Soap MacTavish (Captured)

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⚠️ mention of rape ⚠️
The mission went sideways and you were captured. The terrorists used unspeakable methods to try and get you to talk. But you didn't. You stayed silent. Gunshots rang out outside the door. But when the door to the room slammed open, you scrambled away in fear. You fought against the hands that grabbed you, struggling to survive.
"Hey! No, no, no, it's me," Soap said. "It's me, see, look at me, you're safe now." A large, warm hand tilted your face upward.
You look up at him with some tears and Soap pulls you into a hug, holding you close as he whispers some calm things into your ear. Ghost walks in with his gun raised but then lower it down.
"Price we got her." Ghost said over the mic.
"Come on let go home." Soap said while swooping you into his arms then head out of that place with Ghost behind him.
At the base you were in the medical room as they are treating your wounds and checking there was no other severe injuries. Soap and Ghost was outside of the waiting area with Price and Gaz. They are worried of you that those people might do more than torture to you, and they are right. The doctor came and told them your conditions and that you have been sexually assaulted multiple times and this made Soap blood boiled. He walks to your room as you were laying there with bandages around your body and IV's sticking from your arm. Soap heart broke by the sight of you, you see Soap had feelings for you for a long time and he never get to tell you how he felt. He promised to himself that he will stay by your side and protect you. He sits down next to you by your bed and hold your hand, gently rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb.
"Don't worry those people won't come near you again. You're safe here love. You're safe with me." Soap said softly and leans up and kiss your hand.
That day you slept all day and Soap stayed for the night. Next day you were still asleep and Soap was listening to his music that his headphones was in his ears and doodling in his journal. You slowly woke up after a while and look around as you started to panic a bit from the bright white room but when you look over and saw Soap and you calmed down. Soap saw that you were awake and paused his music and put his journal away.
"Hey you're awake." Soap said in a soft tone and smiles.
" long I was out?" You asked as he kept on smiling softly.
"Just a day, you're safe now." Soap said as he took your hand and gently rubs the top of your hands with his thumbs. "You're back at the base in the medical bay."
"Oh okay...thank you for saving me Soap...I never got the chance to say that when you brought me back here." You said and this made Soap smile more.
"You're welcome, and you don't need to think me. I would do anything to save you." Soap said as he was telling the truth, he will burn the world for you if he wanted to.
You smiles and holds his hand back as she took a deep breath in and let it own shaky as she was about to tell him what happened but Soap knows what she was about to say and reaches up and place a hand on her cheek.
"Shh...I know...I know and I'm sorry that happened to you...but I'm here now, okay? I'm here and I vowed to myself that they will never lay a hand on you again." Soap said and this made you tear up and cried softly as Soap heart broke. "It's okay to cry, let it out."
You cried and Soap got up and sits down next to you while holding you close and rubs your back. Soap place a kiss on your forehead as you cried softly. Sniffing and whipping your tears away as Soap hugs you.
"I know this is not the right time but...I love you (y/n) so much and I would do anything for you." Soap said as you look at him with a small smile.
"Really? You love me?" You asked as Soap smiles and nodded.
"Yes I do..." Soap said and leans in and place a kiss on your cheek as you smiles and looks at him.
"I love you too." You said with a smile. "And I think you miss a spot."
"What do you mean?" Soap asked and looks confused.
"Here." She said and grab his cheek and pulls him in and kisses him on the lips.
Soap was shocked but he kisses back and wrap his arms around her as she leans in more and wraps her arms around his neck as they share a kiss full of passion and love. You pulled away and smiles and Soap smiles back while looking into your eyes.
"I love you so much." Soap said as you smiles.
"I love you so much more." You said and both of you press each other forehead with eyes closed.

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