Ghost (Fake Dating) 🔴

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Ghost was furious. You weren't thrilled about the idea of pretending to be in a relationship with Ghost, your lieutenant. Even though it was for the mission, it felt too intimate for both of you. Ghost crossed his arms tightly, glaring at Price.

"So let me get this straight, we have to act all lovey-dovey in front of a bunch of wealthy snobs just to gain access to this damn party?" Ghost's strong British accent bluntly expressed his frustration towards Price.

"Yeah Captain! What are you thinking?!" You yelled at Price.

The two of you got into quite the heated argument about this. Ghost was becoming increasing frustrated as this continued, but you just don't understand his point of view. He tried everything in his power to avoid being close to anyone, but this mission would require that for both of you. He kept his arms crossed and his hands clenched, like you hadn't just seen the past few months of his life up close and personal. You just couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry but you two are the only one that can take this mission. With (y/n) skills and your strength Ghost you two are perfect for this mission." Price said as you sighed and Ghost was quiet, you could tell he was pissed.

He had every right to be pissed, but Price just don't care. This is what you get for having a commander with no empathy.Ghost rolled his eyes and start walking out of the room. This is definitely not going to be fun. You sighed and follows Ghost who stopped once they are away from Price office and face you.

"I'll tell you right now, I'm not going to be very affectionate this entire 'date'. Do you understand?" Ghost said.

"Same here! Plus I like someone else anyway!" You growled at him with a glare as Ghost looked a little confused.

"Then why are we doing this?" He asked simply, Ghost was never good at the "reading between the lines" stuff.

"For the mission you idiot, plus we are the only two that can do it." You said and walk off.

Ghost grumbled under his breath, He heated to be called "Idiot" and would never admit it but, Ghost actually felt slightly offended. So like (y/n) said he went to get ready. He changed into a suit then slip on a balaclava and put it on with sunglasses. After a while waiting for (y/n), you come back with a black long dress with no sleeves and a long slit on your right side. Your hair was fixed up also with a little curled in them.

"You ready?" You asked while Ghost nodded and didn't fail to notice that (y/n) dress hugged her curves.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Come on, let's get this over with." Ghost said in a flat emotionless tone.

You nodded and walks off as her high heels clicked as the walked. Ghost follows close behind her walking in his normal pace.

"You're quite good-looking ya' know." Ghost said in a slightly flirty tone.

He could see that (y/n) dress hugged your figure quite nicely. It was just so hard not look at how good she looked and Ghost couldn't help but flirt. He was hoping to get a reaction out of her, see if (y/n) thought the same way. You stopped and turn around with a glare while blushing.

"Don't flirt with me, actually here are some rules." You said.

Ghost was confused, 'Rules?' He thought to himself. Was it really that hard being on a 'fake date' with him? Oh well (y/n) did seem like a stubborn and very independent woman.

"Alright fine." Ghost said. "So what are the rules?"

"Number one, no touching on my ass or wrapping your arms around me and number two no kissing." You said as Ghost nodded, his face was returned to an emotionless expression.

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