Phillip Graves (enemies to lovers) 🔴

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You and Graves, once allies, now find yourselves on opposite sides of a war. However, a part of you can't seem to let go. Tonight, you wait for him in a hotel room, unsure if he'll actually show up. But when a knock comes, you slowly walk to the door and open the door. He stands before you, looking down with annoyance.

"Is it wise to summon me here, (y/n)?" he asks, his voice filled with weariness.

You don't say anything but let him in while walking away from the door. Graves walked in and shut the door as he was in a plain navy shirt and pants on, as you have a tank top that was black and tight pants. Both of you stayed silence for a bit before he looks at you with more annoyed and anger for nothing have spoken.

"Well?" He said as you sighed and looked at him.

"I just want to ask if you are really going to do this? I mean we were once allies." You said as he just sighs and places his hands on his hips while looking down.

"Look I was not happy that you choose to be on the enemy side but things can't change now." he said as you glare at him.

"I'm just saying Graves! Look we are not the enemy you are!" You said with anger as he glares at you.

"I am not the enemy." Graves said as you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah and I used to love you." You said while looking away from him as he looked shocked.

"What did you just say?" He asked as you sighed again.

"Nothing just forget it." You said and headed to the door. "This was a mistake."

Graves grab your arm from stopping you from going out of the door. You turn around and look up at him as he looks down at you with something in his eyes like hope. He leans in close to your face as you stood your ground and look into his eyes.

"What did you just say?" He said in a low voice and you stood there in silence and looked into his eyes.

"That I used to love you." You said as he looks in your eyes then down to your lips and back up to your eyes.

"Do you still love me?" Graves asked while your breath hitched when his face moved closer to yours. "Do you?"

"I still do." You whisper as he leans in more and place his lips on yours softly as you gasp and stood there in shock before slowly kisses back.

The kiss was perfect and they forgot what side they are on as the world around them disappears as they share this perfect kiss. The kiss soon turns into a make out as their clothes slowly come off one bye one till Graves ping you against the wall as you gasp. Pulling away from the kiss and he looks down at you with lust and love. Before you could say anything Graves pick you up and kiss your neck and carry you to the bed and lay you down on the bed gently. Crawling on top of you as he rubs his cock against your wetness and slowly slides inside of your pussy as you moan loudly. He groans in pleasure and thrust all the way in and stays there for a bit before thrusting in and out slowly. While they are making love together they forget everything and just show their love for one another. Graves picks up the pace and holds you close as both of you moaned in sync. Graves put all of his anger, love and affection in the thrusts as he thrusts powerful thrusts and went deeper. The smell of sex in the air, skin slapping against each other, and moaning and whimpering coming from you was in the small room. Graves groans as he was close so he lifts up your leg and goes deeper and faster as you moan out loudly and clutches around him as you feel yourself close also.

"I'm going to cum inside you so you can be claimed by me." Graves said while grunting and holds you close to his body.

"Please...Graves don't..." You moaned out as Graves didn't listen as he thrust more faster and felt his cock throbbing in your pussy.

"Fuck!" He called out as he thrust one more and went deep as he come deep inside of you.

You gasp and moans feeling his cum around your walls as you cum with him while shaking a bit. Breathing heavily and whimpering in pleasure while looking up at him. Graves was smiling and looked back. Leaning down and kissing you on the lips and you slowly kiss back.

"I love you and you are now mine you got that." Graves said as this made you blush and did a nod.

"I love you too but what about our different sides." You asked while looking into his eyes and he looks back and sighs.

"I guess I have no choice but to change sides...I don't want to harm you or even kill you so...I guess I'm on your side." Grave said as you just look at him if he was kidding but he wasn't.

"Okay...I believe you that you want to change sides...that made me a little happy." You said as he laughs.

"A little?" He asked in a joke manner as you smiles up at him.

"Okay a lot happy...because I don't think I could pull a gun on you or kill you Phillip." You said with a loving gaze and he smiles.

"I love you (y/n)...I would do anything to protect you and please you." He said and kiss your lips as you kissed him back.

"I love you too Phillip...I will always love you." You said while snuggling into his chest as he holds you close and rubs your back.

"Get some shut eye...I'll still be here when you wake up that is a promise." Graves said as you smile and fall asleep in his arm's. "Goodnight baby girl." He whispered and kiss your forehead before he falls asleep also.

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