Chapter 10

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Billy headed down to the field where Jesse and him practiced shooting. Billy went first and shot at the cans and bottles they set up on the wagon. He shot and hit them all, only missing a few times, but always getting them on the second try.

"Not bad, young'un," Jesse said. "You ever do any work on that gun?"

"How'd you mean?"

"You could have the trigger tightened, like mine, see?" Jesse explained, showing Billy his gun as Billy reloaded his revolver.

"What does that do?"

"It's not hair trigger but, uh... it's close," he said, looking at his gun. "You got to know what you're doing though," he said, quickly pulling out his gun and shooting at the skull on the wagon and hitting the target. "It goes off so easy."

Billy and him laughed.

"Hey Jesse. How do you, uh, earn a living? I mean aside from playing poker."

"Well, I help people out, piecemeal; moving timber, helping build cabins. And uh... do a few things kind of - on the side, you might say."

"What kinda things?" Billy asked.

"I do a little cattle rustling. There are some guys in town I know who are into it. There's plenty of cattle out there on the ranges. Don't really hurt no one. You wann come try?"

"Naw," Billy answered, shaking his head, his hand resting on his gun.

"Hey, I got, I got something for you."

Jesse made his way over to his horse where he grabbed his shotgun and tossed it at him. Billy caught it and looked at it.

"For me?"

Jesse nodded.

"Jesse, this is your gun."

"I bought a new one with my winnings. See?" he said, holding up a new shotgun. "Figured I probably owed you one."

"Thank you Jesse."

"See that rail post?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, I see it."

"Reckon you could hit it?"


"Go on, then."

Billy held the shotgun up and aimed, chambering the shot gun before he fired and hit the post.

"Woo!" Jesse whooped.

Billy chambered again and fired four more times, not missing once.

"Kid, I reckon there's not much I can teach you after all!"

Billy smiled and chuckled.


He made his way home and they ate dinner in silence. Billy kept trying to catch Missie's eye but she seemed to be avoiding him.

After dinner he caught her arm and stopped her before she could walk away.

"You alright?" He asked.

"I'm alright," she said.

He wondered if what the people thought of her was getting to her. However, when he went to kiss her she turned away.

"Missie?" He asked. "Did I do something?"

She shook her head.

"What is it then?"

She sighed. "It's nothing, just something someone said is all."

"What was said?"

She tried to walk away but he blocked her path. She stood there, anger starting to become more prominent. He had never seen her this angry before at him.

"Jesse said you won't marry me."

Billy stood there surprised. "Why would he say that?"

"I don't know Billy, why would he?" She asked.

Billy sighed and cupped her face. "I promise once I get a job, I'll marry you."

"And yet you haven't found one! Are you even looking? Or are you just holding off until I decided the wait was long enough and move on?"
She asked stepping away from him, looking at him with hurt and accusing eyes.

"Of course not!"

"I followed you here to this God forsaken town-"

"I know!"

"My whole reputation is crumbling before me and I didn't care because I knew you were going to marry me and now I'm not so sure."

"Listen, Mr. Upson is talking to a rancher for me, he's going to put in a good word."

Missie crossed her arms as Billy rubbed her shoulders.

"I promise the second I get a job, I'll marry you."

He slowly lifted her chin with his thumb and she looked in his eyes. She looked for any truth, the only thing that would give her hope. If she didn't have that, she had nothing and she couldn't live with that.

"Don't pay no mind to what Jesse says, he's just jealous," Billy whispered.

Missie laughed shaking her head as he pecked her lips.

"Still mad at me?" he asked.

She glanced at him. "I could never stay mad at you."

Billy smiled and kissed her forehead.

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