it was him. 

"Come on Kitten, come sit." He growled in her ear. He looked at Switch Blade and Flower, "I think she made her point. Keep your filthy crank hands off my new pet." He hissed, his voice was deep and threatening. 

She lowered the hatchet with a growl of her own, her eyes still glaring at the leader. Goose tugged her back down onto his lap in the chair. He kept his arm wrapped possessively around her. The tension in the room loosened, the loud wild chatter started up the gambling continued, one of the guys went back to the hardly clothed woman straddling his lap. Evelyn's stomach twisted in disgust.

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