Chapter 10: She's Struggling

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Newt pulled Evelyn up, handed her a water bottle. He kissed her forehead and went to help get some of the guys up. Evelyn watched as Newt went around the remaining Gladers helping some up, giving a few slaps on the back, claps on the shoulder and encouraging smiles.

"He really is the glue."

Evelyn turned her head and saw Nick leaning on the building beside her. She hummed and nodded, her eyes found Newt in the crowd.

"When we woke up and you were gone...he seriously flipped out. He's the calm one. So when he flipped... everyone flipped. It was Thomas and Sonny who kept order until we sorta figured out what happened." Nick went on.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked.

"'Cause I can see you starting to pull away. It'll hurt both of you more-"

"Nick! I've got limited time before I turn into a monster that just wants to eat him. You saw them last night!"

Nick turned his body to look at her, his arms folded. His dark eyes were serious behind his glasses.

"Exactly. You have limited time. Don't waste it pulling away from everyone. Make a few more good memories...if not for you then for them. For him."

She felt her throat tighten and her eyes burnt with tears. Nick's voice was gentle and quiet, but it was pointed. Evelyn wrapped her arms around Nick. Without hesitation he hugged her back.

"Thank you Nick." She whispered.

"Anytime Evy. It's what friends are for."

"Hey, have ya seen Minho and Tessa? They bloody disappeared. Some buggen' leader!"

Newt had come back over. Nick let her go and squeezed her hand before shrugging to Newt's question.

Evelyn looked at Newt and gave him a cheeky smile. Stepping closer to him she wrapped her arms around him, looking up at his bemused face.

"If I were either of them...a hot good looking other half....newly dating...amongst a group of stinky boys...with a break...I'd slip away."

"Ahhh. I see where you're goin' with this." He pulled her closer, his hands in her back pockets. "We should go look for them."

Evelyn hummed. "I mean they all came looking for us and just about broke the door down."

He chuckled. Taking a hand out if her pocket he lifted her chin. He kissed her softly.

"We'd just be repayin' the bloody favor. Can't have shanks disappearing on us now."

She hummed again. Wishing they could just stay like that forever. With a sigh he tugged her hand.

"Sonny! Nick! Fry! Come help look for our list leader and his bloody lover. Tommy, your in charge of this buggen' lot." Newt called.

The group split up, "no hanky panky!' Nick called to Newt.

"No shucken promises." He growled for only Evelyn to hear.

It didn't taken them long. Evelyn found fresh footprints that lead to the building beside where the took a break. Evelyn went to bang on the door when she froze.

The hand that was raised slapped to her mouth and she couldn't contain her giggles. Newt looked at her ammused and then leaned in. His eyes went wide and he snorted.

From behind the door the unmistakable sounds of a really hot make out was happening.

"We should probably go."

"Oh shuck no. This is gold, Newt! How many shucken times did that best friend of ours show up with a fake panic attack just so he could interupt us at night?"

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