Soap MacTavish (Halloween)

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It was Halloween, and Alejandro decided he was going to bet Soap couldn't go through a haunted house without screaming for $150.

Now you were a professional actress at the haunted house and a good friend of Alejandro. You were terrifying, you had the opportunity to climb on the walls and ceiling. Soap turned the corner into your area, they were long thin hallways. You were following him on the ceiling, at about the middle you swung down, screaming. 

He squealed like a little girl "BLOODY HELL!?" he screamed.

You laughed while getting down and looks at Soap while Soap looks pale as a ghost. Shaking a bit as he was trying to calm down a bit before talking to you.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Soap asked as you smile.

"I call it the devil got me style." You said as Soap took a long sigh and bends over with his hand on his knees.

"Well that was bloody awesome but still not cool." Soap said as you smile a bit.

"Can you make it through the rest of the house?" You asked while Soap shook his head no.

"Come on then I will help you out. Just hold my hand and close your eyes as I lead you out of here." You said while holding out your hand and he took your hand and closed his eyes.

"I trust you..." Soap said as you smile and hold his hand and lead him out of the haunted house.

Once they made it out of the haunted house you told him to open his eyes and he did as he sighs in relief when he saw the outside. He looks at you as he now to a better look of her from the light that's shining down on them that was outside of the door. Your (h/l) (h/c) looks soft that he wants to run his fingers through your hair, your (e/c) shows so much life and adventures in them. And man your smile, he can't help but linger for your lips as you smile so sweet and kind to him as he can't help but smile with you.

"See I told you that I can get you out." You said with a kind smile as he nodded.

"That you did..." He whispers while looking into your eyes then down to your lips and back into your eyes. "I know this is off but you are very beautiful." He said with a blush and this made you blush by his words.

"Thank you." You said as he smiles and leans in.

"Anytime cutie." Soap said as he was getting closer to your lips Alejandro came with a smile on his face.

"I see you made it through amigo!" Alejandro said while walking over to them and wrap his arm around Soap's shoulder.

"That he indeed did." You said with a smile and Soap blushes.

"Yeah but I lost though, I screamed from being scared by them." Soap said as Alejandro smirks.

"I wonder who scream was that." He laughs. "Ah yes, this is my good friend of mine amigo! Soap I would like you too meet (Y/n) (L/n). An good actress." Alejandro said as Soap looks at you with a smile.

"(Y/n)'s nice to meet you." Soap said as you smile at him.

"Nice to meet you too Soap Mactavish." You said softly with smile and he smiles back.

"Well let's have fun and join the others. Come on (y/n) you are joining us." Alejandro said and let go of Soap and walks off to join Ghost and the others.

Soap nods and you sighs with a smile and start following her good friend with Soap by her side. After sometime playing games and doing rides that is Halloween style till everyone heads back home besides you and Soap as you two just walk around. 

"I had fun tonight." You said as Soap can't help but want to stay close to you.

"Me's been awhile since I had fun like this." Soap said as this made you smile at him.

"It's getting late, I will see you around?" You asked as Soap can't help but nodded as he wanted to see her again .

"Yeah I would like to see you also." Soap said as you smile and leans in and kiss his cheek.

"Then it's a date. See you around Soap." You said and walks away as Soap watched you walk away with a blush and a goofy smile.

"Yeah...see you around (Y/n)." Soap said while watching you disappear into the night before walking off to his place for the night.

Once he got home he forgot to ask for your number but he would ask Alejandro for it tomorrow as he lays down on the bed with a dreamy smile before closing his eyes and fall asleep.

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