With a bitter taste in my mouth I slowly make my way to what I think is the Cornucopia. Now completely alone, I don't think I stand a chance against the other alliances.
I always knew I'd have it difficult. Word travels fast here and Oliver is right. I have a certain advantage over everyone else, and although I have no idea what's going on outside or how is Fred handling things, the bag hanging on my back is clear proof: knives, a sword I didn't even show Oliver and even some beef jerkies to munch on.
Maybe I did take it too far. I know for a fact I wouldn't survive if I hadn't been sent anything. Will I be expected to repay? I munch on the beef jerkies while I walk. If I were to send a tribute money for food, I would like to savour every content I can.
Oliver, once again, was partly right. I don't even know who is allied with who at this point, and I've got a list of enemies to hide from. I've decided on my strategy: I'll find a tree to climb and hide in and see the action from above; once everyone leaves that is my turn to run. I have to be patient and plan everything - spending 24 hours straight on top of a tree branch does not seem unlikely.
It's disturbing how quiet everything is - as if every sound has been turned off for the event. Everything except my heart, who beats as fast as ever and my brain, who seems to never want to shut up.
I get closer to the cornucopia and I feel nine pairs of eyes watching as I climb to my desired tree. I'm probably going crazy right now, but I can also feel the air shift as midday approaches. A big, fat drop of sweat grows in my forehead and I have to remind myself this is exactly like I knew it would be. Except at this point I have no idea what I'm doing.
I try to catch my breath as I hear Claudius on some speakers and 10 bags emerge from the ground into the opening of the cone-like structure. The cozy bags have our district number and our initial to mark whose bag is whose. M5 is the smallest one. Fuck. All this for nothing?
First person to step into the open was Tiger-lily. I thought she was dead. She runs towards her T7 bag but before she can reach it an axe flyes straight into her head. I gasp in horror and I slap my hand into my mouth to stop myself from making any noise. Sean comes out of the opening of the cornucopia followed by Aquor and Phanuel. My heart sinks.
Aquor goes straight into the M5 bag and opens it. I roll my eyes and shiver coldly. he tosses the bag away and says something to Sean. Why did he just toss it and leave it there? Did it have nothing?
They grab their corresponding A4, P5 and S3 bags. I start thinking they are getting way too comfortable until I realize there is someone silently approaching from behind the cornucopia. Someone I do not recognize. She is limping and injured, how are these boys not seeing her?
And as soon as I recognize her out of taking a look at all the district bags, she attacks Sean. It's her district partner from three.
Phanuel and Aquor, at first, seem so shocked they can't even move. Then it's Phanuel who gets her off Sean. I can't properly see what she attacked with, but I can see a panting Sean whose face is covered in blood. And just like that, it's Aquor who ends his life with a hard step on his neck. First cannon of the day. Couldn't he have ended his suffering in a nicer way?
It's Phanuel who puts an end to the girl from 3. I turn my head away and don't even see it. Second cannon of the day and the two boys are off to the swamp section.
Boy whom I can only guess is the owner of the bag with a 6 on it comes out of the bushes as soon as those two leave and I curse under my breath. How could you be so stupid and not get the timing right? He doesn't even reach his bag that both carreers, coming from different sides, get on him to end the feast. Third cannon of the day.
Girl and boy both grab their bags and hang around. They open my bag and just like Aquor they simply kick it and leave it alone. For Oliver's though, they open it and close it neatly again. They will bait him with it. Except they don't know he's not coming.
I let out a soft sigh of relief. I think the feast is done and I'll have to do is just wait a few hours after the careers leave to retrieve my useless bag and wave to the cameras a bit. I can see them sitting by the cornucopia as the hours go by. One, three, five, maybe. I don't know how many hours passed until they decided to leave for good. I want a few more hours while I snack on some meat. One more, maybe two, and I decide to jump down and go for my bag.
It will be quick. Just a sprint to my bag and a few seconds checking it so they know I'm still alive. i get down fast, I start running, my fear washes away as I approach the bag because I know this is all gonna be over.
That is until I get knocked to the ground. Fear makes me unable to move and I blush because of how embarrassing my move was. Who did I miss, hiding here?
The person flips me over and I gasp loudly when I see who it is. It would have been better if it were someone I feared like Aquor, at least he would have taken my life with grace and I'd have a death with dignity. But this, I never expected.
Tears stream and I audibly cry as Oliver looks into my eyes. Positioned on top of me, he's got my life on his hands. "Are you gonna plead?" he says with a grin.
I gulp but I'm unable to say anything. I know I should distract him and hope for the best, but I can't even move at all. I'm genuinely, so scared.
"You don't look so confident right now. Look at you, so helpless." he scoffs. His pretty face hanging over mine, I know he's giving them the best of shows. He grabs my cheeks and positions my lips into a pout. "Are you not going to say anything?" Now he slaps my cheeks, before I can open my mouth.
"What are you doing?" I let out as a cry. His face comes closer to mine "Oliver, quit this."
He slaps my face really hard now and I can feel blood dripping from my lip. He runs his thumb over my bloody lips and traces their figure. I don't think I've ever felt more scared in my life.
"I'm giving them a good show, is that not what you want?" he slaps me hard again and I can feel a new cut on my brow. What does he have on his hands?
"Just do this fast, Oliver. I never betrayed you, not even once."
Betrayal is one thing everyone hates outside of the arena. You do it and you get out, life is impossible to continue. A guy from 1 who won a few years back killed himself because of it. Or at least that's what Fred told me. If only Fred could be here, he is home. He is district.
"Oh but you did, you betrayed everyone. You betrayed us all." I can see how he takes out a big, sharp knife that was hidden under his belt and I can only hope I can pass out quick as not to suffer. I hope someone holds Fred tight tonight. I hope to be one burden less for him.
I do not fight back simply because I can't move. Oliver is small, but I'm smaller. He is stronger. I can't do anything more. And I won't give him the satisfaction, either.
He places his big knife under my throat. I feel a stinging pain and I close my eyes when I feel his body weight pressing down on me and the knife fall to my side. I touch my neck when I notice Oliver stops moving, and find only a small trail of blood from the small cut the knife did before falling. I'm scared to look up and face the person that is coming for me, so frightened I don't even register how he is finishing with Oliver's life. I can't move, not even when I hear a cannon go off and I see his lifeless body next to me. I can only move my head to puke on the sides, careful not to spill anything on my body. If i go down, I'll do it with grace.
A hand stretches before my eyes when I wipe my mouth and I dare to look up. The face I see, so familiar and so homey-like. In my adrenaline bliss I can almost pretend I'm back home.
Phanuel helps me up and pulls me in for a hug. I look around and he is alone. Maybe I'm not on my own.

FOUL GAME | the hunger games
Fanfiction❝ There are some things which you can never 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞. Not even the 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝗼𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝗼𝐧𝐞𝐬 will do so. -You should have played by the 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬, Maeve. ❞ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚ •pre 74th hunger games. •oc x oc. •original plot...