Chapter 47

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Chapter 47


Ever since we found out that we are expecting. Jabulani has been very extra careful when it came to me.  I am not that far along get but he is treating me like I would break with the baby any minute.
I got discharged from the hospital just a few days ago and I feel better. So much better now I know why I have been sick and I have been praying for this to be my answered prayer and it has been. I am not pregnant. Whatever I get, I am happy with that. I just wanted a second child. That's all. 
We are entering the bedroom just as I got back from the kitchen to get something to eat and Jabu holds my waist and walks with me like I am crippled and I can't walk well when I can.
“Baby, I am fine”,I say. 
“I just want to help you”,He says and he helps me get seated on the bed and I turn to look at him. 
“Thank you even though you are being too overprotective”
“Baby, we have been waiting for this for some time. Let me be happy”,He says with a proud smile and I just laugh and shake my head. 
“The way Zano eventually got lazy during the pregnancy. I am sure she would've wanted Nkosana to carry her around”,he chuckles.
“I am getting old for that baby”,He says and I laugh.
“Stop lying, you are not”,I say. 
He sits next to me and starts rubbing my stomach and it's still a bit flat. 
“I can't wait for the few months to end. I wish kids were born so quickly”,He says. 
Me too, honestly as much as I am happy but some things I wouldn't like a repeat of them but I know my husband is very supportive. He was very supportive and caring when I was pregnant with our first born and with no doubt I know that I will not be alone in this pregnancy. 
“Have you told your mother?”,I ask and he looks at me.
“No”,he says.
“Why?”,I ask.
“I want us to tell everyone when your stomach starts showing. We don't want to jinx things”,he says and I understand where he is coming from.
“Oh, okay”,I nod my head and we bond there over this creature in me who will grow to be something wonderful. 


My heart breaks a little as I watch this old granny trying to drown my baby all in the name of bathing him. I quickly take a towel and ask for him from this woman and she looks at me and I take the baby and hold him close to my chest as I wrap him in a towel and hush him while his sibling is much quiet laying on the bed next to the basin. 
“Silondiweyinkosi doesn't like water”,the granny say.
“You almost drowned my baby.”,I say as his little hurt me and I feel tears prickle my eyes. 
“But Similenkosini is fine”,she says as she looks at the big eyed one who was brave enough to soldier on the drowning party and be able to be dressed after that.
He looks clean and like a little fatkoek with the amount of baby oil on his face. 
She picks up the bathing dish and she takes it outside and I sit on the bed and try to hush the baby. Soon after some time Nkosana enters the room and he frowns when he sees the crying baby in my arms. 
“What is going on?”
“Your granny almost drowned him”,I say and tears prickle my eyes.
“I was just washing his face!”,She shouts from outside and he opens his arms and I give him the baby. 
“Take the other baby and feed him, I will get this one dressed and okay. Don't cry please”,He says and I nod my head sniffing. 
I got on the bed and took out my nipple and started feeding the baby and he was latched on my nipple as he started sucking like his life depended on him. 
I was discharged early from the hospital. I was ruled out okay and so as the kids and so here we are. Back at Nkosana's homestead and his cousin's ceremony will carry on but limited people see the twins.  It's only Nkosana, his mother and his grandmother so as some aunt who come in and see the baby and assist here and there. Everyone else is deemed to be a walking bacteria host who will kill my babies the instant they touch them.
They will have to wait until they are 3 months old before they can even have a view of them. 
Nkosana calms the baby down and he hands him to me and I take him and he takes the other one and I wipe my nipple and put the other nipple in the other ones mouth. 
“How can you tell them apart baby?”,He asks as he holds his son in his arms.
He smiles alot when he sees them and has been taking alot of pictures with them. I don't know how many pictures he has had of them. 
“Similenkosini has a birthmark by his eye and Silondiweyinkosi doesnt”,I say and he gets it now. 
“Oh, now I see it.”,I nod my head and remove the baby when I see that he is not sucking anymore.”
“I think they are full now”,I say.  
“Let me put them in the cot so you can rest”,He says and I nod my head. 
He puts the first twin down and comes to take the other one and he puts them in the cot and looks at them for a while before he turns and looks at me. 
“You are a great mom so far and I am proud of you”,He says.
“I am trying not to cry alot”,He chuckles. 
He comes closer to me and looks at me. 
“You know what I love for my son's?”,he asks.
“That they will have amazing parents. It's just that they don't know it yet”,I laugh.
“Yes but I don't want them to match too much though”,I say.
Those matching twins stuff is just not that nice for me.
“When they are older they will change their style”,He says and I nod my head. 
“I am tired. I want to sleep”,I say.
“I will look over the kids”,I nod my head and he goes and stares at his children again. 
I look at him, he is a dad and it seems to suite him I don't want to lie. He seems much more happier too.


