Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

My heart jumps just at seeing her there like she had promised, I run to where she is as she smiles while looking at her forgetting about the Driver and Bhungane behind me who at this moment have been shut out from my surroundings. I get to her and stop in front of her and she looks at me and smiles while she has flowers in her hands.
“Hello Zano”, I smile and look at parts of Bhungane on her face.
“Hello, you came as promised”, I say.
“I did”
“I also came as I said I will”, she laughs and hands over the flowers to me.
“These are for you”, excitement brews in me.
“Thank you”, I say and I look at them as I take them.
They are beautiful and I also love them too, the ones I got from Bhungane are left back in Johburg and Happy promised to look after them with her life and I trust that she would or she would be lying if she is not going to do that.
I hug her unexpectedly and she is taken aback at first before she hugs me back and rubs my back.
“I missed you”, I say honestly.
“I missed you too Zano”, I like Mrs Mthimkhulu so much, she is something that my aunt is not and reminds me of my sweet grandmother. I loved her, I wish she didn’t have to die then when she died.
“Sawubona mah”,we break the hug and Bhungane has caught up to us, the driver nowhere to be seen with my things and his.
“Where are our things?”, I ask.
“Gumede took them”, he says and I nod my head.
“Oh, okay then”, I say.
“Hello Nkosana”,His mother says and they greet each other and soon the little reunion is over and we are leaving the airport. It was fun being in Johburg while it lasted and now I just cannot wait to spend some time with Bhungane’s mother. I haven’t cooked in over a week and I didn’t feel good while there. Though I enjoyed some time there but I am good here, plus there is a beach here too!
“Did you enjoy your getaway Zano?”, Mrs Mthimkhulu asks.
We are now on our way to her house, the drive from where we are to where we are going is going to be a bit long but I don’t really mind it at all.
“A bit, I think I might have sisters and I will only know when we get DNA results. I made friends”, friends, I really made friends in a short space of time.
“And you with Nkosana?Are you together now?”, she has a young smile on her face.
It is good that Bhungane is in the other car with the driver and I am travelling with his mother. We are now gossiping about him.
I giggle and cover my mouth.
“Is he treating you right? I hope that he is not forcing you into this”, she says and I look at her.
“No he is not, I want him to be my boyfriend.”
“That’s good then”, she says.
“He wants us to move to Johannesburg for a year because of his work and he said I will make my choice if I want to come and stay with him or not”
“That’s tough Zano, I don’t want you guys to co-habit especially since you are finding yourselves as well but you are old and can make your own decisions that I can’t make for you guys”
“I want to stay here, if I am far away from you then what will happen to me?”, she giggles and steals a glimpse off me.
“You will be fine Zano. There are Culinary schools in Gauteng and also you and Nkosana need to come to a common conclusion”
“I will think about it”, I say.
“That’s all you need to do”, she says and I just nod my head. I will think about it, I don’t know if I would like to live there but I also would like to be near Nkosana too. This is all too complicated as well for me.
We soon get to her house and she parks the car and Nkosana with the driver are already there and they are just waiting for us. We go towards them and then Nkosana tells us that our things are inside. He came back with me because he didn’t want me to travel alone and I am glad that he is here. I like sitting with him a lot when I am not alone.
I jump on the bed and lay on my stomach while wrapped in a towel. I had just gotten out of the shower, we had some dinner and I asked Bhungane’s mom if I can go and rest and she told me that I can, I have never slept over here. Yes I have been here a couple of times but being able to sleep over it is something else and this place is very spacious too. Bhungane and I are to sleep in separate rooms and I am okay with it, I want to turn on the bed however I want without having to worry who I am kicking at night or if I will hurt someone but I like it when Nkosana holds me at night, its nice or when I sleep on his chest. I think he thinks I am his human teddy bear. Maybe he thinks I am one, I do look like one, do I?
A knock on the door comes on and I turn and look at the door before I get off the bed and go to the door to open and he stands there. He looks at me.
“I am sorry to disturb you”, I hold onto my towel tightly.
“You want to come in?”, he nods his head then he clears his throat.
I move out of the way and make way for him to come inside and he walks in the room. I close the door behind me and walk over to where he is and he sits on the bed.
