Phillip Graves (reunited)

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You work with the 141, you're currently under attack from the shadow company. Alarms blaring as you rush through the base, trying to get to your gear in the locker room. You're sprinting through the halls when you hear shots behind you. One grazes your side, a shallow cut but the impact makes you stumble and fall. You turn to look at the perpetrator. No way. It can't be.
"Philip?" you ask, your childhood best friend standing in front of you, a gun to your head.
Phillip looks down at her with a glare before soften and looks shocked to see his long childhood best friend and crush.
"(Y/N)?" Phillip asked while looking at you with wide eyes and lower his gun while you were on the ground holding your side bleeding from the graze. "I didn't know it was you." He said and moves forward towards you but you back away a bit.
He stops and saw sadness in his eyes as he knows that you are afraid of him but he has to show you that he is no harm anymore. He lower his gun more and put it back in its holder and hold his hands up telling you that he was unharmed now.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He said as you kinda glare up at him.
"Then why are you doing this?" You asked as he sighs and kneels down and saw the blood from the graze from the wound.
"Orders...but right now I am betraying them because of you. I can't hurt you or even kill you." Phillip said as you shook your head.
"Yeah right! You tried to kill me not to long ago, what happened if I never turn around and you shot me anyways." You said as he sighs and looks into your eyes.
"I would be sad and upset and maybe forget about the mission because I can't kill my childhood best friend slash crush." He said as you look at him in shocked.
"Crush? Wait you love me?" You asked as he laughs a bit.
"I guess the cat is out of the bag. Yes I do love you and I still do that's why I am done with my mission. I don't care about Commander Shepherd orders. All I want to be with you now. All this time I thought you live a happy life not in the military." Phillip said as you sighed and hold her side.
"Yes I joined the military for a while. Plus I joined task 141 not too long ago." You told him as he nodded.
"May I look at your wound?" Phillip said as he noticed that you were holding onto the wound tightly to stop the bleeding.
"Um...sure" you said and left up your shirt that shows the wound.
Phillip eyes shown sadness as he gently place a hand over the wound and press firm presser on it as she gasps. Phillip kept his grip on the wound and place a hand on your cheek and cress it softly. He said soothing words to you to calm the pain and you relaxed a bit as he moves his hand away and pulls out a first aid kit and start treating the wound.
"Thanks." You said softly as Phillip smiles and looks into your (e/c) eyes with his blue ones.
"Anything for you my love." He said and this made you blush.
"Do you really love me?" You asked as he nodded.
"Yes I do." He said as you slowly nodded.
"Can you prove it?" You asked again and look into his eyes as he smirks.
Leaning in and kisses your lips softly while placing his hand on your cheek and pulls you closer. You slowly kisses back and deepen the kiss a bit. The kiss turns out into a hot make out as Phillip can't help but pulls you closer by the side and this made you gasp in pain. He stopped and pulls away and looks at you with worried expression.
"Sorry." He said as you laugh a bit.
"It's alright." You said as he nodded.
"I should be going back to business...just leave with your team and please don't get caught." He said while getting up so did you as you look at him in disbelief and wonder.
"Why? Why keep working with the enemy join us. I think the others will understand." You said as Phillip smile a little and place his hands on your cheeks.
"I wish it was that simple but it's not. Don't worry I have other plans. I will see you once this is all over. I love you." Phillip said and kiss your lips once more before walking off and leaving you standing there with the yearn of his lips on your lips again.
"I'll see you soon Phillip. Please be safe." You mumbled before heading off to where the others are at and get out of dodge.

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