Chapter 5

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Billy quickly left the house once Missie had helped his Ma to bed, staying with her til she fell asleep.

He charged to the brothel with one target on his mind. Antrim.

He looked through the windows trying to find him as he made his way to the door. He pounded on the door, a lady answering. He stepped in looking for one thing only.

He stopped when a couple walked in front of him, up the stairs. He kept his hand on his gun, not trusting anyone here.

"Good evening, young man. Can I help you?" A lady asked.

"Where's Henry Antrim? Tell me."

"There's no Mr. Antrim here. I do apologize."

Billy however ignored her and walked towards a hallway full of rooms. He listened for his voice until he stopped at a door. He grabbed the handle and pushed on the door, opening it.

He stopped in horror at the sight of Antrim on the bed with two indecent women.

"Why, if it isn't the kid!" Antrim laughed. "What do you want Billy? Wanna lose your cherry? That it? About time I'd say, that is if you haven't already with that little whore of an orphan."

Billy didn't know what he was gonna do when he found Antrim but just then something snapped inside him. First he cheats on his Ma, crushing her, and now he called Missie a whore!

"Ladies you may wanna leave," he said, taking off his hat.

The women got up, not bothering to dress themselves and Billy adverted his eyes as the left. Antrim sat up and slowly walked towards him.

"Your ma never sent you over here, now did she?" He scoffed. "Course not. She has every reason to be grateful to me. So you just run on home like a good littel boy, or God help me, I'll whip your fuckin' Irish-"

Billy grabbed his gun.

"Yeah, why don't you shoot me? Mm? How'd you think Kathleen would feel see you dangling from a rope?"

Billy stopped, he couldn't kill him. He knew that. He hated that he couldn't. He slowly turned around. He couldn't kill him, but he could hurt him like how he hurt her. He quickly turned, throwing a punch to his gut, grabbing his shoulders, slamming him into the wall. He punched him before he turned and threw him to the other side of the room where he fell to the ground. Billy kicked him over and over again, seeing red. He only stopped when he worried he might die. He then turned, leaving him.

He walked back to the house, quietly entering, hoping to not wake anyone. He didn't feel better. He wished he could've killed him. He wanted to kill him. He wanted to hang him a noose and drag him through town.

He walked slowly up the stairs and into his room where he saw Missie sitting and reading.

"Billy?" She asked, closing her book, sitting up.

"I don't want to talk about it," he quickly answered.

"Alright," she answered quietly.

His whole body felt heavy as he pulled his suspender straps off.

"I hate him," he whispered.

"I know."

"You're not going to tell me I shouldn't?" He asked, looking back at her.

"No, because I can't stand to look at the man who put the noose around my Pa's neck. You'd probably hate me knowing all the wicked thoughts I have against that man."

Billy quickly was by her side, cupping her face. "I could never hate you."

She softly smiled.

"He's never done anything to you has he? I promise you can tell me, you're safe."

Billy held his breath, studying her eyes, praying she would say no.

She slowly shook her head. "No, he hasn't done anything to me. Why?"

Billy sighed in relief, his forehead falling on hers.
"I don't want you alone with him, ever. You understand?" Billy said, looking at her eyes.
She slowly nodded.

"You lock your door every night you're not with me, understand?" He cupped her face.

"Billy you're scaring me, is he-"

"He called you a whore!"

Missie sat there stunned, her heart starting to pound in panic. "I-I swear- Billy- I-"

"Hey, hey, hey," Billy quickly stopped her, her hands finding his on her face. "I know," he whispered.

She bit her lip.

"I'm scared he's going to try to hurt you to get back at me. I'm not going to let that happen."
Missie slowly nodded.

"You should get some sleep," Billy said, touching her braid that fell over her shoulder.

"Will you sing to me?" she asked.

Billy nodded, the two of them crawling under the covers together as he wrapped her in his arms and sang softly an old Irish tune. Missie buried her head in his chest, between the mix of his soft voice and rheumatic heartbeat she slowly drifted to sleep.

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