Chapter 54

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Chapter 54


Zano was sleeping,really sleeping because she was snoring a lightly and her head was in an uncomfortable position. I fix her head a bit before she stopped snoring and I sighed. I really don't know what I have ever done to my mother in law. I have tried so hard to show her some love but that has never happened before. She always blames for something even if I didn't have anything to link me to something she always finds a way to link that.
I get off the bed slowly and I look for my phone and I find it,it has a few missed calls from Jabu and I really want to talk to him but aunty made it clear that she wants to sort them out without us having to interfere but I am just wondering how he is feeling right now. Is he mad at us or not? Maybe I should've quickly told him what his mother did but I didn't think of that since I was dealing with the fact that I almost lost my husband this morning.
I sigh and I dial his number and it rings once before it is answered. 
“Sthandwa Sami",He answers. 
He doesn't sound mad or anything like that.
“I saw your missed calls”,I say.
“Are you awake?”,He asks. 
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay, I am coming”,He says and hangs up. 
I frown. This man wants to risk aunty seeing him and hitting him. 
I sigh and I hear a knock on the door shortly and I go to it and open the door and look at him. 
“How did you get here so fast?”,I ask. 
He pulls me inside the room and Zano has her back on us and she is snoring lightly again. We both look at her for a moment before he turns to me. 
“I am sorry”,I quickly say.
“You have have to be sorry about anything. I am sorry for letting it get this far. I should've protected you”,He says. 
“You always protect me”,I say and he kisses my lips. 
“But it hasn't been enough.”
“I am sorry Zano and I told on your mom”,he chuckles. 
“My step mom has been wanting to do that for years. Zano’s aunt did her a favour”,I laugh light.
“She did threaten me though and I got this too”,He shows me a treated mark on his arm. 
I touch his arm. 
“And she said she bought the Sjambok for your mom but you got it on her behalf”,He chuckles.
“She is leaving the house today",He says.
“Let's just wait until she is okay then she can leave”,I say.
“She will never be okay if she stays”,He says and I just nod my head. 
He leans in and perks my lips.
“I love you”,He says and picks me up and I giggle. 
I wrap my legs around his torso as we share a kiss and he squeezes my butt under my dress. He groans and we hear a scream then a thud before I get down  from him and Zano has fallen off the bed. 
I rush to her and she seems to have fainted.
“Go and get some water,Zano”,I pat her lightly and she bats her eye a bit before she opens them.
“Are you okay?”
“My back and neck hurts a bit”,She says.
“Okay”,I say and soon Nkosana enters the room with Jabu. 
They bring the water as I help her sit up.
“I want to go outside”,She says and Nkosana picks her up and they leave the room. I breathe in and out before I throw myself on the bed and Jabu laughs. 
“Zano is dramatic, we were not going to shag each other in front of her”
“It was leading there”,I say. 
“We traumatised her"
“Yet she has two kids”,I give him a look.
“She is still new in all of this”,I say and he shakes his head.
Men and not understanding.
I don't know what would've happened if we took it too far.


I paint my toe nails after removing the old nail polish, Zano was escourted outside like a sick person and I didn't even want to intervene because no one is hurt at the moment.
I need to pack my bag for tomorrow. The twins are fed and they are watching their TV shows just like Zano had told us and they seem to be behaving kids. That's what I like about these children. They just get fed. Cry here and there then they get distracted by small things. 
“So how are things between you and Thami? I head Zano complain that you are retiring early”,Buhlalo settles next to me. 
I close my nail polish.
“Yes I am. We are planning on retiring together”,I say.
“Don't you think you guys have just met and you should take things a bit slowly?”,She asks.
“Iskhathi siyangiphelela ukuthi ngingenza izinto kancane.(Time is running out for me to do things slow) I have to live at some point. ”,I say.
“You do have some point”
“And if it doesn't work out then I will cry then carry on with life”,I say.
“You are such a risk taker”
“I have to, I won't enjoy life if I dont”,I say.
“Well, if you say so then you can go and sleep over at his place. Please use condoms, we don't want you pregnant”,She says.
“Haah, I still need more kids. If his sperms are strong then there is nothing I can do”,I say and she laughs.
“Oh my word Gugu!”,I shrug my shoulders. 
“Let me call him and tell him that my grandson's have let me go”,I kiss the babies and I go and get my phone from the charger. I move to the kitchen to get some juice while I call this man.
The phone rings a few times before he answers.
“Nkosazane”,He says. 
“Hello, are you busy?”,I ask.
“I don't think I am ever busy for your attention”,I laugh.
“Charming, I wanted to ask if you a busy tonight?”,I ask.
“No, I will be home alone. Busy with some work maybe just to pass time”
“Great! Pick me up later. I will come and keep you company”,he chuckles.  
“What changed your mind?”
“Zano has released me from my duties”,He chuckles.
“Okay, how about I pick you up in 2 hours then we can go and have something to eat first?”,he asks.
“Great! That's perfect with me”,I say.
“Okay, bye”,He says.
“Bye”,I hang up. 


