Chapter 33: Aliens and Spaceships

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Evelyn and Sonny sat for a while watching the sunset. There was crunching footsteps behind them. She recognized the uneven tread. 


Sonny gently kissed the top of her head and got up. Evelyn didn't move, continuing to look into the distance. Newt sat down beside her and without a word put his arm around her and she snuggled in closer, and lay her head on his shoulder. They sat side by side, watching the sunset together. Quit possibly one of the last ones. 

"Will you watch the sunset after I'm gone?" 

"Yes." He whispered. She heard his voice going gruff. "And then I'll wait to talk to the moon and wait for your bright star to shine in the sky so I can talk to you again." 

"Newt..." She whispered as the tears fell, "I don't want to forget! I'm so scared, not of dying..." She paused to sniff and whip the tears. "...just forgetting. And leaving you." 

"I know Love. I know." 

He wrapped both his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. She buried her face into his chest. Closing her eyes she listened to his heart beat. The one she restarted, the one she kept from dying. It was ironic how she fought so hard to keep him alive when he wanted to dye only to have her be the one to die instead. Maybe ironic wasn't the right word...sad and twisted were better. 

Her mind wandered to all the quiet nights back in their shared hut, when he would read out loud and she would close her eyes, her head in his lap, or when she would make tea and they sat side by side and read the old books that were sent up or write. She remembered all their quiet walks in the forest...the many times they just collapsed in the gardens laughing at something so ridiculous...or laughing at him when her and Chuck got him frustrated. Or she would look up from somewhere in the Glade just to see him already looking with that soft smile of his. 

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this...But I miss the Glade..." She whispered. 

Newt tightened his grip and kissed the top of her head. She tilted her head and he held her face gently, her hand in his hair and kissed her through their tears. It was slow, sweet and tender. He pulled away and rested his cheek on the top of her head. They sat just silently holding each other, watching the sun sink into darkness. She felt it was a fighting representation. Watching the bright beautiful sunset sink to cold darkness, like her relationship. She was watching her life and her love sink into total darkness of the Flare and certain death.

There wasn't anything else she could say to Newt. She had said everything she could. 


"Okay, tell us all about your adventures with the aliens in their big bad spaceship." Minho demanded once everyone had sat down around the little fire and with some food. 

Evelyn and Thomas were sitting leaning against the wall of the shack while everyone was crowded around them. Evelyn felt like it was story time in a kindergarten class. Though she had no actual memories of going to school, and being locked in a stone tower for her whole existence she doubted she had any experience. Every eye was on her and Thomas. 

"You sure about this?" Thomas asked. "How many days left to get over those mountains, to the safe haven?"

"According to Mary and Vince they were planning to move camps in 4 days." Jorge answered.

"And RatMan said we had 5 days to get to their end point to 'get the cure' or whatever." Nick added.

"Good that," Thomas said with a nod.

Evelyn wondered what everyone had been doing while Thomas and her were away, but realizing it didn't matter all that much. 

"Save all your questions till the end, children." Evelyn said, a small smirk on her face. 

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