Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

“Are you okay?”,I turn to look at Nkosana and I nod my head with a smile. 
He is worried even though we are almost at the hospital but he is worried. 
“You are feeling any pain?”,He asks.
“ A little bit but it's not bad”,I say.
“Okay.”,He says.
“I am going back to school right when we go back home?”,I ask. I don't want to restart everything. I just want to finish the year and then graduate.
“If you are okay”,He says and I nod my head. 
We are in the back seat while his cousin is driving and his mother is seated next to him. 
They didn't change. They just hoped into the car and 2 more cars are following us behind. It's the grandparents, his father and everyone else who wanted to come to the hospital with us. 
“I am sorry for taking the spotlight from you Sanele”,I say and he chuckles. 
“It's okay Zano. I wasn't doing a big thing anyway. Just something small”,he says.
“I will let you hold the baby first after us”,I say and he laughs so as Nkosana's mother.
“Okay”,I turn to look at Nkosana and he is just so worried.  We get to the hospital and the cars park and we hop out of the car.  Nkosana assists me and he closes the door behind me and I feel like it is burning in between my thighs. 
His mother gets my bag with my things and we make our way inside. What will the baby wear? We didn't buy anything yet. We were going to do it after we have gotten back home. 
“The baby needs something to wear after the come”,I say.
“The other aunt's will take care of that. They will be here soon”,I nod my head. 
We walk to the reception.
Here we are, all almost 30 of us in the hospital just to see if the baby is coming today or not. I had to be registered on their system and I was allocated a doctor and bed so quickly. I asked if the doctor can contact my doctor and tell him what is happening. I don't want him surprised when I come back with a baby. I get allocated in a ward and I am sharing with this lady who seems to be in pain. I have changed into something comfortable and I asked for some water just to be hydrated. Everyone is just waiting in anticipation.
The doctor came to check on me and told me that my water did break and I am about to give birth. 
I was so scared a bit, seeing the lady across me in pain scared me. She was pacing up and down while her husband rubbed her back and she would get on the bed and the doctor's would check on her. 
“We should get Zano a private room quickly I don't want her triggered”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says.
“I agree”,She nods and she and her husband move to go and get that room.
Nkosana holds my hand.
“How are you feeling?”
“Okay,when do I start screaming aunty like those women”,One of Nkosana's aunt's laughs.
“It depends on the pain Zano and it's an instant reaction”,she says and I nod my head. 
The doctor comes back after some time and he checks me.
“I think she is ready.Is the father of the child coming in?”,He asks and I nod my head. 
“Yes”,I say. 
“Okay, that's fine”,The nurses and him start moving my stroller and I wave my hand to everyone and tell them I will see them when I am a mom. 
I can't wait to see what Nkosana and I created. I can't believe it, it feels like a movie. A faded movie for that matter like this is not real. 
They suit up Nkosana and prepare me too. I am going to give birth naturally, that's all I want. 
We get into the labour ward and they set me up and Nkosana comes in when he is ready and he holds my hand. 
“Can I take pictures of the moment?”,He asks.
“Yes, you can”,The doctor replies.
He takes out his phone and I smile and he chuckles as he takes a picture.
“Okay, Miss on the count of three, I want you to start pushing”,He says and I breathe in and out as I nod my head and I start pushing. 
It doesn't come off easy and I hold Nkosana's hand tightly and I start pushing once again harder this time and the third time the baby slips out of me and I feel a bit tired. 
I hear it cry and they take it away.
“There is something in there, please push again”,I do as instructed.
And I feel relief and I look around the room and they have two babies in their hands. The nurses.
“Where did the other baby come from?”,I ask. 
“One was hidden”,What?!
“We have two babies instead of one Zano”,Nkosana says and I feel hot already. 
I start crying. 
“Why did you put two babies in me Nkosana?”,I say. 
“I am sorry baby”,He says and I keep quiet and keep on crying. He comforts me as I am.crying. They take the kids away. 
“I am not hanging open down there right?”,I ask and the doctor laughs.
“No, you will be fine in just a couple of weeks. Don't overwork yourself and also no sex”,He says and I head and sniff. 
“I am sorry Zano”,Nkosana says and I look at him. 
“Okay”,I say and he kisses my forehead. 
I get cleaned up and soon I was wheeled back to the ward and now I am alone and that lady is not here. 
“That was quick”,Mrs Mthimkhulu said as we enter.
“She gave birth to twins”,Nkosana puts it out there and she looks at me. 
“Oh,Zano. How are you feeling?”,She asks.
“That is great! Your grandfather was a twin and the twin genes are in the family”,The grandmother says.
I keep my silence. 
“Zano doesn't really go well with seeing double humans and the ones we have are identical because they shared a sac”,Nkosana says.
Silence comes within the room and the granny comes closer to me. 
“They will be fine and you will be. We are all here and when Luu had the first set she was worried but she is fine now.  You will be too”,She says and I just nod my head. 
Nkosana looks at me with worry on his face. 
“So what are they? Boys or girls?”,Sanele asks.
“We don't know yet. We were just shocked about them being twins”,Nkosana says and I crying. Two kids? I can't even take care of myself that well. 
I start crying all over again and the granny comforts me. 
“It’s so hard. I can't take care of myself that well. I am still learning now two kids?”,I say as I cry and she comforts me. 
“Oh Zano, you will learn too and we are all here. Nkosana is here too. You will learn together”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says. 
This is out to be something else honestly that I am not ready for. 

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