Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I look at the box that contains the hair things that Tusani’s  friend had brought. I am seated on the floor just in front of the mirror and I take the spray and look at it. It’s called Aunt Jackie. I smell it and it smells nice. I like the smell more than the Cuticura that I use on my head. I start spraying my head and I touch my hair as I am spraying and the product is runny. I quickly rub it on my head as some of the contents run on my forehead. I giggle and smell my hand and it smells nice. I like this, I open another one and I start with the cream and then I put it on my head and it smells nice. I look at myself through the mirror. I like these products and I think I will use them more often if they will make my head smell this nice. I close the products and put them in the box and grab a hair comb from the box and I quickly comb my hair and do some braids with my hair and tuck it away. I like it like that, it gets out of the way and people will not have to look at my hair that much. I need something to cover my head though just so that my hair is kept away. Even though some of my hair is peaking through whatever I have on my head but it is less of what people will see.
I get off the floor and I take the box and  go and put my new things away.
It’s the following day, I have bathed and had my breakfast quiet earlier. I didn’t want Tusani to find me eating. I don’t know when I will get the rest of my new clothes because I need some things from there that we ordered. I am seated on the chair and the door opens and I look at it and it is him, he walks in the room and I get off the chair and stand just next to it. He smiles when he sees me and that little tug comes back again. The little thoughts in my mind of his great face are imbedded in my mind. I like the way he is dressed too, it is just so nice and his perfume smells nice too.
“Hey, you look beautiful”, I look at him and utter a “Thank you”
I am getting the hang of this other people interaction thing.
“How long have you been waiting for me?”, he asks.
“I have been up since 6h20”, I say.
That is what my phone clock said when I woke up.
“Are you ready?”
He comes closer to me and stands in front of me.
“You will be okay, just trust me and we will have some fun okay?”, I nod my head.
“Okay”, I nod my head.
He takes my hand into his and tells me that we can now leave. We move out of the little place that I now live in all alone and he locks the door before we proceed down the stairs leaving house number 32.
“Your friend came yesterday”, I say.
“He did mention about the bedroom set, I forgot to call and tell you”
“I cant get calls because of that aeroplane on my phone”, I say.
“I will remove it from aeroplane mode”, he says and I nod my head.
“What if my aunt calls me?”
He looks at me and pulls me closer to him.
“Don’t worry about her, you don’t need to talk to her or answer her calls if you don’t want to”, I nod my head.
“Okay then”, we get to his car and I get inside while he does the same too.
The car smells nice and sweet where I am seated and I like that smell.
“I like the smell in here. It’s sweet”, I say.
He looks at me and smiles lightly.
“You would like to have that smell?”
“It’s Sena’s perfume. She uses it with some other body sprays”, he says.
“She smells nice.”, I say.
The car starts driving off and there is music playing in the car. I keep on bobbling my head back and forth while listening to the song on the radio. I quickly take out my phone and get onto reading. I am almost done with this novel and I have two more before I run out of something to read. Tusani looks at me before he focuses on the road and takes my hand into his and I look at him.
“What is wrong?”
“Nothing, I just want to hold your hand”, I nod my head.
“We will use condoms when we have sex so you do not get pregnant okay?”, he says and I nod my head.
I wonder how it is like though. Getting pregnant,I know that maybe I would not be the best mother as I cannot at times look out for my own and I am slow but I just wonder how it feels when a baby kicks inside of you.
“I want a baby one day to feel it inside of my stomach”, I say and he places his hand on my stomach.
“It will look cute on you”, I smile.
I place my hand on my stomach and he removes his hand. He did well because I didn’t want him to touch me there while I am touching. Soon enough we get to the mall and he parks his car and we both get out. We make our way inside. He seems a bit known with him being greeted by people and they greet me too as ask about me and he mentions we are together and related. I don’t remember us being related. As far as I know is that I am Zanokuhle Ngubo not Lembede.
“Why did you say we are related?”
“We relate to you trying to be normal”, he says and I frown more.
“Don’t think much about it baby”, I look at him.
“I am not your family, I am a Ngubo”, I say and fold my arms.
As much as Nomfundo is annoying but I am related to her. My aunt is surely not related to the Lembede’s too.
“Okay, I am sorry baby. Don’t be upset”,he says and I look at him.
He returns the gesture and then sighs before he stops us and kisses my forehead.
“Forgive me”, I just keep my silence.
He sighs and takes my hand into his and we go to where the movies are. I feel like people are watching me but when I look, some are looking and some are just minding their own. We get where the movies are and there is a selection of them. I have never really watched movies in the theater so this will be my first time and I feel bubbles in my stomach as I just imagine how it would be like, scary or just okay? Will I be able to enjoy my first time here or not?
