Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I look at him as he stands by the door leaning by the door frame, he has his hands in his pocket as he looks at me, daring eyes that come with an unpleasant facial expression to it but I do not move from where I am instead I stand first where I am.
“Where were you?”, he asks, not caring that he left me crying in a place that I was not even familiar with. ‘
“What do you want from me?”, I ask.
He chuckles lightly then looks at me.
“You talk to me like this Zano?”
“I don’t want to talk to you”, I say.
He clenches his jaw as he looks at me.
“I pay for this place”
“I live here”, he pushes me out of the way and makes his way inside the house.
I stumble a bit and he holds me by my arm tightly at that.m
“I don’t like this Zano and you are making me look like a bad person when I am not”
“I don’t like you anymore”, I say.
“I don’t care”, he says and steps closer to me, tears prickle my eyes.
“Now don’t ever try this with me again, If you want to act like a child then I will show you what I do to children”, I swallow and nod my head.
He lets me go and I rub my arm. It has a slowly showing red mark on it.
“Where did you go and who did you leave with?”, he asks and I keep my silence.
“Zanokuhle!”, I jump that moment as my heart beats fast.
I don’t want him here and I am very scared of him too.
“I…I called Bhungane to fetch me”, I say and you can see the rage in his eyes.
“Give me your phone”, he says and I shake my head.
“It is mine”
“Fine, I will take it on my own”, he moves from where he is and goes to the bedroom but I rush to the kitchen and find it where I left it while he tries to search for it in the bedroom.
I am shaking but right now the only person I can think of calling is him. I quickly find his number and dial him.
“Zano where is that phone!”, I run to the empty cupboard under the sink and get in there and I close the door.
“Zanokuhle!”I hear his voice roaring through and his footsteps and the call gets answered as my heart is beating fast  I am really scared.
“He is shouting at me and hurting me”, that is the first thing I say. My hands are shaking.
The cupboard opens and he drags me out of there and I scream.
“Leave me alone!”, I say. 
“You have been disrespecting me for a long time. I will break you Zano if you think you are being smart with me”, he takes my phone and smashes it on the wall and I scream.
I cover my ears.I wish I didn’t trust him, I wish I was back home and not here. I don’t like it here. I don’t want to be normal anymore.
He grabs my hair that moment and I try to fight him but I prove to be weaker than he is.
“I could give you so much Zano if you just stop being a brat!”,he says.
“ I don’t want anything from you”
He drags me on the tiles.
“Please leave me alone.”, I say while feeling my head burning and tears having been making their way down my cheeks.
The door opens and a man that I don’t know walks in holding a gun.
“Move away from her and let her go”, he says and Tusani lets go of my hair. I keep on crying. I am scared at this moment.
The guy walks in further still pointing a gun towards Tusani who has his hands up.
“Man, this is just a misunderstanding you don’t have to do this. she is my girlfriend”, Tusani says. His hands shaking and so am I where I am.
The man looks at me.
“Get up and walk outside, don’t leave”, I am scared of guns so I get up.
“Man don’t do that, just please let us go. Nothing happened”, Tusani says.
I quickly get up and walk outside and stand by the door.
“Make sure you never cross any paths with her or I will use this on you Mfan’wami”, the guy says and makes a gun shot sound of which gets us jumping. He walks out and closes the door then takes out an injection from his pocket and covers my mouth before I could even scream. He injects my neck and it stings. Before I know it, it is lights out for me.
The voice of a man speaking on the phone is what woke me up, my neck still stinging but also confusion run in my head. I open my eyes and I am in what looks like a familiar room. It seems like I have been here before but I am not sure also. My eyes feel heavy, from the crying that I had done and I sit up and touch my chest. My heart is not beating very fast out of fear but I am still scared. I look around the room and I see a man standing by the window talking to someone on the phone. This room is a bit big though.
He turns with the phone on his ear and I get to see who it is and I start to relax a bit after that. I thought that man stole me  or something and he was going to kill me.
“We will talk, I have to go”, he says and hangs up the call and looks at me.
“Hey”, he says softly before he makes his way towards the bed and sits next to it.
“Are you okay?”
“Where is Tusani?”
“He will not hurt you, trust me”, he says and I nod my head.
“Another man came and….”
“It is okay, you are safe Zano. That only matters”, I nod my head and he touches my face.
“You have been red faced since you came here. I have some meds downstairs for you to feel better”, I nod my head.
“I am sorry”, he mentions further and I look at him with a frown.
“You didn’t do anything to me”, I say.
“Still,I should’ve done more to protect you knowing very well how Tusani has been like to you”, I nod my head and I sigh.
“I was scared, he pulled my hair and he was shouting and…”,I say and he sighs.
“I know, I am sorry”, my eyes become wet and I cry all over again. I try to wipe my tears quickly.
“Come closer”, he says and I crawl closer to him and sit next to him.He wraps his arm around me .
“I want you to learn to not be trusting even if you have known a person for too long. When they talk to you badly a lot you separate yourself from them. Tusani brought you here for his own benefit that if it comes out what he has been doing with you his relationship would be on the line”
“What do you mean?”, I ask.
“He is engaged, it wasn’t my place to tell you but I wanted you to see the signs for yourself”, he says and I swallow.
I feel a bit heartbroken. I thought he was genuine.
“I am sorry Zano”, I keep my silence and he sighs.
We keep quiet and stay like that for a while.

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