“Be careful, if you need me just call me. I will be there in a speed okay?”,My mother says and I sigh.
“Yes, thank you for the support",I say.
“You are my only child. I have to support you”,she says and I smile. 
“I have to go”,She hangs up after and I sigh.
I just had a conversation with my mother and I just wanted to hear how she felt and where she stood with me.  I spilt the beans in telling her how everything is going and what not and she has been very supportive. I don't know where I would be if she wasn't this supportive. 
I had just finished cleaning my place.  Since I am pregnant, I don't go out anymore. I don't want that man and his family coming for me so I am always stuck inside the house and I hardly see my friends anymore since they have to take care of their hang overs and they are busy with other men too. 
I sit on the couch and watch some TV. I have developed a system of watching TV and eating too.
As I am busy watching some TV I hear a knock on the door and I lower the TV volume and I stand up and go to the door where I meet these women that I saw at my baby daddy’s house. Excluding the wife ofcause.
“Hi, sorry to bombard you but we wanted to check on you”,The one whom was smooching with her husband here the other day says. 
“Oh, I am fine”,I say and I see they are not leaving so I think they want me to let them in. 
I swallow and I tell them to come in and they both do and they settle on the couch.  I check for some juice and give them that and they thank me. 
“We know that we don't know each other but this baby will be part of our lives too”,The other lady mentions.
“Oh yes”,I just says. 
The smooching lady speaks.
“I am Lethinjabulo Phakade, I am married to Khalipha’s older brother.”,She says and the other lady smiles my way.
“I am Buyisile Phakade, I am married to the eldest brother”
“Oh, I am Refilwe...”,I say.
“We know Khalipha told us. We know that you are in a complicated situation that Khalipha has put you through with not being honest with you and we are sorry for that”,They are not attacking me but actually feel for me. 
“Thank you”,I say. 
“We would like to get to know you better over some lunch. We will be leaving soon though as we don't stay here but in Durban”,The smooching lady says.
“I am fine with that”
“Good. We will let you know. We have to go”,She says and they both stand up. I escourt them out of the house and close the door. What just happened?


When I woke up from my short nap, Nkosana told me that the family kept some of the chicken that they slaughtered and asked if I wanted some and I said yes. It almost killed me that day and so as my babies. 
He left me in the room while I look over these sleeping creatures in this bed. They look alike but I can tell their differences here and there surprisingly.  They are so light skinned but don't all babies look light then turn dark after some time. 
I stare at them as they are sleeping. I cannot believe I am a mother. I have to tell my aunt that I gave birth and my friend's? I will have to surprise them.
I touch their little faces and one of them opens their eyes and starts whimpering and I panic. 
“Sorry”,I say and he starts crying and I pick him up.  I rock him back and forth like how I was shown here and at the hospital and I put him on my chest and he starts calming down. 
“No one will hurt you while I am here okay? You tell on people who try to hurt you and I will sort them out quickly but if something is chasing you then tell your father not me”,I say as I gently rub his back and he starts to calm down and I check if maybe he has went back to sleep but he hasn't instead he is looking at me with his eyes. 
He yawns and I see he has an abnormal dimple on his right cheek. Just like his father. 
“You are so cute",I say and kiss his cheek. 
The other baby is fast asleep and not bothering anyone at the moment.
“I am back,oh he is awake”,Nkosana says and he comes with the plate and puts it down and he opens his arms and I give him the baby. 
I get to the chicken and it is hot. I take a piece and bite it off and I chew. Cruel chickens taste so nice. 
“I love this meat”,I say and bobble my head back and forth as I am enjoying it.

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