Chapter 45

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The three of them rode together, Missie however kept a close eye on Garrett. She just had a feeling about him that he was a predator, ready to strike at any moment.

Missie rode behind Billy, as they approached the hide-out.

Men were all over, some were gutting what looked like the remains of a cow. Some were sitting around a table. Missie felt uneasy as someone called out for Jesse as they came to a stop.

"Hello, Jesse," Billy said as Jesse walked out smoking a cigarette.

Jesse tossed the cigarette on the ground and put it out with his boot, not saying anything as he stared at them.

"Met Pat Garrett here out on the road. Minding our own business."

Jesse nodded and hummed, tension high.

"It's a neat little hide-out."

"Oh, I like it. Real private. You remember Bob Olinger? John Beckwith?" Jesse asked, coming closer.

"Sure do," Billy answered.

Missie wanted to scoff, of course, they were some of the worst. Missie hated Olinger more than she hated Jesse, almost more than Antrim. Almost.

Billy glanced behind him at Garrett, shifting in his seat. Missie tightened her grip around his waist. They may be in a tiff right now, but if push came to shove, they would defend themselves. Together.

Billy slowly guided his horse closer to Jesse.

"This okay, Jesse?" Billy asked.

Jesse slowly broke out into a smile. "Sure it is, Kid. I'm real glad to see you, Billy. Surely fate's brought us back together again. You gonna ride with us this time?"

"Depends what you're cookin' up."

"Rustling John Chisum's cattle. You heard of John Chisum?"

Billy lightly nodded.

"They call him the Catlle King of America," Jesse continued. "He's got herds here in Texas, in New Mexico, all over Lincoln County. He is one rich son of a bitch, and we're making good money selling his cattle to the army. You in?"

Missie tightened her grip around Billy. "Can we talk about this?" Missie whispered.

Billy ignored her and dismounted his horse, stepping closer to Jesse.

"I'm with you," Billy said.

"We were meant to ride together, Billy," Jesse said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know that, you know that. Let's get you squared away."

Missie felt like she had been slapped in the face. He had deliberately ignored her and decided without her to join. She knew that he knew that she wouldn't want this. But it was never just simple harmless lawbreaking for Jesse. It was only a matter of time before he became a heartless outlaw, and she didn't want him dragging Billy into that. However, she was worried he already had.

She reluctantly followed the two into the house where Jesse showed them an empty room with only a bed.


The day slowly turned into night and Missie reluctantly stayed beside Billy until after dinner. Billy remained as he sat with Jesse after dinner. Missie however went inside.

Missie didn't feel safe, Billy might but he wasn't a woman and the only woman in a house full of outlaws. Billy was her only protection and right now she didn't even trust him, he had decided this all himself. This would've been another reason she didn't want him riding with Jesse if he had discussed it with her.

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