John Soap Mactavish

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~This One Shot is sad and involves death and a little bit of MW3 ending spoilers~

Soap is your best friend in task 141, he fights hard and tries his best to survive, he struggles from his past but he never takes it out on anyone.

"Hey (y/n) are you ready for this fight?" Soap asked as you nodded with a smile.

"Ready then ever Soap." You said as you click your helmet on and fix your mask as Soap nodded and fixed his gear.

"Alright then let's go." Soap said and headed out with you on his tail.

Both of you with Price, Ghost and Gaz were at the location of the mission to take down Makarov as they were taking hits from the enemy. Price was telling everyone to fall back and everyone got separated but Soap saw that you got hit and went to you and picked you up then ran off somewhere to hide. Once he found a hiding place he placed you down on the ground and started cursing and kicking the ground as he was frustrated and you never saw him like this before and it kinda made you scared. You try to stand up but gasped in pain and falls back down and this made him stopped and looks at you with a concerned look.

"You okay (y/n)?" Soap asked while walking over to you and kneel to check on your wounds.

There was a bullet wound that went right into the leg but lucky the bullet went through so he does not have to dig out the bullet. Pulling out the ad-kit and start working on your wounded leg. He was glaring down at the wound like it's fault or something as he was treating the wound carefully. Once he was done he sits down next to you with a sigh and leans back against the wall and start checking his radio for any signs from the others.

"Thank you Soap..." You said as you look down at the wrapped leg.

"No problem..." He mumbled and you can tell something is off.

"Something is off," You said and he perked up and grabbed his gun and was about to say where but once he locked eyes with yours he could tell you was talking about something else. "I have never seen you like this? What happened?"

"It's nothing." He said and put his gun away while looking down.

"Come on I'm your best friend I told you everything about my life and how shitty it was before I joined you guys. Is it that bad than mine?" You asked while looking at him with a worried look.

Soap stays quiet for a bit before sighing and looks at you but have some anger and some sadness. He looked down and ran his fingers through his mohawk hair with a loud sigh.

"It's just Makarov...He did things that made me feel worthless for not saving those people that he has killed. I wish we could find him and kill him already so no more people won't get hurt." Soap said as you understand but you really never saw this side of him.


"Come one, can you stand we must go find the others before the enemy finds us." Soap said while standing up and holding out his hand and you sighed and grabbed his hand.

Before he could pull you up gunfire was coming towards them as he ducks down and pulls out his gun and starts shooting back. You pulled out your own gun and shot back also. Soap grabs you and hoists you up then both of you start running while you limp run on your bed leg. As they are running a bullet shot through your side as you gasp in pain and turn around and shoot at the enemy till you got the glimpses of the enemy and saw that there is about twenty of them shooting at you two. Soap and you made it to a cliff and started hiding behind the rocks, once behind the rocks, Soap tried to contact the team while you were holding your side with pain expression. The shooting went quiet and there was no sound of men or gunfire anywhere. Soap looks over the rock and sees that they are searching for them before leaving. He sighs and sits back down while reloading his gun as you sits there losing to much blood and you felt yourself getting weaker.

"John..." You said as this made Soap snap his head towards you with a worried expression as you normally don't say his name unless it's serious.

"What is wrong?" Soap asked as you coughed up blood and his worried expression turned into fear. "Shit!"

Soap checks the wound and the wound hits your side as you can tell it hit an organ, she leans down and Soap places a hand underneath your back to hold you up. He was shaking with fear as he watched his best friend slash crush bleeding to death in his arms. 

"Come on we can make it, just hang on a little longer." Soap said as he picks you up but you pushed him away and shook her head while groans in pain from the movement.

"Johnny...I can't move it hurts too much." You said as he looks down at you with fear and watery eyes.

"I can't let you are too special to me." Soap said with a wavy voice and you smile at him and reached up and place a hand on his cheek as he leans in and place his hand over your hand.

"I will always be with you Johnny...I love you." You said as his heart skip a beat and break at the same time before pulling you closer to his chest.

"Don't say that...not yet we will get you help and things will be just stay strong like you always have been and we can make this through. Just please stay alive." Soap said as you have your eyes half closed as you can feel your life slowly slip away.

"I will always love you Johnny..." You whisper softly before drifting away in a never ending lasting sleep.

Soap felt you gone limp in his arms and he can't hold back the tears anymore and start crying, he looks down and leans down and kiss your now cold lips before pulling you closer to his body and hugs you. 

"I will always love you too (Y/N)." Soap said while crying softly and cradled you in his arms.

A year passed since your death Soap was more uptight and wanted to stop Makarov but when he was doing a mission to stop bombs till Makarov came and shot him in the shoulder and was about to kill Price. Soap got up and stabbed Makarov in the shoulder but in return Soap was shot in the head. Soap opens his eyes as he sees the mountains and lands with the sunrise as he sees someone in white standing near the cliff. He looks at the person and notices it was you. When you turn around and smile and something in Soap telling him that he was not alive anymore but he was happy to see you again.

"(Y/n)" Soap said with a smile.

"Johnny." You said and both of you walk to each other and hugs each other.

"I missed you." He whispers as you smile and hugs him tighter.

"I missed you too...I told you that I have been with you all the way." You said as he smiles and looks down at you.

"I love you." Soap said and leans in.

"I love you too." You said and leans in also then both of you shared a kiss as the wind blows around them.

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