Chapter 63

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Chapter 63


I feel his hands on my shoulders and I snap out of tying my hair with a headwrap as I am seated on the bed and I turn to him as he looks at me. He has some worry on his face that I can't comprehend where it is coming from because we were just okay a few minutes ago.
“I lost you again”,He mentions and I sigh as I briefly close my eyes before I open them once more.
“I am worried I guess”
“About Zano?”,He asks.
I look at him and nod my head lightly. 
“Yes, she is premature to take on all of this at the same time. ”,I say.
“I understand your worries and I would be this worried if my daughter got pregnant again before her kids even turned 1 but I guess you will just have to talk to her.”,I sigh.
“I will see"
“You are the only parent she has. If you don't talk to her then who will?”
“I will talk to that boy, that is for sure”
“Violence will not help”,I look at him and sigh. 
He starts gently massaging my shoulders. 
“How are your son's feeling about you being here for this long?”,I ask as I look at him. 
“ They don't have a say about how long I should be with you”,I lightly smile.
“Well they are with their partners so who are we not to be with each other”,He comes in front of me and lays a perk on my forehead. 
“You are such a soft man Ngidi”
“For a woman like you, I should be”,I give him a light look and he chuckles. 
“You shouldn't take it in any bad way Gugu"
“I am not, I am just looking at you”,He shakes his head. 
“Please take me to work tomorrow”,I ask as I look at him and he smirks.
“I will gladly take you”,He says and I thank him. 
If Zano doesn't stop birthing like it is on trend then she will be in trouble not only with us but with herself. I am just worried about her though she has grown from how she was before but I still worry about her a bit. 


“Micky mouse clubhouse! Come inside it's fun inside! It's the Micky mouse club house!...”
One of the twins claps his hands as we are watching his little cartoons and I point to the TV. 
“The animals on tv”,He claps his hands off beat and I pull the other twin closer to me and he is just quiet and focusing on the TV.
“Are you okay?”,I ask and he stares at the TV.
“Mmh?”,He looks up to me and I look at him.
“Why are you ignoring me?”,He points at the TV and says something that I can't even make out.
He is making a bunch of noises before he focuses back on the TV. 
He is silent again while other one is clapping his hands off rthym even though the music is done now. 
“Do you guys want to sit on me?”,I ask and I pull them to be on my lap and the energy ball can't keep still while the other one seems to be sleepy now. 
“Are they okay?"
“They are okay.He is just excited about the tv”,I quickly say and Nkosana comes and settles on the couch as well.
The nanny is off so it is just us for now. 
We all focus on the mouse's that are on TV at the moment.
“You know, I am a bit scared”,Nkosana says as he stares at the TV.
I look at him that moment. He doesn't loose his focus on the cartoons in front of us. 
“Scared of what?”
“This pregnancy, for you. I am scared that you might not cope with more kids. Already the twins came as a shock and just because we are doing great now doesn't mean we are fully prepared to add more children.”
“I know but it is here now. There is nothing we can do”,I say.
He nods his head.
“I know”,he turns back to the TV and then silence prevails between us. 
I check on the twins and the clapping spring has settled while the quiet one is now asleep.
“I need to take this one to his bed”,I say.
Nkosana nods his head and takes the awake twin and they sit together before I leave to go and put this baby to rest. 
My swelling feet are looking a bit better today. I would say that the foot massage that Nkosana gave to me yesterday was amazing that now I feel like I am a whole lot better though I am just half way there but it seems like I am better. I have no class today or exam or even a practical for that matter today so I am just going to chill with my boys and dress them up extra today.
It is a bit cold outside so I don't want to cover them up just a little but make sure that they are warm.
I gave them a bath and fed them and by the time I am done, they look very cute. I carry them from the guest room and I go to the main bedroom and Nkosana is still asleep facing up. 
I put the boys on either side of him and then kiss them all and he stirs a bit before he opens his eyes. 
“Hi”,I wave my hand. 
“You are leaving me with kids?"
“I am going to make breakfast. Nothing much”,I say and he nods his head. 
“It's a bit cold. Why don't we order something and then stay in bed?”,He says and soon yawns.
“Well that is a nice idea”,He opens my side of the bed and the twins start fidgeting as I slide into the bed.
“They like you”,Nkosana says.
“Ofacause they do, I am their mother. 
He lightly chuckles. 
“When are we getting married?”,He says as he closes his eyes.
“When do you want us to get married?”
“Anytime, I just want you to be my wife”,He says and opens his eyes. 
I look at him before I lean in and kiss his lips. 
“I will marry you. I promise”,He chuckles and slowly closes his eyes. 
I let him be that moment.


It has been a rollercoaster of months with regards to this pregnancy, my baby daddy going through a very messy divroce. I was involved in his marriage when I shouldn't have been, some of the bride's family members blamed me and I was called all sorts of names even though I have never had anything with my baby's father either than that night when the baby was made and that was it. That was the only intimate relationship that we have ever had before and I am blamed for every single thing that happened in his marriage when I don't even know them that well enough. 
I am grateful that Bhunage let me keep this apartment. I don't know what I would be if I didn't have this place in my life.  I would probably be in Bloemfontein and not pregnant with a Divorced man’s child. Well I would say that he is married but I would be lying because he is not married anymore but he is a single man.
I am also glad that he is a present person in my life right now.  That he will be a present dad in our child’s life. 
I have accepted that I will be a mother and that my life will not be for me alone but it will be for my child and I. I need to step up right now and change my life s bit to adjust the baby that I will be delivering soon. 
I did see that Bhungane has two kids already from his mom's page and I wonder how things would've been for us if he didn't meet that woman that he met and decided to engage and have kids with in just a short amount of time. 


I fell into a short nap with all my boys after joing them in bed. I felt a bit tired and I was woken up by Nkosana busy kissing my face. Couldn't he wake me up like any normal person?
“Mmh?”,I say.
“Wake up baby"
“What is it?”
“Food is here”,He says and I open my eyes and I look up to him and he looks at me. 
“I will eat later, I am tired”,I say. 
He lightly pulls the cover off me. 
“Baby you need to wake up”,I groan and look at him.
“Okay”,I say and he gets my shoes for me and I thank him. 
His phone rings and he quickly attends to it.
“Yes”,He becomes silent after that.
I get off the bed and make my way to the bathroom. I go and pee and my feet seen to be less swollen now and better!
I finish up and I then wash my hands and I make my way out of the bathroom and go to the bedroom so I can make the bed. 
I find Nkosana already finishing with the bed. 
“Lange’s case seems to be coming to an end",He says.
“What happened?"
“They were investigating him for something”, I just nod my head. 
“Does that mean we are moving to Cape town?”
“It will depend all on you baby”,He says.
Well I nod my head. We will see what will happen.

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