13. 'Terrorizing dreams

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Her ears were just able to detect this sound and her eyes kept on staring at the ceiling without a blink. The room was silent and she could hear his soft breaths as he was in a deep slumber but whenever she closed her eyes, trying to sleep, she would wake up.

It wasn't due to the anxiety or anticipation of her future but she missed someone, dearly. On and on, she could see her mother's beautiful face imprinted, behind her closed lids. Since the day, she had gone and caught by those terrorists, Roshanay couldn't sleep. Her every night was sleepless just like this one.

She knew her mother was most probably dead. Her unsurety about the situation was the only ray of hope for her. She could never assuredly claim that her mother was dead, there would always be a 'probably' there. If she could say, her mother was most probably dead then she could also say, her mother was most probably alive. That probably was a hope for her.

A hope she was relying on and going to rely for the rest of her life.

She missed her but she prayed to God, wherever her mother would be, she should be in her best and best of conditions.  That mattered to her only.

Sending a prayer to the up above the sky, she closed her eyes, trying to sleep and fortunately, her heart found peace and she drifted into her wonderland.


She was standing still, lifeless, not able to utter a word. Her eyes remained wide opened. She wanted to move her eyes away but her eyes refused to obey her command and remained glued to the scene folding infront her.

She felt her feet stuck to a position, not able to move. Her tongue weighing tons and every inch of its body was in pain as if someone was inserting sharp needles and glass pieces into every part of her body. With great difficulty, she moved her eyes to her hand, not able to change the position of her head. Her pupils moved down and saw her hand, which was bloodied and moving towards her chest, on its own.

She knew why her hand was moving and at the same time she didn't know.

Her eyes broadened and her dilated pupils stilled when her hand was placed on the left side of her chest. On the top of her heart.

It wasn't beating.

She couldn't feel anything underneath her chest as if no heart ever existed within her chest cavity. Her fingers moved towards her nostrils to check her breath but she couldn't find any.

She wasn't breathing either.

She could feel terror engulfing her whole body form.

And when her eyes moved down, it was the last nail in the coffin.

She was wearing a shroud.

Was she dead?

She was dead. And this was her lifeless body standing in the middle of....

Middle of what?

She looked around and found her in the middle of same basement where she saw him, committing that murder.

And what she saw infront her would stay engraved within her memory, forever.

He was using the same knife which he used to kill that man, on her body. Mercilessly, inserting the tip of dagger within each part of her body. The soulless eyes of her body staring at her.

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