“Are you okay?”, I ask and he lightly smiles and looks at  me.
“I am fine Zano”, he says.
“I am still yet to find a pet name for you, I haven’t found a great one and baby is too usual for me”, I say and he smiles.
“I like it when you call me Nkosana”, he says and I sit next to him.
“It’s your not official name right?”, he smiles and shakes his head.
“Yes it is Zano”, he says.
Silence is between us for a moment.
“Let me go and get dressed”, I say.
I get off the bed.
“Have you moisturized your body yet?”
“No, do you want to do it?”, he smiles wider.
“If you don’t mind”,I return the smile.
“I don’t, mind.”, I say and rush to take my cosmetics bag.
“Where are the other lingiries you said you bought?”, he asks and I turn to him holding my things.
“They are in my bag , you want me to wear it. I can but I can only see it because you are not sleeping here”, I say and he gets up from the bed and comes towards me and he grabs my cosmetic bag.
“I can still see it even if I am not sleeping here”, he looks at me so intensively and I swallow.
I hold onto my towel properly and I feel like I cannot move anymore.
“Should I get it?”
“Okay”, he moves from me and goes to my suitcase and he  opens it and gets what is inside that he wants and closes it.
I am still standing where I am. He comes back and he goes and puts everything on the bed as I watch him and he comes and picks me up and my heart skips a beat.
“I will not let you fall”, he says looking at me and I nod my head.
I am choosing to trust him right now. He gets me on the bed and I get on. He takes my cosmetic bag and opens it. He looks through it before he gets out my lotion and opens it before he squeezes it on his hand and he then puts it on the bed before he starts with my arms before he goes to my neck then he goes down my stomach and back. He keeps on going to refill on his hands then he gently takes one of my legs and does it well and goes to the other one and he finishes and looks at me as he has my leg in his hand.
“Lay down on your back”, he says and I listen and lay on my back. He picks up my other leg and parts them.
“What is…”, he interrupts me.
“Trust me Zano”, he says and I nod my head.
I trust him. I feel his tongue on me just between my thighs and moves to kissing my nuna before  his tongue starts playing down there. I close my eyes feeling the pleasure of him licking and sucking on me.
“That feels nice Nkosana”, I say softly to the tingles that build up within me.
He moves his head from between my thighs and I turn my head to the side and try to look at him. He inserts his finger inside my hold and another slowly and I squirm a bit.
“Are you okay?”
He slowly starts to thrust them inside of me and it feels good,it makes me feel good. He gets up without removing his fingers or stopping the activity that he is busy with and hovers over me. He leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips and I return it releasing a soft moan from my lips.
“Am I hurting you?”
“No”, I say as he breaks the kiss.
He increases the pace of his fingers in me as he pulls a pillow from behind me and he tells me to get my back up a bit and he lets me rest my head on the pillow.
My insides starts to twitch and I feel like I am about to release whatever that is inside of me.
“I want to release”,I say.
“Hold it in a bit Zano”, he says and I take a deep breath in.
I want to let this go right now but I obey what he is saying. He goes back down on me and his tongue works with his fingers. I cannot hold it in anymore so I let it go and my legs lightly shake a bit to the intense ness of holding such in. It  should be very illegal at this point to do that to someone. I hold onto the sheets for a moment and try to calm down. He gets up and parts of his lower face and his facial hairs are wet. He smirks as he looks down on me and licks his two fingers and I frown.
“Why are you doing that?”
“I am tasting more of you”
“I am not food”, I say frowning more and he chuckles. He comes closer to me.
“Well I ate you up like food and you liked it”, I swallow and bite my bottom lip.
“Go and clean your face please”, I say, he chuckles.
“Okay”, he moves away from me and goes to the bathroom I was in, he comes back after some time with his face cleaned up.
He has a towel in his hand and he tells me to open my legs and I do. He cleans me up and I look at him. I need to tell my friends this, it is something I am not used to.
He gets my little curtain that I will wear and he helps me put it on. He takes off his shoes and opens the bed and tucks me in before he gets on the bed and gets behind me.
“You can’t sleep here”, I say. He looks at me.
“I will leave once you are asleep. I promise”, he says and I nod my head.
