Chapter 24: Saint & Siners

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The fights were over and the wild Cranks pushed and shoved back into the club. Amanda, or Flower, pushed off the wall and sauntered over to Switch Blade. Evelyn was left alone on the wall, the guys around pushed and shoved, many of them eyed her up as they passed, a few made crude comments and gestures, but they immediately stopped when Goose came and was towering over her.

"Come on Kitten, stick close."

"Yes Master." She snarked.

Goose smirked, but said nothing. He led her to a wall of cracked and faded bricks, where four stairs led down to a scratched and worn wooden door. Just above the door, there was a tiny rectangle of a window, its glass missing. One broken shard still hung at the top, like a jagged tooth. There was a name painted on the wall, just above the shattered window; Saints & Sinners

Evelyn could hear music playing, much louder now. It was intense and fast, the bass powerful, drums banging and guitars screaming. Mixed in were the sounds of people laughing and shouting and singing along. And none of it sounded very ... sane. There was something creepy and disturbing about it.

Evelyn shuttered. The loud wild noises from the club unnerved her more than the brutal fighting. At least the fighting made scene...the screaming and laughing was just psychotic. The creepy crawling in her brain was back. Evelyn shook her head. But this time it seemed to make the feeling spread. It crept up her skull. She growled as she franticly shook her head.

"Kitten? What's gotten into you?"

The cackling started. It was quiet, but it was there. Wet, thick cackling. Evelyn dropped the drink, it smashed all over the ground, she also dropped her hatchet. She took ahold of her head, her eyes clamped shut.

"Shut up!" She whispered.

The cackling got louder. This time there were words whisper she understood.

"Your a witch! A murdering little witch!"

"I said SHUT UP!" Evelyn screamed.

She was thrashing her head back and forth, the cackling was loud in her ears, the itchy creepy crawling became more intense. Evelyn had sunk to her knees yelling and thrashing her head back and forth. Her head clamped between her hands. Her arm burnt with the freezing sting.

"Make it stop Newt! Make it stop!" She whimpered.

"Murdering little witch!"


"Witch! Witch witch! Murderous little Witch!"

" Newt...please."

Huge strong hands grabbed her wrists and easily pulled them off her head.

"Just breath Kitten, just breath. It happens to all of us. Gotta think if somethin' happy, that helps. Find a happy memory...if you still can." A deep gruff voice broke through the cackles.

"...Newt..." She whispered desperately holding onto that name. "Newt...and Minho... Chuck... Nick... Sonny... Jeff... Clint Frypan... Gally... Alby... Tessa... Sonya... Jaz... Jorge..."

She repeated the names; over and over. Like a prayer, like she was scared to forget who they were. Just reapting the names of the people she held close to her heart. Very slowly the cackling laughter in her head was downed out by the names of her family. The dark whispering voice faded. And the crawling feeling disappeared.

Evelyn was left panting, tears running down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around herself and hunched forward. Feeling so lost. So alone and so wounded; like her heart had been slashed open and all her life was leaking onto the dirty ground around her, she was slowly falling into a black hole of crazy.

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