Chapter 42

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Billy didn't want to have to gamble again, but he knew they had no choice, they had spent their last penny on the doctor. It was a terrible hand at life they had been dealt, but he was willing to risk it once more just to get a little something in their pockets.

Missie had been displeased, however, she couldn't stop him, no matter how much she tried to talk him out of it. Billy was stubborn and as much as she loved that about him, it also was the most infuriating thing.

Billy promised he'd come back to her, that he would be careful, and it was just this once. He had done his best to sound confident, but Ortiz was not a man to cross. He knew he would have to be careful in how they played this.

"Diamonds yet again," Ortiz said. "Place your bets."

The men threw their bets into the center of the table, a few of them taking a sip of their drinks.

"Show your cards."

Billy walked in, taking a seat at the empty spot at the table, glancing at Melquiades who sat across from him. Billy placed a few bullets and his gun on the table.

"It's all I got."

"Three," Ortiz said, placing three coins on the table for Billy.

Billy eyed them a moment before he took them, watching Melquiades who smirked.

"Place your bets."

The night went on as Billy continued to play round after round. Billy watched carefully as Ortiz dealt the hand. He stopped him when he noticed his deal with Melquiades.

"You made a mistake amigo. I don't think that was the top card."

"My mistake."

Ortiz took the card back and dealt the first card on top. An ace.

"Place your bets."

Billy glanced at Melquiades, they finally had figured out how he cheats. They had caught him.

"Show your cards."

"Straight flush," Melquiades said. "Pure luck! It happens sometimes. Here you go! One, two, three," Melquiades counted out the coins, handing Billy his gun back. "Better luck next time!"

Billy and Melquiades made it out of there and the two laughed, splitting the money.

"I can't believe you caught the son of the bitch!" Melquiades laughed.

Billy shook his head. "He's good at it, took me almost all night to catch him."

"It's a good thing you did, I was about to lose everything. You know what this means now though right?"

Billy looked at him.

"We can't stay here in Chihuahua, he will not be happy that we discovered his cheating ways."

"What do you mean?"

"He will ostracize us. Make us the bad guys, he'll have his men hunt us down."

Billy glanced back at the gambling house. He hadn't thought of that. However, he wouldn't put it past Ortiz, he didn't seem like the man who would just let something like this go.

"It's alright my friend, we have enough money to leave."

Billy wasn't worried about the money, he was worried about how Missie would take the news of having to up and leave again.


He slowly entered their room where Missie was asleep in bed. He slowly unbuckled his holster, setting it on the dresser as he took off his hat. They hadn't been here long, it felt like they had just gotten here. He pulled his suspender straps off, sighing.

"Did you win?" Missie asked, her voice soft as she slowly woke.

Billie turned to face her. She looked so comforting as she sat up in bed, her curls falling down her shoulders.

"I did," He nodded, glancing at the window.

"We have to leave don't we?" She asked.

He always wondered how she always knew what he was thinking, a talent, and a curse.

He slowly nodded.

"When?" She asked.


Missie nodded. Her silent acceptance cut at him. He knew she wasn't wanting this, but she also knew that the men he played with wouldn't let him go without a fight. 

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