“Can I get a goodnight kiss?”,I nod my head and turn to kiss him and I close my eyes and then break the kiss before I move closer to him and he wraps his arms around me as I lay on his chest.
I like him, I love him and it feels nice.
Morning came rather too early for me to even think of catching another dream, I woke up to the bed empty but it does show that someone was here before with me in bed. I got off and rushed to go and bath . After yesterday I want to make sure that I do not smell by any chance. I get done and wear a dress and then I move out of the bedroom and I find the driver walking down the passage.
“Good morning Mrs Ngubo”
“Good morning, have you finished your muffins?”, I ask.
“No, I only had a few for now but I will finish them”, I nod my head and smile.
“I hope you like them”, he lightly smiles.
“They are nice”, he says and I nod my head.
“Okay, bye”, I say and move away from him.
I want to go and check on Nkosana if he is awake or not. I don’t want to go downstairs alone. I get to the room he is using and I knock on the door and stand there for some time, there is no response. I knock again and I hear some shuffling before the door opens and he is still in his boxers.
“You didn’t have to wake up this early baby”, he says while yawning and rubbing his eyes.
“It is 7 am, its late and the sun is out”, I say and he looks at me and squints his eyes.
“There are helpers here Zano and I am sure my mother is still rolling on her comfortable bed.”
“I know, I am hungry and I don’t want to go alone downstairs”,I say.
“Okay, come. I will make some cereals for you then you can have them here in my room. We will sleep after,deal?”, I nod my head with a smile.
“Okay, I didn’t bring my pyjamas from my room”, I say.
“You can wear my t-shirt”, he says.
“No, I want my pyjamas”, I say.
“Okay, fine we will get your pyjamas.”, I smile.
We leave his room and we go downstairs together. We get to the kitchen and he picks me up and gets me on the counter before he goes to the fridge and cupboards and takes out what he needs. He gets a bowel for me and makes some cereals for me. I will take it because he made it and he is making it for me too.
I swing my legs as I look around this kitchen, I can’t help but fall in love with it every chance I get when I am in here.
He finishes up and he asks if I want some fruits in my cereal and I say no. I just want it like that with a teaspoon of sugar.
He gets it done for me and he comes and gets me down. He takes my hand into his and we walk out of the kitchen going back upstairs. We go to my room and I rush to change out of what I am wearing and I wear my pyjamas and take my slippers and wear my gown. We get out of the room I am using and we bump into his mother still in her nightwear.
“Good morning”, she says.
“Good morning, how are you?”, I ask. I like this woman. She smiles.
“Why is your man looking like he is dead while you look alive?”, she asks.
“We went to the kitchen and he made cereals for me. He wants to sleep”, I say.
She laughs.
“Okay,I am going to get some water and get back in my room too. I will have breakfast later”, she says.
We part ways and go to Nkosana’s room. We get inside and he close the door and locks it before I go to bed and I snuggle to where it is open and sit up against this huge headboard. He comes and hands me my food and I thank him, he smiles and gets in bed on the other side and lays on his pillow.
“I am not sleepy though, what should I do when I am done eating?”, I ask.
“You can hold your man as he sleep”, I nod my head.
I will do just that.
“Sleep”, I say and he lays his head on my thighs and I look at him before I carry on with eating my cereals.
I am one to never eat in bed so this is a first. I start humming softly as I am eating up until I am done with my food and he is asleep now. I put my dish on the side table and then I lift his head up a bit and he moves it to his pillow. I get under the covers and he pulls me to him and I wrap my arms around him. He kisses my forehead as I am close to him.
Is he not sleeping kanti?
“Are you sleeping?”, I ask.
“Yes”, he says.
“Someone who is sleeping doesn’t talk and you snore when you are sleeping”, he laughs.
“Zano that’s shade. I don’t snore”, he still has his eyes closed as he is saying this.
“You do, you do this sometimes”, I imitate how he snores when he is really sleeping and he laughs.
Then he opens his eyes.
“Can you breathe when you do that?”
“Yes I can, you talk too much baby”, he says and I gasp.
I do not, he turns us and lets me sleep on top of him and now I look at him.
“I don’t talk too much.”
