19. Past

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"We used to live in Iran before," Alizeh told as they both sat on the couch, enjoying the dry fruits.

"Then why move to Pakistan?" Roshanay pressed her to continue her story. Both of them were in a deep discussion when Roshanay asked Alizeh about her family history.

"It's all vague and ambiguous in my mind. I don't remember anything distinctively as I was a kid maybe 6 or 7 when we moved to Pakistan but my mother has told me this story," Alizeh made herself comfortable on the large couch and then looked at Roshanay, whose eyes were curiously looking at her. "Our father, Isfahan Khan, along with Irtaza bhai's grandfather, Shabbir Haider Syed were the mafia don of Iran and Pakistan. They both together controlled these two countries and also the nearby areas. But.... my father was killed one day,"

Roshanay's mouth hung open, "killed?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes. Apparently he was killed by one of his closest friends. A bid on his head was made and his closest friend took that bid and betrayed him. Moosa bhai was very young then too. Our world just turned upside down in a week. The me who worked under my father turned their backs to us. They began to work for him. And within that week they attacked Moosa bhai too since he was my father's heir too end my father's name. But Moosa bhai survived that attack with the help of Uncle Shabbir. After that, Moosa bhai along with Irtaza bhai and their most trusted men raided that man's house. And he ended up killing him. Moosa Bhai was really young when he was forced to commit the deed. And then as Shabbir uncle had suggested we moved to Pakistan. At that time, he deemed that right his men were everywhere, seeking for revenge. He had gathered strength all over the Iran as after his death his son took his position. He had taken my father's place and if we stayed there, we could have been killed so it was better to move to Pakistan where Shabbir uncle had a hold,"

Roshanay was more than just surprised after hearing this story. There was so much action to it. It all felt like a story of a thriller movie to her. But what amazed her the most that at a very young age Moosa killed someone. She wondered how easy was it for him to take one's life. Just like that.

"Since then Moosa had sworn to take back that piece of land that is still captivated by him,"

"He is still alive?"

"Yes. Moosa bhai had almost recovered more than half of that land but he wants to take it all. He won't settle for any less. He had said, he sworn on his father's grave that one day he would bring solayman to his knees infront his grave. He would make her ask for my father's forgiveness,"

"Oh," that was all she could say. It felt a bit uncomfortable to know because he was not anyone but her husband. And it constricted her gut that one day he would come to know of her reality. He would come to know who she was.

Not just a non-virgin but also a prostitute.

"Alizeh... can I ask about something?" Roshanay asked.

"Yes, you can. Sure," she sipped on her apple juice.

"What kind of a woman he wanted?"

"Ahaan," Alizeh passed her a mischievous smile, "I know why are you asking this. I know it all," she said, laughing.

"No... it's not what you think,"

"Trying to impress your husband. Ohhoooo,"

"No!" her voice got thin.

"Ok, ok. Don't be so senti, I'll tell as you know, I, as his little sister knows everything about him. Ummm... not all but almost. Almost,"

"Okay, then tell,"

"Well tbh I don't know how come his marriage happened with you. My mother has shows dozens of dozens girls to him but no one ever you know touched him. I could never understand what was 'his type' and what kind of a girl he wanted to marry but now I look at you, I think you were always 'his type' as he says,"

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