“Nono, what movie would you like to watch?”, he asks and I look at him.
He sighs and stands in front of me.
Silence, I am not upset with what he said but I am just confused on why he would lie.
“Why did you lie?”
“I am sorry for hurting your feelings”
“You didn’t hurt my feelings, you were lying”, he sighs.
“Can we just move past this? I said I am sorry”, he rubs his face and sighs once again.
“You are not being sincere therefore I do not forgive you.”
“Right now you are acting childish Zanokuhle and sizoxabana. Pick a movie!”, his hoarse voice brings out an intimidating tone. I cower within my skin as a feeling of fear creeps in.
I keep my silence and look at him.He takes my hand into his and we go to where a lady is standing behind the counter.Tickets are bought and so as the food. He chose the movie and I am not even moved by that. I do not care actually what is being watched because it is not fun anymore for me.
The movie starts and people seem to be enjoying what is being watched and here I am not even finding things funny, the jokes are not that funny too. I don’t like the movie and quiet frankly I don’t want to be here anymore.
“I want to go home”, I start to sniff, Tusani looks at me and stops eating pop corn.
“I want to go home. I don’t want to be here anymore”, tears stream down my cheeks and he sighs.
“The movie isn’t half way yet”, he says.
I keep on crying and I sniff in between.
“Okay”, he gets up and he tells me to get up too and I do.
He takes our snacks and we leave the theater and it gets brighter when we are outside that room. I don’t like the outside. It is not nice.
We are silent and I am still wiping my tears. I am hurt mostly by that I was lied to that this would be fun. This is not fun at all.
“I want to go back home”, I say.
“I am taking you back to your place”, he says.
“I want to go back to Kzn”, I say and he looks at me.
“Zano you know that can’t be possible for now”, he says and pulls me with him out of the mall.
We get to his car and we get inside. I buckle the seatbelt and look outside the window. I don’t like it here anymore.
The drive if filled with silence and my little sniffs and Tusani keeps on tapping on the steering wheel. His phone rings and he takes it out and cusses under his breath.
“Shit!”, he says before he answers the call.
“Hello”, he says then he listens in on the caller.
I wipe my tears here and there and I sniff, his call is cut short with him mentioning that he would be there in just 10 minutes.
I hear him on another call talking to someone and asking if they can take me home because he needs to rush to an important appointment that he forgot about. He hangs up right after the call and looks at me.
“Someone will come and fetch you then take you home”, he says.
“To Kzn?”, I turn to look at him.
My voice is low and almost breaking.
“No Zano. You are going back to the flat. I will talk to you after my appointment”, he says.
I keep my silence and sniff.
“Give me your phone so I can get it out of flight mode”, he says.
I give it to him and he does that and gives it back.
“Zano”, I look at him and he sighs.
“We will talk later okay?”, I just nod my head and let him be.
We arrive at another place and he parks the car near the side of the road and he takes out his phone and get’s a hold of whoever that he wants. Just shortly after us waiting a car comes and parks in front of his car.
“I don’t want to leave with a stranger”
“I know, that’s why I asked Bhungane to take you home”, I look at him as he gets out of the car and I follow after him.
“Wipe your face Zano. You look red now”, he says and I wipe my tears with my hands.
His friend steps out of the car and they meet half way, Tusani thanks him and tells him that he owes him one. Before we know it I am taken inside the car. I look at Tusani leaving and his friend getting inside. His face is becoming more and more familiar.
“Hello Zano”, I keep my silence.
He keeps quiet as well and starts the car then drives off. I wipe my face and I look outside the window.
I am not even familiar with this place.
“Where are we?”, I turn and look at him and he takes a glimpse off me.
“The area?”
“Cape town”, he frowns after that and I nod my head.
“Where are you from?”
“Ladysmith”, I turn to the window.
He keeps quiet after that and I do the same. His phone ring and he takes it out. He is really dark skinned and it’s too smooth too.
He answers his phone. I take out mine and get onto reading just to distract my mind. I just want to be alone and get home now.
Soon we get to where house 32 is and I try to open the door but it is locked.
“Did Tusani do anything to you?”, I look at him.
“He doesn’t want to take me home”, I say.
He sighs.
“I will talk to him”, I nod my head.
He takes out his phone.
“You can take my number in case you need anything”, he says.
I look at him.
“You want to be my friend?”, I ask.
“If you want to”, I look at him and give him my number. He sings it back to me and calls it after that and it rings.
He disconnects the call and looks at me.
“Don’t let Tusani bully you”, I nod my head.
“Okay, I want to make bread. I don’t have yeast”, I say and I get out of the car.
