Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Having my aunt here  it is like having someone who will monitor your moves and tell you when you are doing something that doesn't please her at all, she will tell you when she dislikes something and she wouldn't be nice about it for your own feelings. 
Here I am, after bathing the boys and feeding them, well they woke up early so I had to wake up with them. I always try to time their time to wake up so we can wake up together.  Nkosana does wake up when one of the boys start crying but I always tell him to rest because I like doing little stuff with them and watching cartoons with them. 
Here I am watching them from the kitchen, there is a open space that can let me see them from where I am and they are in their little Bassinet. 
They are quiet and seem to be enjoying the cartoons while at that.  I finish up making breakfast for everyone who is asleep and I go to the sink and wash my hands.  
I hear someone whispering in the living room and I leave the sink with my wet hands and rush to the living room and I find Nkosana in front of them whispering to them.
“You don't have to whisper you know”,I say and he turns to me and smiles. 
“We were having a private conversation baby”,He says and he comes towards me and holds my waist before he kisses my forehead. 
“Good morning”
“Morning”,I reply.
“It's 6 am, why did you not wake me up with you?”
“I like bonding with the boys over cartoons without you”,I say.
“Ouch!”,He says and we laugh lightly. 
One of the boys whimper and starts crying and I break free from Nkosana but he quickly holds me. 
“I will take care of it, relax”,He says. 
I let him be and he goes to get the baby and my aunt walks in pulling her jacket together and she has a small ponytail on her head. It looks very neat though but she likes doing it. 
“Awu Mkhwenyana wakwami unjani?(My son in law, how are you?)”,She has a smile. 
She likes Nkosana,that I have very much concluded. 
“I am well ma, how are you.”
“I am wonderful. Zano ntombazane yami”,She says and she goes to get the other twin and starts playing with him. 
“I will be back”, Nkosana says and I nod my head. 
He walks away and my aunt looks at me. 
“You woke up pretty early”,She says.
“The boys were crying. Aunty are you on leave?”,I ask.
“Yes for a few days. Phela you just gave birth, you need me.  What will your in laws think of me if I didn't come since you have no one but me and these are my first grand kids. Hawu Zano usuyangixosha ngifika nje egoli(You are chasing me away now Zano when I have just arrived)”,She says.
“Angisho njalo auntie, I was just asking”,She sighs.
“Have you fed the kids?”,She asks and I nod my head.
“Good, you need to pump your breasts. The milk is full and you will feel some pain if you leave it in and it will start leaking”,She says and I touch my breasts.
“Okay aunty”
“Did you give birth Naturally?”,She asks and I nod my head. 
“Oh, okay. So when are we getting a grand daughter? You want a little sister don't you boy?”,She says while she plays with the baby smiling.
Haibo, I am not having anymore kids after this.
“I am not having anymore kids aunty”,She shoots her head up and her smile fades away.
“No kids wani? You just had your first round. I want lots of grandkids and married people have lots of children”,She says.
“Lots of children? Aunty giving birth is not easy”,I say.
“It was so quick for you Zano. I know you didn't feel any pain because you are still young”,She says.
“Hawu eselobole kangaka umkhwenyana wena ufuna ukumncisha ingane unenzalo Zano, ayi(After my son in law has paid so much lobola you want to deprive him of having more children when you are fertile Zano)Do you know how many people in your position wish they can get pregnant and have babies but they can't and God gave you that. Look at these two things and it is not like you will be poor and stuff. You have financial means to have atleast one more child”,She says.
“I will think about it”,I will not. 
I just want her to stop talking about this baby thing. 
“I hear you are in school? When are you going back?",She asks.
“Next week I am going to Cape town”,I say.
“Maybe I should find a school there and move there too”,I look at her.
“Aunty you can't”
“Why not?”,She asks. 
“What about Gogo's house. Where will you stay? Nomfundo? Everything you have known is in Lady Smith”,I say. 
“Hayi the house will be okay. I will call one of your uncles to come and stay there”
“Cape town is expensive",I say. 
She bites her bottom lip.
“You do have a point there”,She says and I nod my head.
“I made breakfast”,I say.
“I missed your nice cooking. Nomfundo feeds me her unsavoury food when she is home”,She says and I laugh.
I know how Nomfundo struggles with the pot sometimes, that's why aunty prefers me cooking and she never compromised when it groceries. She let me be and bought whatever I wanted. 
“Good morning ladies”,Mrs Mthimkhulu comes in the living room.
We greet back and she seems all dressed up. 
“I thought we should go out for some lunch at the Golf estate.Well we are invited there”,She says. 
“Are we going to be playing Golf?”,I ask.
“No, we are just going to have breakfast. The men will stay behind with the boys”,She says and I feel worried.
“They are little mah they need me”,I say. 
“It will only be a few hours. Your husband is their parent too and he will be fine”,My aunt says and Mrs Mthimkhulu smiles.
“See, Nkosana will be here. Sorted”,She says and aunty gives me the baby. 
“Let me go and freshen up.”
“We will leave at 7”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says. 
