Chapter 2

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It was just like every other night. Carlos, Missie and Billy were done in the kitchen at the Inn.

"Come on. Let's get outta here," Carlos spoke in Spanish.

The three of them laughed together as Billy wrapped his arm around Missie's waist and Carlos wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"The night is young. What shall we do, my friend?"

"Life is short. Whatever you wish, my friend."

"Then let's go play some monte. Fill our pockets."

The three of them entered the saloon.

Billy and Carlos found a table. Missie slid behind Billy's seat and ran her hand down his chest, kissing his cheek.

"For good luck. I'll get us some drinks," she whispered.

He gently squeezed her hand before bringing it to his lips before she went off.

Billy and Carlos started a game with another older man, the lady dealt and took their bets.

An older lady sat down at the table and Billy removed his hat nodding.

"Good evening Ma'am," he greeted.

"Good evening young man."

"Come on! Deal!" The older man shouted.

"He's crazy, ignore him," Billy spoke to Carlos.

"Place your bets."

Billy placed his bets as Missie came back with another drink, standing behind him, her hand finding his chest again.

"Bets in?" The dealer asked before she revealed the cards. "You win."

Billy smiled as he took his winnings, Missie giving him a kiss of reward. Carlos smiled and grabbed his winnings.

The older man reached for the pile but was stopped.

"You lose, sir," the dealer said.

"No, no, I don't. I don't lose. I never lose. Not to this fucking lousy Mexican!" The man shouted, shooting Carlos.

It had all been so fast, Missie and Billy couldn't stop it.

Billy quickly started to get up, reaching for his gun.

"Don't even think about it!" The man yelled.

"Carlos no!" Billy called as Carlos fell out of his seat, blood starting to soak his shirt.

Missie rushed to him, propping his head on her knees.

"Carlos," she cried, looking up at Billy and shaking her head. He was dead.

"Fuck! You're gonna fucking pay for this!" Billy yelled.

"Some advice- don't mess up your life for people who don't matter."

"He matters to me."

Billy got up and knelt down beside Carlos, feeling for a pulse.

"No," he whispered as his hand got stained with his blood.

Missie sobbed, her forehead resting on Carlos'.

"Will somebody fetch the fucking sheriff!" Billy shouted through tears.

"Where's the sheriff," a man asked, running off.

"What are you waiting for? Deal the fucking cards," the man who had just shot and killed in cold blood yelled at the dealer.

The rest of the night was a blur for Missie.

Billy had pulled her away from Carlos' body and when they stepped out Kathleen was outside with a small crowd as the Sheriff went in.

Kathleen wrapped her arms around Missie and Billy.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He shot him! In cold blood!" Billy cried.

Kathleen led them home and gave them a cup of tea that they both didn't touch. Eventually the two went to bed to try to sleep but sleep was impossible.

Missie slipped out of her bed and crept to Billy's room and opened the door.

The room was dark and Billy was in bed, his back to her.

"Billy?" She whispered, gripping her mother's locket that hung on her neck.

"Come here," Billy whispered, rolling over to face her, lifting his blankets.

She quickly crawled into bed with him, wrapping her arms around him as he wrapped his around her.

She sniffled as she started crying again.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Me too."

Billy rested his forehead on hers as he brushed his hands in her hair, his breath shaky.

"He really loved you," he whispered.

"I know," she sighed. "I hope he rests in peace."

Billy pulled her closer as he sobbed into her arms, her own tears mixing with his.

Eventually the two drifted off to sleep.

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