Chapter 5: The Shack

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Someone was shaking her. Evelyn's head flopped, everything hurt. Everything felt sore and strained. She didn't want to open her eyes.


She groaned.

"Please! Evy! Wake up!"

She groaned again, her head flopped lamly while whoever it was shook her.

"Tes?! What's going on?"

Evelyn tried forcing her eyes open. It took a few times, but her eyes finally opened. Thomas was kneeling down beside her, shaking her shoulders.

"Thom...Thomas?" Evelyn whispered.

"Evelyn! Oh thank shuck!" He cried.

Evelyn could see the relief on his grimy face
She blinked a few more times, taking in her surroundings. It was dark in the small building; only lit by one candle on a table. Frowning Evelyn slowly propped herself up onto her elbows. Teresa was standing by the table, her big blue eyes wide open, tears glazed her eyes, making them sparkle in the flickering candle light.

Evelyn looked around confused, Teresa was standing stuff as a bored and Thomas looked paniced.

"Tommy? What's going on?" Evelyn asked quietly, sitting up fully. Thomas looked back at her, his whiskey brown eyes wide and fearful.

"Were in the scorch, in some kind of shack. You two disappeared...Tessa is acting weird. Like there was a wild screaming that wouldn't stop. We saw Tes standing alone. I came here, the others are waiting. Minho is going were laying on the ground screaming. Tessa just stood stairing at the wall. Then you suddenly stopped screaming. I don't know what's going on!"

Evelyn struggled to stand up. She felt weak and shaky. Thomas held a hand out to help her, but Evelyn shied away from his touch, scared of her own self. She got unsteadily to her feet. Evelyn slowly turned taking in the building. It was a shack, nothing fancy about it. Teresa still stood stiff as a board.

"Tessa?" Evelyn asked taking a step forward.

"No! Don't touch me!" She yelped. Her head twitched, her eyes cleared for a second. A tear slid down her cheek.

"Janson!" Evelyn hissed, her eyes narrowed. She could almost hear him cackling in her head. "No! Not today! You won't take anymore!" Evelyn spat looking at Teresa, she knew WICKED and Janson could see and hear them.

Teresa stumbled backwards as Evelyn took a menacing step towards her. It was WICKED controling her.

"No! Go!" Her head twitched. Her eyes went void for a moment, then cleared, "Go! They'll kill you!"

"I'm already dying!"

Evelyn sprung at her friend with a wild yell. Evelyn tackled Teresa and they tumbled backwards over the table. Teresa threw her hands up trying to catch hold of Evelyn.

"I can't let you do this!" Teresa yelled.

"Janson! I'm going to kill you!" Evelyn screamed back.

"I can't let you do this!"

"Evelyn! What the shuck is going on?" Thomas yelled, trying to scramble around the table.

The girls were rolling on the ground, both yelling and screaming. Teresa rolled ontop of Evelyn and held her down. Teresa's hands wrapped around Evelyn's neck.

"I can't let you do that!"

"Shuck you Janson!"

Evelyn closed her eyes and let her power explode. The entire shack lit up in a bright icy white light, it shot out and hit Teresa in the chest, sending her flying backwards. The temperature dropped making their breath visible. She hit the wall and slid down. Thomas stood rooted to the spot his mouth wide open in shock. Evelyn got to her feet huffing and puffing hard and marched over to Teresa. Kneeling down she took her friends head in her hands and consented.

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