Oh these old ladies. 
I go to our room and I open the door and Nkosana is asleep with the baby laying on his chest.   I get on the bed and he opens his eyes and looks at me. 
“Here is another one”,I say and position the baby next to him and he lightly smirks. 
“And you?”,He asks as I go and open my luggage. 
“I am going with the old girls outside.The Boys and you are staying. I will pump their milk”,I say. 
“Okay”,He says and he fixes the baby properly on him before he rests his head and looks at me as I look for something to wear and then I go and freshen up.  
The view is beautiful and so as the houses here. There is a little café that is near the golf course.  This place is really beautiful and I can't wait for the boys to grow up and run around and play together. I can just see them as the best of friends. Having the friends that I didn't have when I was younger. I want that all for them. 
My aunt sips on the tea. 
“This place is beautiful”,she says after putting her tea down.
“It really is and peaceful”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says. 
I am glad that my aunt let that ponytail go and just combed out her afro even though it is a bit see through but atleast it's better than nothing. 
Her hairline has improved though, I am proud of that for her.
I wore a dress and tied my hair into a neat low bun. My aunt wore one of her best dresses for breakfast.  I know that because this dress comes out when she wants to look good at an event, it's not formal but it fits the occassion at the moment.
Mrs Mthimkhulu looks stunning and elegant as she always does.  
I miss the boys. I just feel like I should be with them right now. 
“I miss my kids”,I say in the moment.
“They are in good hands and I understand the mother instincts.",She says. 
“You will be fine Zano”,My aunt says and I nod my head. 
I sip on my juice and we have more conversations. I like this, the setting and everything. The conversations that I can actually interact in and understand without having to take the literal meaning of them.
“Thamsanqa!”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says and waves at a grown man who looks like Nkosana's dad's age.
The grey hairs are very visible. He looks a bit big, not tall like Nkosana but his body structure makes him look big and intimidating. I swallow as the man turns around and faces our table. 
My aunt is on her phone on WhatsApp posting the pictures she just took with my phone.
“Ngishuthe futhi Zano, ngifuna bangibone ukuthi ngiyaphila manje angidlali nengane(Take pictures of me again Zano, I want them to see that I am living now and I am not playing)”,My aunt says and I take my phone and open the camera. 
She holds her tea cup up by her lips as she poses while I take a photo of her. 
This man appears in the picture as he is making his way to us and he soon gets to us and Mrs Mthimkhulu stands up and shakes his hand. 
“Buhlalo, I thought you would be in Cape town this time of the year. Work trip?”,the man asks.
“No, my son relocated this side for the year. I am visiting him with my husband. ”,She says. 
“Oh, how are they? I last talked to your husband a long time ago”,The man says. 
I keep on taking pictures of my aunt as she changes poses on her seat. 
“Aunty don't come to where the sun is shining, it makes your afro look like it has a few strands”,She frowns as she gives me a look but she listens to me.
“Usubukisa ngami ezweni,ngoba unenwele wena(You are embarrassing me now because you have full hair)”,She says and I take a picture. 
“Oh this is my son's fiancee, they just had babies together recently and this is her aunt”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says and the old man turns to us. 
“Awu, nkosazane. Ngixolise ngokungabingeleli sengivele ngaphuma endleleni(I am sorry for not greeting)”,he says and my aunt turns to him.
“It is fine”,We both say.
“I was about to ask for your makoti to be my makoti for my son",He says and Mam'Buhlalo laughs. 
“Nkosana would go crazy if anyone tries his woman”,She says.
Like I would date his son.I wouldn't even if I was paid money.I love Nkosana. 
He shakes my hand and I return it and he gets to my aunt and kisses her hand. 
“A grown man like you not married?”,My aunt says  as she inspects his fingers and the man chuckles. 
I shoot a look at my aunt.
“I wanted to ask the same about you”
“I am not married.”,she says. 
He chuckles and maintains a stare.
“Would you like to get dinner with me?”,he asks.
Haibo labogogo nomkhulu! When did it get there quickly?
“Yes, you can pick me up at 6. I have no curfew”,he chuckles.
“I will pick you up",He says.
“Gugulethu Ngubo,I have one child  so don't worry I am still a virgin”,I feel so embaressed.Mrs Mthimkhulu laughs and this man chuckles. 
“I am happy to meet you MaNgubo, Thamsanqa Ngidi”,He then let's go of her hand. 
“It was nice seeing you all and makoti omncane”,he says and takes his leave and I turn to my aunt.
“Hayi ntombazane uyashesha!(Girl you are fast)”,Mrs Mthimkhulu says laughing. 
“I need some fun too”,she says.
“Mah how do you know him?”,I ask. 
My aunt is now interested and forgot about her little photo shoot that she had. 
“He used to work with my husband. He was his client at some point and they used to work hand in hand at the Vine yard but his wife passed on and he let that life go and started afresh”,She says. 
“Awu! MaGugwana wavuka mntaka mah!(You have risen)”,My aunt says and Mrs Mthimkhulu laughs.