I pack up my things, work has stopped and the lady has called. I have to call the chef and tell him that he should prepare something for later tonight that we will have.
“We will carry this on another time”,My son looks at me so as everyone in the board room.
They start standing up and they leave the room.
“Where are you rushing off to?”,My son asks and I turn to him.
“I am going somewhere. Don't worry about me”,I say and walk out of the boardroom and he follow after me. 
“Is it a business meeting? I can come with you”,he says and I turn to look at him.
“It is not a business deal but a personal matter”,he frowns at that moment.
“Are you hurt? Is something wrong with babo mncane? Or u-Aunty. Is Nhla okay?”,I breathe in and out.
“Bandile,everyone is fine. Take a day off and go and spend it with your wife”,I say and he frowns.
“She is still at work. What personal matter do you have? Are you dating? Is that why you want to retire?”,this child.
“I want to retire because I want to and if I am dating or not. It doesn't concern you, I am old”,I say.
“What does she do and where is she from? How many kids does she have?”,he asks. I enter the elevator and he follows. 
“She has 2 kids, one is married and another is still studying she has a career and degree so you don't have to worry about her”,I say and he smiles.
“We need to meet her and be sure”
“You like baby sitting me, I am fine”,He turns to me.
“I am just....”
“Worried? You don't have to worry about me”,I say.
He sighs. 
“It’s just that ever have been so closed off and working so hard. I thought you would never retire”,I chuckle.
“Yeah, well I think it's time now I take time to myself and travel the world”
“With your new girlfriend?”,I shake my head as the elevator opens.
“She is not my girlfriend yet. We are still getting to know each other.”, I walk out of the building and he keeps on following me.
“Bandile would you stop following me?"
“I won't get this opportunity anymore so I want to know why you haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet?”,He asks.
“That is my business”
“Before anything else, I hope she is old”,He says and I chuckle.
“Don't worry, she is in her 50’s”
“Good, I wouldn't want a girl in her 20's being your girlfriend”,I shake my head and we get to my car and I open the door.
“One last question”,He says and I sigh.
“What is it?”,I ask. 
“I hope that you don't like her because maybe she has some qualities that mom had”
“No she doesn't. She is totally different. I know that worries you but she is the very opposite of your mother. Your mother was reserved, soft and introverted. She as gentle and soft spoken and went with whatever was said. This one is loud here and there, out there and she keeps me on my toes. She kind of challanges me and I like that”,He nods his head.
“Okay, bye.”,I get inside and close the door.
I know he is worried about me but he shouldn't be. I am grown and I think I know how to handle myself.
I call Gugu and tell her that I am on my way. 
I drive until I reach where I will pick her up and I let her know that I am here. 
After some time of waiting I see her approaching and I hop out of the car. 
She has a big bag around her shoulder. She has jeans on and they carve her body beautifully. She seems small but she isn't at the same time. She has a thick lower bottom and her caramel skin tone complements them so much, her face is a diamond shape and she has big eyes that suite her personality in my defence. 
She looks harmless at first glance but after today I know that she is more than harmless if she is provoked.
She has her hair in a lower ponytail. I think short hair would suite her so much.
She gets to me and she smiles.
“You came earlier than the time frame you had set”,She says.
“I was a bit excited”,she lightly laughs.
“Okay then I will take that. We can go”,I open the door for her and she gets inside and I close the door.
I haven't done this in so long.
I get inside the car and I steal a glance at her before I start the car.  
“So when is your birthday from now?”,I ask.
“In 28 days from now”,She says and I nod my head.
“Do you have any plans?”
“No, I don't. It's just another day”,She says and waves her hand. 
“You don't like birthdays?”
“I do but I just never have time to plan things”,She says and I nod my head.
“Okay”,I might have a few days to do something then.
I carry on driving and she keeps on talking, telling me stories that I haven't heard before.  She ends up holding my hand as well and I intertwine my hands. 
She sometimes makes me nervous. I don't know what is next with her. She is very unpredictable but I like how she just does things without putting much thought into it.
Makes me feel the same way, that I shouldn't put much thought in things as life can end soon for us and we should enjoy little things and take momentum decisions.

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