Phillip Graves (on the run)

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Following Graves's betrayal, Task Force 141 intensifies their hunt for him. Their mission: Capture or Kill. On a run, and in a desperate attempt to avoid his fate, he seeks refuge at your apartment, his ex-partner's. Upon arriving home after a long day of work, you immediately notice the open door and a blood trail. Entering cautiously, you find Graves unconscious on your floor with a gun wound in his thigh. You look down at him in shocked when he opens his eyes and look up at you.

"Hey." He said in a low voice as you kneel down besides him and check for any wounds on him.

"What the hell happened to you?" You asked.

"I'm on the run," He said while sitting up straight. "from the Task Force 141." 

"Why?" You asked as you went over to a cupboard and grab the first aid kit.

"I kinda...betrayed them." He whispers as she sighs and kneels while holding the aid kit.

"Like you did to me on our third date?" You said with a hint of anger as he sighs.

"It's was a mistake okay..." He said as you roll your eyes and start treating his leg.

"Yeah right..." You said as you treat his wound.

He didn't say anything but was watching you cleaning his wound then he looks at your face. He want to reach out and place a hand on your cheek but he holds back and sighs. You check if the bullet went thru his leg and it did so all she have to do is clean the wound and wrap it.

"Your still my girl you know that...even though I fucked up on our third date I still love you." He said as you look at him.

"Well I am not your girl anymore Phillip...I am with someone else." You said and look down at his wound as this caused him to look angry.

"Who is it? Someone I know?" He asked with anger as you roll your eyes.

"Yes and lucky I am turning your ass to them." You said and stood up as he looks up at you.

"Part of the Task Force 141?" He asked as you did a nod.

"Yes...he is part of Task Force 141....maybe you know him Soap Mactavish." You said as you watched him stood up on his feet but limp a bit.

"Soap? Really you choose him over me?" He asked as you roll your eyes.

"Yes I did at least he treat me right. Unlike you ditched me on our third date and ghosted me till I moved on from you." You told him as he glares at you.

"Well I still love you does that change your mind to be back with me?" He asked in a dispreat voice as you sighs.

"I don't think that will happen anytime soon Phillip...You see I am with child of Soap's." You told him as his anger turn into shocked and sadness.

"You...your pregnant?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes only a month pregnant." You said in a low voice.

Before he could say anything Soap came walking in with a worried look. He called your name as Phillip looks at you with worried look as you sighs and back away.

"Leave and never come back. Maybe turn yourself in so there is no more blood being spilled...goodbye Phillip Graves." You said with no emotion in your voice as Phillip heart broke but he knows that he needs to do the right thing.

"Goodbye (Y/n)..." He said and limp away to the back door.

"(Y/N)!" Soap called out as you turn around and walks over to where he was calling out from and when Soap saw you he ran to you and hugs you. "Are you okay? I saw blood and....god I thought of something bad happen to you."

You told him that you where fine and told him everything as he was not mad at you but he can tell you still love Phillip but not much for him to feel jealous. Soap pulls you into a hug and you hugs him back as for Phillip he watched from the window then limp away from the house with a heavy heart and sadness in his eyes.  

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