“She is old”,I say. I can't imagine her dating.
“I think this is good.  He hasn't been with a woman as far as I know in atleast 14 years.”
“You see Zano, relax.”,My aunt says and starts posing again.
“Take some pictures. I want to update my Facebook”,She says and I sigh.
I can't wait to get home and be with my boys. 


“You have been awfully quiet”, Khanyisile says and my dad turns to me. 
We are in the living room and we are watching some TV together. I just can't get what Sis Happy said yesterday about her brother in law. 
“I am fine”,I say and she nods. 
I look at my dad and my mom is quiet. 
“Papa”,I clear my throat and he looks at me. 
“Mmh?”,he says.
“Zano said I should send my regards”,I say and my mom's face changes. 
“Mmh”,She says and my dad gives her a look.
“That is nice of her”
“Yeah, she said she doesn't mind getting to know you.”,I say and he smiles. 
“That would be wonderful”,He says and my mom stands up.
“Where are you going?”,My dad asks and my mom looks at him.
“I am going away from this conversation”
“This conversation is about your daughter that you never apologised to”
“Apologize? She is acting out”
“Acting out?! Are you hearing yourself? You are going to sit down and not behave like a child”,He says and she sighs and sits down. 
Silence prevails until a ringing phone pulls us out of the awkwardness. 
I rush to take the phone and it is Sis Happy. 
“Hello”,I say.
“Hey Tumi, how are you?”,She asks.
“I am well Sisi, how are you?"
“I am great. Someone would like to talk to you since the forgot to get your number”,She says and I frown a bit and Khanyi looks at me. 
I hear some shuffling before someone speaks.
“Hi Boitumelo”,My heart races that moment and I start feeling nervous.
“H...Hi”,I clear my throat and Khanyi looks at me suspiciously. 
I quickly stand up and go to our room because I don't even want my dad to hear what I have to say.
“I am sorry I didn't get your number yesterday. Your aunt was distracting me through the setting”,He says.
“It’s okay. You didn't have to get it if you didn't want to...”
“I want to”I close the door behind me and I sigh.
“I am here for a few days and I haven't been in Johburg in a long time, I thought maybe you can show me around some time”,He says.
Show him around? Why me? His brother lives here. 
“Google maps helps when you get lost”,I say.
He chuckles. 
“I know but it's better to have some company. Your company”,he says.
“Are you flirting with me because I don't know at this point?”,He chuckles while I am worried.  
“You want to know?",I nod my head yes and sit on the bed then bite my bottom lip. 
“Okay. I, Smiso am asking you Boitumelo to get to know you and spend some time with you tomorrow then we will take it from there”,he says.
I am nervous.Really nervous.
“What If I have a boyfriend?”,I ask.
“I am not asking him but you so the answer you give me doesn't matter if he is there or not”,he says and I bite my bottom lip. 
“Okay”,I say softly. 
“Thank you. I will call youh through my phone next time”,he says and I nod my head.
“You look beautiful by the way.”
“How do you know?”
The door opens and Khanyisile walks in and closes it and looks at me.  I shy away from her gaze.
“I am just imagining you”,He says.
“But I know"
“Thank you”,I say and we say goodbye before he hangs up and I look at my sister. 
“Are you dating?”,She asks. 
“ but Bhuti Jabu's brother asked to spend some time with me”,she smiles. 
“Finally!”,She says and rushes to sit next to me and looks at me.
“What is wrong?”
“I am scared. You know that I fear dating”
“And I don't know where this fear stems from but you don't have to and you don't take what happend to me and my old relationship and think it will happen to you"
“I thought you and Sbu would work out”,I say.
“Me too but uyamazi, ever since he bought that polo he has been thinking he is some chick magnet but he is obviously going to head into the STI magnet”,She says and clicks her tongue. 
I look at her. 
“When was the last time you saw him?”,I ask shifting the attention from me. 
She folds her hands and sighs. 
“Last week, he wanted to talk to me but I wasn't having it”,She says. 
“Don't you think you guys should sit down and talk? I mean you guys have been together since high school and now you have let that go? He was there for you, us and so as you too and remember he hustled for us to get better and atleast study. He considers us his family. Atleast hear him out”,I say.
“He had a girl over his place Tumi, I don't know how I can go back from that”,She says and looks at me and I can see her eyes getting glossy.
“You need some closure so talk to him”,She sighs. 
“I hate it when you are a bit right”,She says and sniffs before she wipes her eyes.
“I hate that even after months he still has some effect on me. 
“He was your first longest relationship”,I say and she sighs.
“I will send him a message.
“Okay”,I say and she nods her head. 
She takes her phone and goes through it while I watch her and my phone pings. I look at it and it's a message.
‘Hey, it is Smiso Hadebe.
Bab’Hadebe would be suitable don't you think?’,I laugh lightly.
‘Why?’,I type back and send. 
‘For when I get married. I need to practice hearing that now',I send laughing emojis.
‘Wait until you do get married. Who knows what the future holds’,I say. 
‘I know’,he sends and I shake my head.

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