He chuckles and I close the door. He hops out from his side as well and places his hands in his pocket. He is so tall, I didn’t know that Tusani could be short.
“What bread are you making?”
“I want to make chillie cheese rolls”, I say and walk away from him.
He soon follows after me and I look back at him and stop.
“Why are you following me?”
“I want to make sure you are safe”
“You didn’t lock your car”, I blink looking at him. I will not stare down if he stares at me then I will stare back too!
“Nothing will happen to it”,he says.
“You are creepy”, I say and turn around and he follows after me until I get to house 32.
I unlock the door and get inside and turn to look at this man standing outside the door.
“Bye Zano”
“Bye”, I close the door on him and a knock comes from the door.
I open it, he is still standing there. He stares.
“If I get the rolls for you,can I get one chillie cheese roll?”, he says.
“ 1 roll?”
He nods.
“Okay”, I close the door on him and leave him there.
I have been cooped up in the bedroom reading and I am done already with the book that I was reading, I even fell asleep from all the crying that I did and I didn’t like Tusani for today.  I woke up and I went to the bathroom to pee and I heard my phone ringing. I went to it and it is a number I am not familiar with. I answer it curiously.
“Who is this?”
“Tusani, didn’t you save my number?”
He keeps quiet and sighs.
“You are still upset with me”
“I am sorry.”
“Okay”, I keep my silence.
“I miss you, I miss sleeping next to you”
“Why don’t you come and sleep next to me?”
“I can’t I have work baby. You know that but tomorrow I will come and show you how sorry I am”
“I will see you Nono”
“Okay, bye”
“By…”, I hang up.
A knock comes from the front door and I rush to go and open the door and Tusani’s friend stands infront of it carrying some plastic in his hands.
“I am sorry for returning late”, he says and I look at him.
“It’s okay”, I say and he asks to come in and I let him in.
He tells me that he got stuff for me and I take them. It’s juice, cake,wine and also some rolls and yeast.
“Thank you”
He  nods his head.
“I have never drank alcohol before”, I tell him.
“I am sorry, you don’t have to drink wine”, he says.
“Do you drink it?”
“I have but I like whiskey”, he says and leans against the kitchen counter and looks at me. I look at him.
“What do you like doing that is normal?”, I ask.
“Nothing I do is normal”, his stare is getting intense.
Silence prevails between us.
“What do you do here all day?”
“I read and cook. I love cooking”, I smile and take the rolls.
I start taking the cheese out of the fridge and take out my pan. I will fry some sausage. I operate the stove well and I smile. I am happy with the progress.
“What can you cook?”
“A lot of things”, he nods his head.
He watches me as I am making the rolls for the both of us since he had asked.
“How did you and Tusani become friends?”,I find myself asking.
“Through my cousin,they are best friends”
“Is he not your friend?”
“I just know him”, he says and I nod.
“Your face looks better now, it was red before when you were crying”, he says.
I keep quiet, I don’t want him to start insulting me.
I carry on with what I am making with him watching until I am done. I give him his roll and he thanks me.
He takes a bite while standing and I sit on the kitchen floor. He chews his food well that his Adams apple moves with the way he chews. Its visible in that manner. He swallows before he speaks. 
“It’s nice, you should come and cook for me when the twins come over. They would like this”, I smile at the mention of two creatures who possibly look alike.
“Are they your children?”, I ask.
“No, they are my sister’s kids. She just moved this side with her family”, he says.
He has a sibling. That must be annoying.
“I want to have one child if they are not twins”, I say and start eating.
He looks at me.
“You want to have children?”
“Sex leads to that right? Though Tusani said that we will not have one”,I say.
“What are you with Tusani? Is he your boyfriend?”
“He didn’t ask to be my boyfriend so no. He is teaching me how to be normal”, he chuckles.
“Normal? You are normal Zano you just need to get out more”
“I am slow, I can’t grasp things.”
“That doesn’t mean shit and Tusani is using you as his sperm dish you know that…”, he keeps quiet.
“I am not a dish that stores sperms I am human. I am not that.”
“Stop sleeping with Tusani. You don’t want to be hurt Zano”
“He is my friend”, he chuckles.
“Okay”, he grabs another roll and I get off the floor.
“Hey, you said 1”, I put up my finger.
“I will eat on Tusani’s behalf since he is full from eating you”, he turns around and walks off and I follow after him.
“I am not food wena!”
“You are!”,he shouts from the door.
“Come back here”, he just called me food. Tears prickle my eyes, he is being rude!
He opens the door and shuts it behind him after that and I cry. I don’t want him here again!
I am left with tears staining my cheeks.

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