Chapter 26

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Billy had run and grabbed his horse, riding until nightfall. His thoughts were swarming and overwhelming.

He slowly started a fire, carving a Virgin Mary figurine.  Like one he saw his mother had all those years ago before Antrim robbed them of everything.

Billy slowly took his hat off and set the figurine down on a stump.

"Ma... I need to speak to you. I killed a man. I didn't mean to. I had no choice. I don't know if I can ask for forgiveness. Maybe not. Ma, I know what you'd say. Can't run away from it. Can't pretend it never happened. I have to go back. Tell the truth. Face the consequences. Is that what you think?"

Billy slowly stared at the figurine before he broke down and wept.


That morning Billy rode back as soon as the sun started to rise.

The townspeople were already against him, staring at him disgustingly.

He rode to the courthouse and slowly dismounted his horse where the sheriff and judge were standing outside.

"My name is William H. Bonney. I'm here to talk to you about the death of Francis P. Cahill, the blacksmith."

The sheriff handcuffed him and led him into the building where the judge took a seat behind the desk.

"William H. Bonney, you have been arrested for the foul murder of the blacksmith known to us all as Windy Cahill. How do you plead?" He asked, lifting a wanted poster with his face on it and a reward of two hundred and fifty dollars.

"It wasn't murder. It was self-defense. Mr. Cahill attacked me. And somehow, during the struggle, I got a hold of the gun and it just went off. I swear on my mother's grave, I never meant to kill him."

"I'm afraid your guilt is already established, Mr. Bonney, due to your previous conviction for armed robbery in Silver City and your unlawful escape from jail."

"Ask any of the witnesses in that saloon and you will know the truth. Sir. My family came to America... on the promise of... just and fair treatment for all. And I came back here today... because I want to believe that promise."

"You are arraigned for trial. In the meantime, for the safety of the public, I order you placed in the guardhouse under surveillance until you are brought to justice," the judge said, banging his gavel.

Billy stood there as the sheriff came and led him out of the courthouse.

Missie had hardly slept a wink that night and when she heard Billy was back she had rushed to the courthouse. Already there was a crowd gathering and they already were pitted against him, and they weren't even there! They didn't even see it happen!

It didn't help that people were already looking at her either as a poor woman who just lost her husband, or as an accomplice.

However, all she wanted to see was Billy. She needed to. She slowly slipped her hair pin in her mouth, waiting.

Finally they opened the courthouse doors and the sheriff led Billy out in handcuffs.

"There he is! He killed Windy! Murderer!" People shouted. "You'll rot in jail, kid.! Hang him, sheriff!"

Missie froze and her stomach turned at that thought. She couldn't watch Billy hang, not like her father who was also wrongly accused. It would kill her.

She forced her legs to move as she ran up to him.

"Billy! Billy!"

As soon as he turned his head, she kissed him forcefully. She didn't know if she'd ever kiss him again, and even if it was to help it escape, she'd make it a kiss to remember.  Billy at first thought this was just a goodbye kiss, accepting his fate, however when she cupped his face, deepening the kiss, he felt her slide something into his mouth.

"Leave the prisoner alone, Miss!" A man shouted, pulling her away from Billy.

He stared at her, slowly nodding. She looked at him, anxiously, like she might try to pull him away. He nodded again, letting her know he'd escape, he'd come back to her. She slowly stepped back, not taking her eyes off of him until she couldn't see him anymore.

This wouldn't be the last time they'd see each other. It wouldn't.

He'd always come back to her.

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