“You have your days, but I like how honest you are”, he says.
“There is no reason to lie, is there?”
“No”, I lay my head on his chest and he gives me another forehead kiss.
“I love you like this”
“I am special”
“My special woman”, he says.
We lay in that position for some time and I am feeling warm too, I end up feeling drowsy and I slept on his chest that moment.


Schools are about to open quiet soon and I am not ready to deal with 3 boys at the same time, having children at the same time is all cute until you have to take them home and they are yours forever but I always think of how much I went through to actually see my little boys grow up and I am grateful for that.
Nomvula and Lange are down in Mooi river to fetch the kids, all 4 of them from my parents place and I am sure the reason why the are still there it is because of my mother, she loves her grandchildren so much. Maybe it is because the fantastic 4 are the only grandchildren she has. I don’t blame her though, I will do the same when I am old and a grandmother too.
I am outside in the garden, I went to the boutique yesterday to check on things and they are going well. I am on my sketch book, trying to design something. I had to learn that as a great sewer and also to be able to expand my business well too in my collection and it is going great for me so far, slowly but surely it is going well for me and I have no one to thank but God and my wonderful husband too but mostly God.
“So this is where you are hiding yourself”,I look behind me and Thulani makes his way towards where I am seated and he comes and lowers his head to my level and we share a perk.
“I wanted to get some ideas running before the kids come back”
“The house has been quiet and lonely without them”, it has been, I miss them at times.
“I miss them”, I say.
He comes and sits next to me.
“Let me see what you have there”,I smile and hand over my book to him and he looks at it.
I know he doesn’t understand what he is seeing so I explain it to him and he looks at me as I am explaining.
“I cannot believe you chose to marry me”,he says and I blush.
“What do you mean?Who should I have chosen if not you?”
“I mean I sleep and wake up to this beautiful human next to me everyday and I have kids with it, I mist be one lucky bustard”, I gasp and giggle before I lightly push him.
I am blushing.
“You are going to make my cheeks fall”, he laughs.
“That cant happen MaZungu”
“Can I have my book so I can run away from you?”, I say.
He hands over my book and looks at me.
“Everything will be okay and will be back to normal okay?”, I sigh and nod my head.
“I am worried about Nomvula, I know she is strong but this is a test in their marriage. I am praying that they get through this. I don’t understand why would the Hawks want to investigate Lange? Everything he does with you guys is clean. What if they start looking through our companies too as he has some shares in them as you guys all do in each other’s companies.”
He pulls me to him.
“I am sorry about this; it will be okay and there is nothing to hide. They will not find anything but in the meantime put us in your prayers like you always do and since Jabu and Bhungane are moving this side, things will be a bit okay for us until this all dies down.”
“I will pray for you guys”, I say and sigh.
I hope everything goes well for my sister and her husband. For all of us because Lange is one of the major share holders and this image is not great for any of the businesses his name is linked with.


We woke up a bit later, well I did because I woke up with this man not here in bed like we were before. He was no where to be found up until I left his room and went to freshen up and decided to go downstairs. I heard some noise and I knew then that the twins were here. They see me and run towards me and I wait for them to reach me and they look up to me.
“Hello aunty Zano”, Aunty, did I tell you that they call me aunty? I am an aunt now.
“Hello girls”, I say and they smile.
These little juke boxes are so cute even though they ask too many questions and talk a lot.
“We have something to tell you, mommy took us to spur and we played and played and played and played and then and… and then another child came and pushed Zuki in the slide and we cried”
“Yes and she wanted to bite me”
“Do you bite people aunty?”, my head Is spinning already.
“Girls!”, they turn and Luu appears.
“Hello Zano, I am sorry they are bothering you.”, she says.
“They still talk a lot”, I say and she laughs.
“They heard you are here and wanted to see you before they go somewhere with their father.”,she says.
“Aunty, can you give me your hair?”, I touch my hair.
“No”, I frown.
“Girls, you can’t give someone your hair”, they scare me. They are going to cry and I know it.
They always do when I say no about giving my hair and then Luu ends up promising to buy them hair like mine. I run away from them. They scare me so much and I think I had an enough dosage of them today. They can come back after Christmas even. 

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