8. Agreement

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"What?" she asked, dumbfounded, her eyes widened with surprise and shock.

Did she hear him right?

What did he mean by that?

Was he serious?

"What are you talking about?" she asked, puzzled.

"Didn't you just say, you'll do anything?"

"But... I," she ran short of words. All surprised and shocked. Not even in her wildest dreams did she expect him to make such a demand.

"But I didn't know you'd ask me to...to ma...marry you," she completed her sentence as if in a shock.

"Then you should have thought before saying that. Now as I told you, stay firm to your words, in this regard, we are getting married tomorrow," he spoke, his dark voice was enough to give no room to further discussion.

"Are you serious?"

"Haven't been this much serious,"

She just shook her head in denial.

"I can't marry you," she told him and saw a frown creasing his brow, that sent her beating organ, shivering.

But this thought was just too unsettling for her.


He was literally talking about marriage.

Marriage and her? Really?

Her a pathetic prostitute?

She was in a deep trouble. Deep deep trouble. The sweat popped from her forehead.

"What?" he asked, intimidatingly, as if daring her to repeat her words.

She just took a step back, shaking her head in negative, looking at him with fearful eyes.

"No, don't do this to me, No,"

Her heart was beating wild against her chest. She felt as if her heart was jumped to her throat.

"No?" he slightly shook his head, asking her.

"No," she innocently shook her head, replying him.

He stepped closer to her, invading her space again and she flinched, squaring her shoulders.

He stood just infront her and she tearfully looked at him. In a flash, his fingers dug in his cheeks, puckering her lips out, "You're going to be my wife," he moved closer to her, his eyes glaring at her viciously as he continued to utter his words in a quiet tone, "and our nikkah is going to happen tommorow. Got me?" he asked with his brows shot up.

When she didn't answer, he dug his fingers more into her cheeks and she winced with pain closing her eyes.

"I said, got me, Roshanay?" He moved his other hand and held the nape of her neck. His fingers slowly threading into her coal black locks, when she took time in answering.

She didn't answer just closed her eyes more tightly. She was slowly losing the courage to utter a no to him.

Suddenly, he held her hair tightly slightly jerking her neck forward and she croaked out with pain. Her voice came out as muffled as he had firmly held her cheeks. Her hands shot up and she held his hand which fisted her hair, small whimpers of pain escaping her lips.

He moved his lips closer to her ear, his hot breath fanning against her neck and ear making goosebumps surface there.

"My patience is thinning,"


"No please," he said moving back and removing his hand from her cheek that had turned red due to the pressure he had applied.

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