Chapter 24

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Billy left after Missie to take the horse to get new shoes. He grabbed the horse from the stables that he had put it in last night and saddled him up. Once he got the horse ready he walked down to the blacksmith.

He nodded as the blacksmith came out of the shop.

"Morning," he said.

"Yeah. What can I do for you, boy?" he asked.

"I was hoping you might be able to put new shoes on him," Billy answered.

The blacksmith came around and lifted the horses front leg, studying his hoof.

"How come a young fellow like you got such a fine young horse as this?" the blacksmith asked.

"I bought him," Billy lied.

"Who from? I know all the dealers around here."

"I bought him down in New Mexico."

"Oh." he said, and studied the horse. "He was branded," he said, his hand traces the brand on the horse's head. "I heard some horses got stolen up at Camp Grant. Did you steal him, boy? You steal him from the army? See, I'm ex-army myself. We used to shoot horse thieves."

Billy stared at him hard. "And I told you... I bought him down in New Mexico. Listen, if you don't want the business..."

"Who said I didn't want it?"

Billy eyed him and then started to walk off.

"What's your name?" the blacksmith asked.

"William H. Bonney," he answered, grabbing his cardigan from the horses bag and walking away.

He spent the rest of the day in the saloon, watching Missie. That was close, too close. Maybe Missie was right. However, it was done and over now, and he wasn't going to do it again.

He watched his wife work, as he sipped on his whiskey and played poker. The men never crossed her, she was a spitfire and sassy, handling the men when they needed it. She only softened when it was just him around. The men knew, she was his.

Eventually night fell and Billy came up to her after everyone else had left. She softly smiled at him, patting his chest as she passed him, wiping off the bar.

"Alice, is it alright if I head on out early tonight?" Missie asked.

Alice turned and saw Billy leaning on the bar, eyeing Missie with lust.  Alice laughed and waved her off. "Have fun you two," she called out as the two left the bar.

Billy wanted to sling her over his shoulder and run home, but he restrained himself as she took his arm and they walked back home in the night. He listened as she talked about the latest town gossip that she heard over the day and finally they were home.

Missie lit a candle and Billy quickly kissed her, pinning her to the wall, he deepened the kiss, breathing her in.

"I've been waiting all day," he whispered, kissing her neck.

He quickly grabbed her, lifting her over his shoulder.

"Billy!" She squealed as he patted her bottom.

"You're my wife, I can smack your ass if I want to."

"Oh really?" She asked as she smacked him back. 

"Keep that up and I'll have you squirming under me all night," he smiled as he tossed her onto their bed.

She lifted herself on her elbows. "I dare you," she said, her sass coming out as she pulled on his suspenders and pulled him onto her lips.

He groaned as he felt her palm him over his pants.

"You've waited all day?" She hummed, taking his straps off.

"All day," he breathed.

She rolled over so she straddled him as she worked at the buttons of his shirt, running her hands up and down his chest.

"Watching you work and all I could think about was undressing you," he breathed.

She smiled as she slowly undid her corset. Billy watched as she undressed herself on top of him and as she removed his clothes. He watched as she slowly crawled back on top of him, her lips trailing his skin.

He wanted this and only this all the time. He didn't know if he believed in heaven anymore but in times like these, he was positive it was real.

He groaned as she palmed him again before she slowly slid on top of him. He watched as she slowly moaned, rolling her head back like she had been wanting this for as long as he had. He guided her hips before he rolled them over. 

Missie didn't fight it as he grabbed her hand, his free hand wandering and touching her everywhere she wanted, needed, to be touched.
She kept her hand on top of his to keep him from moving it away as his lips explored her skin.

The two of them making love.

She unraveled under him, his name falling from her lips as fell from her high. Her body slackened in relief and she hummed in happiness as Billy reached his own peak.

He stayed on top of her for a moment as he relaxed, her hands running through his hair. He softly kissed her collarbone as he whispered their Irish love song in her ear before sleep fell over them.

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