König (Bodyguard)

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König is the bodyguard your father hired to protect you. He's often anxious and shy, which can make communication challenging. Despite this, his presence is strangely captivating, and even the simplest gestures make your heart skip a beat. However, there are times when he becomes... 'overly annoying'. Right now, König stands at the door to your room, towering over you as he stammers.
"(Y/n), I-I'm sorry, but your father said you can't go out tonight."
"You always no fun, you know that König. You know I'm a big girl now actually a woman. I do not need a bodyguard." You said while looking up at him as he started to get nervous.
"Y-yes I know you're a woman and all but your father told me to keep an eye on you." König stammers while rolling his thumbs together as you sighs.
"Like I told my father, I'm a woman and I can take care of myself. Plus look! I live here by myself and he sent you to keep an eye on me! That's not cool." You said and crossed her arms across her chest.
König don't know what to say or do but he can't help but look down at your chest as your arms propped up your breast and he could see the valley of your breast. You moved and he dart his eyes away and look ahead as you head off more inside your room. With a huff you sit down on the bed.
"Fine I won't go." You said with anger in your eyes and König hated when you're upset.
"Okay...do you need anything?" König asked with hopeful she is not mad at him for not going to this party.
"No I'm fine." You said and look away as he sighs.
König left your room and head down to his room as he wants to tell you how much he cares for you and the truth is your father didn't tell him to tell you not to go to the party. He wants you all to himself and he wants to show you that he loves her. But he knows that it's forbidden to love his boss daughter. König was in his room minding his own business till there was a knock at the door and he looked up and saw you standing there.
"König...I want to say sorry for being harsh on you." You said as König smile but she can't see because of his mask hiding his face.
"You're alright." König said softly and you walk in and walked over to him.
"You okay?" You asked as König nodded.
"Yes I'm alright. Why do I don't look fine?" König asked as you smile and nods your head.
"No you look alright...say do you want to hang out just you and me?" You asked and this made König eyes light up.
It's like his dream just came true, he finally going to be with you. He stood up and moves over to you while you stood there and looking up at him with a smile. His heart skipped a beat while looking down into your eyes. He could get lost into your (e/c) eyes forever.
"Well come on let's go watch some TV." You said and head out as he follows.
Once they made it to the living room you turn on the TV and sits down while patted a spot of him to sit. He sits down next to you while you flip through the channels as he looks at the TV screen. But he can't help but look over at you in the corner of his eyes. Looking at the clothes that you were wearing that is a tight tank top and boys shorts. He look up to your face and saw that you have a smile on your face as you found a channel to watch. He turn his attention back to the TV as FRIENDS was playing. Both of you laugh at the funny parts till you both turn off the TV as it was getting late.
"Well I had fun tonight. Thanks König." You said and got up and he stood up also but he gently grabbed your hand. "Something on your mind König?"
"I um...I er..." König doesn't know what to say as he wanted to say 'I love you' but he was afraid to say it. "I am um happy that you had fun tonight."
You smile a little at him as you were hopping he will say something else. You see even though you don't like having a bodyguard but for some reason you really fall in love with König. You walked over and place a hand on his shoulder and he tensed up a bit and look down at you.
"I had fun also." You said and leans up and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Night." You said and walks off leaving König standing there with a red face.
"N-Night." König said while watching you leave to your room.

(I might do a part two....should I do a part two? 🤔)

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