Chapter 28: Party Crashers

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Halfway through the night the cranks all poured out into the back alley again, for a few rounds of wild brutal fighting. Switch Blade was ruthless tonight. Every loser in the fight was executed.

"I challenge Goose!" A crank from the crowd screamed. Heads all turned to him.

Goose snorted and laughed. It didn't seem to phase him. Evelyn's stomach clenched in fear.

"You scared?" The crank challenged.

"Hardly." Goose yawned.

"Then fight. Winner gets to keep the new Gang Pet. Looser dies."

"Might as well kill you now then." Goose waved a hand.

"COWARD!" the crank screamed. He had shoved his way into the middle of the ring. Goose switched so fast Evelyn flinched. His crank took over. She saw the wild dark eyes and his breathing increased. He was growling like a wild dog.

He pushed Evelyn out of the way, behind himself and snarled. He ripped his shirt off and pulled the knife from his back pocket. Amanda pulled her close, wrapping an arm around Evelyn's shoulders.

Goose was savage in a fight. I guess that's why he was second. For such a huge guy he was quite quick and nimble. The other crank didn't stand a chance. A few well placed punches the crank stumbled and dropped.

"NEVER CALL ME A COWARD AGAIN!" he screamed, "SHE'S MINE." he threw a finger at Evelyn.

With a wild savage roar he slit the cranks throat. He sputtered and choked, crumpling to the side he twitched a few times, then was still. Evelyn had stood rooted to the spot absolutely terrified. If Goose had lost, she wouldn't have any protection, she would have been taken by someone else used and abused and then passed around like some object. Goose was the only one standing between the entire crank city and her. Tears of relief slipped out. She ran into the middle of the ring where he was still panting over the body of the other crank.

"Goose!" She cried.

His head snapped up, she launched herself into his arms. He caught her easily, picking her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She just held him

"Thank you! Thank you Noah." She whispered, only for him to hear. She could have yelled it and no one would have heard, the wild crowd of cranks had started cheering again when she wrapped around him.

She could feel his body sag for a second. She knew the crank was gone and Noah was back.

"Evelyn." He panted.

"I'm here. I'm here."

Without a word he placed her down, threw his t shirt on and walked through the crowd and back down the stairs into the club. And back to their corner of the dance floor. He just pulled her close and held her tight. Swaying to the loud thumping music.

It wasn't the life she wanted. She wanted a white life with a garden, and her books and plants. She wanted one with Newt. Instead she had a wild life with loud music and psychotic cranks and Goose. A life she deserved. She had done too many awful things to deserve a happy ending. With her face pressed into Goose's chest she let the tears fall. He held her tighter.

Slowly the cranks around them started to drop; either Blissed out, drunk or asleep. Evelyn was exhausted. Her body was starting to sag.

"Hey, stay with me Kitten. We still gotta figure out how to get your friend and his girlfriend out of our basement. And I haven't seen Pistol, Butch and Lola for a while. Something's up."

She picked her head up off his chest, looking up into his dark blue eyes. The club door slammed open and a stream of screaming people came storming in.

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