Chapter 23

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Night fell and Billy headed out on his horse with Alias and the other men. They made their was to Camp Grant and waited in the woods for a shift change.

"We've got three minutes between guards. In and out," Alias said as the guard left his post.

They rode into the ranch and lassoed the horses.
Billy had his eye on a white horse.

"Come on, Billy! We gotta go!" Alias said.

Billy threw his lasso that landed on the horse, leading it out of the ranch.

They had done it.


The next morning Billy woke up and Missie wasn't in bed. He slowly sat up and saw she was already dressed for the day.

"Missie?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep. I don't agree with the stealing of that horse, but it was your decision, I respect it. I don't understand it, so please don't try to explain it to me. I'm just worried someone's going to find out, and Mr. Hooker is a man you don't want to cross."

"It'll be fine."

"Will it, Billy?" She asked tersely, a fire in her eyes. "You can't keep doing these risky things."

Billy sighed.

"Are you happy?" She asked.

"Of course I'm happy," Billy said, taking her hand.

"Then why are you jeopardizing our life?"

Billy paused and cupped her face. "I won't do it again, you have my word."

He kissed her as promised, gently brushing his thumb on her cheek.

She studied him. "I'm scared. I'm scared you're going to be taken from me."

"That'll never happen."

"You can't make that promise, Billy, and you know it."

He slowly kissed her neck as she wrapped her arms around his. "They'll have to bury me six feet down to keep me apart from you."

"Don't talk like that."

He slowly kissed her, cupping her face, deepening the kiss, melting Missie's thoughts as he kissed her breathless.

"I have to get to work," she breathed as his hands trailed her skin.

"Promise you're not mad at me?" He asked.

She sighed. "I can never stay mad at you for long."

He smirked, kissing the inside of her wrist.

"Will you let me take you to bed tonight?" He whispered.

She blushed and Billy smiled, they were well familiar with each other in the bed, but she still blushed. It was like she couldn't imagine she drove him wild with just a touch or just a look.

"Promise to sing to me?" She asked, her hands playing with his curls at the nape of his neck.

"Yes ma'am," he smiled.

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