Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


I watch her as she has her eyes closed resting after the medication she took knocked her out. She will only be here for a week before she has to go back home and I am not ready for that. I know that Zano can be on her own now. She is better and improved from when I first met her but I cannot help but worry that I will be far away from her and I wouldn't be closer to her when she needs me.
I had done some work, made some calls back at the club to hear how things are going back there and they seem to be going okay. I am glad that my cousin is keeping his friend away from Zano and I hope he doesn't try and test me if he tries to be any close to her as he possibly can. 
Now here I am, after a few hours of being back home with no sleep and resting from doing all the work I have been doing while Zano is asleep.  I just had a shower and I made some food for us, having a mother who is a chef and one who travelled a lot due to her work has put us, her children into learning how to cook for ourselves but we are not like my mother and Zano, these women are very passionate about being in the kitchen and I am only in the kitchen if I am dying of hunger and I need to eat. 
I get on the bed and lightly shake Zano and she groans.
“Baby wake up,you have to eat”,I say.
I also need someone to keep me company and tell me dry jokes too, ask me never ending questions until I fall asleep and she is the right person for that. Much I say, perfect person for that.
“Baby please wake up”,I say and she squints her closed eyes before she turns to me and she slowly opens her eyes before she starts yawning.
“You are waking me up”
“You need to eat”
“I am not hungry”,She yawns again and she closes her eyes again.
“Zano”,She opens her eyes and frowns looking at me.
“Please eat, you need to”
“Do I have to?”,She asks.
I nod my head as she starts to sit up and stretches her self. 
“Yes, you last ate during lunch”
“What time is it?”,She asks and I tell her.
She nods and gets out of the bed and makes her way to the bathroom.
I get off the bed and I go to the kitchen to get our food, atleast she is awake and didn't bite my head off in the process. I warm up the food and get some juice for the both of us then I take it to the bedroom. I find her in bed again under the covers and she has covered herself.
“Zano”,I say softly and she groans.
She uncovers herself and she looks at me. Her eyes are now glossy and that indicates to me that it might be from the sleep she has had or she is about to cry.
“You are waking me up”,She sniffs.
She is crying and I know that she is sensitive in most times.
I put our food down on the pedestal and get in bed and pull her closer to me.
“I am sorry baby, I just want you to eat”
“I am sick",She says.
“I know”,I say.
She keeps on sniffing as I brush her back.
“Thats mean Nkosana”,I don't know what to say.
I apologize though she said I mean but I understand that she is special and she needs the special attention she can get and I don't mind giving it to her. 
“Will you eat?”,I ask after a while of her complaining.
“Yes”,She replies.
I nod my head and kiss her forehead before I let her go and reach out for her food and she takes it from me.
She says thank you and smiles a little and I do return it, she is cute actually. This woman is just....too darn cute at times that I cannot resist staring at her or being in her presence. I will miss majority of seeing this everyday when we are going to be apart. 


I am tired, comfortably seated on my couch as my aching feet feel much better at this moment. I have been packing for my sudden trip to Johburg. I tried reaching out for Bhungane while he was here but it wasn't easy and I got information that he is moving to Johburg and so I am going there to try and win my man back. I told my mother and she has asked her brother to accomodate me while I will be there for my stay. As much as my mother doesn't want me to go there and stay with her brother and his family but I am glad that I am going. I miss having something in my bank account from time to time and also I miss sharing a bed with that man the most. He really was something huh? In as much as we never bonded that much but all of that would change the minute  he takes me back. I would hire a helper to make our lives easier as I can't cook to save my life but things will look up once he realises that we are actually good together as we understand each other. 
I don't want our relationship to end just like that, I have been in a commited relationship for 2 years and he had gotten me used to the idea of being in a Monogamous relationship with him only and I want that too.
I try to call him but his phone doesn't go through.
I am blocked, I know I was just trying my luck and I didn't expect that he would block me so quickly because I didn't do anything.
Why did he break up with me anyway? It's not like I cheated and stuff.
I have a heavy sigh before I throw my phone on the other side of the couch and lay on it. Hopefully my trip to Johburg is not all in vain.

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