Chapter 19: The Underneath

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**A little Wounded Evy Mood Board**

The crank's gruesome face twisted in a wild manic glee. 

"Pretty noses pretty noses pretty noses pretty noses." The female crank repeated, squealing like a small child. 

"Hi hi hi hi hi." 

The one crank at the back started to weep, big huge crocodile tears, he repeated over and over again, "We found them! We found them!"  

"Shut up shut up shut up shut up!" the leader yelled, this time much louder. "Stop stop stop!"

The sudden repetition of words creeped Evelyn out. Like some control over language had snapped in their brains. Evelyn shivered, the creepy crawling feeling in her brain sent a wild spasm into her arm. Teresa was frozen. Before the girls could move, the lead crank lunged at them with a wild animalistic scream.

His scared, bloody and bruised hands flew to Evelyn's neck. They wrapped around her neck and squeezed. He pulled her closer with a snarl and then slammed the back of her head into the wall. Evelyn let out a wild scream of pain. Pain exploded from the back of her head and travelled to the front of her skull. The Crank pulled her closer again, his teeth nashing inches from her, and then he slammed her head into the wall again. Evelyn had dropped her hatchet. Teresa was busy with the wild woman Crank. They were rolling around on the floor, both screaming at each other.

Evelyn grabbed onto the Cranks wrist, trying to rip his hands off her neck. She was having trouble breathing and thinking straight, her lungs needed oxygen. Her brain needed oxygen. Some feral instinct crawled from deep in her gut. She would dictate her own death, not this wild crazy psycho. Her hands where still wrapped around the Cranks wrists. He slammed her head again into the wall, and Evelyn let out a loud scream. And her hands froze over. The crank screamed. He tried to rip his hands away, but Evelyn wouldn't let go. The anger took over. She couldn't keep it shoved down anymore. The scream came from inside her and exploded out of her. She spun, taking the Crank with her, and she slammed him into the wall. It was her turn to scream. She finally let go of the Crank, only to slam her open hands onto his chest. She felt his heart instantly stop. He slid down the wall in a crumpled heap. 

Evelyn spun around the woman Crank and Teresa were still rolling around on the ground. She was trying to rip Tessa's face off with her teeth. Evelyn let out a wild deep scream. And threw herself at the Crank who had pinned her friend to the ground. A deep protectiveness surged through her, she wouldn't let Teresa die down here, she was going to get back to Minho. She was going to help take care of Newt when she was gone. She screamed and wrapped her ice cold hands around the Cranks neck and held on. Teresa scrambled away, and picked up the abandoned hatchet, pulling out the long thin knife. She turned to the other two cranks.

While Evelyn's power sucked the life of the Woman Crank, Teresa jumped forwards swinging the hatchet at the one Crank. The woman collapsed, Evelyn felt her heart stop beating and the breath in her lungs was snuffed out. Evelyn shoved her off and scrambled to her feet. All she could think was one more to kill. All she saw was the wild slobbering faces, the black phlegm dripped down their chin, bloody mangled eye socket. 

Evelyn rushed the last crank, her hands freezing, her eyes glazed over with frost, and her breath coming in frozen puffs. The temperatures in the room had dropped below freezing, there was frost forming on the walls. 

"Eve!" Teresa screamed. 

Somehow in her wild anger state she turned her head,  Teresa tossed the long knife at her. Evelyn caught it mid air, spun it around. She clenched it tight in her fist. The blade frosted over. She ducked under the wild grab and slammed the blade down into the Cranks heart. The crank stopped. It gargled and croaked. He dropped to his knees, with a wild gasp, blood oozed over her hand which was still holding onto the ice coated handle. It's wild black eyes lifted to hers, and maybe it was her imagination, but his eyes cleared for a split second and then he collapsed sidewise. He twitched a few times and then lay still. Hot red blood emptied out of the knife wound in the cranks chest. Making the frosted floor steam. 

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