Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


I turn my head to look at the little screen as I look at the 3D blob that is in my stomach. It does look like a baby. I point at the screen as some excitement engulfs me. 
“That’s our baby”,I say and turn to look at Nkosana and he leans in next to me as the doctor smiles. 
“Your baby looks healthy Miss Ngubo”
I turn away from Nkosana and look at the screen. I cannot believe that the baby is really in me. It now really sinks in that I am about to be a mother in the next few months. 
“Would you like to know the gender?”,The doctor asks and I turn to look at them.
I look at Nkosana.
“Should we know now?”,I ask.
“Maybe later, the curiousity makes it better”,He says and I smile. 
“Okay”,I turn to look at the doctor.
“Maybe next time”,I say. 
“Okay then, keep on eating well and also I suggest you exercise. It helps when you are giving birth”,She mentions and I nod my head. 
“Okay”,she starts getting down with her scan and then I get off the bed with Nkosana's help and pull my dress down there after. 
We get away from the bed and the doctor puts me in her next appointment and soon we leave the doctor's office with Nkosana. 
It has been a few days and soon we will leave with Nkosana to go to the kids party, I am excited. I miss the ladies, I really miss my friends honestly and I cannot wait to see them. 
It has been a busy few days. With me having practicals and tests at school and Nkosana being busy with work as well it has been hectic but we thought of going to the doctor today and actually seeing our baby together considering the last time I went to the doctor was the time I found out that I am going to have a baby. 
My stomach looks a bit bloated and I think it is slowly growing or maybe my eyes are acting up so I can see it as growing when it is not. 
“I have an activity for us to do”,Bhungane says as he opens the car door for me and helps me inside. 
“Really? What is it?”,I am excited. It has been so long since we did activities together. 
“You will see baby. Just wait”,He says. 
“Okay”,He gives me a perk before he closes the door and goes to his side and gets inside. 
He starts the car and soon we leave the place going to wherever the activity will be held at.  I am excited.  I really am. 
The drive is filled with some good music just to keep us companied as we take this journey and also me asking questions here and there to Nkosana and he answers me shame.  This poor man tolerates me actually.
I have seen Mrs Vilakazi religiously these past few days and I think I am done for now. I am tired of seeing her face but I am getting better with liking her presence. She is okay I just didn't expect to see her this much. 
Schools also will be closing soon, meaning that I will be sent to that place that she initially told me I will be going to. I am scared, really scared and I don't want to be but I don't know what to expect when I get there. It seem scary in my head but Mrs Vilakazi and Mrs Mthimkhulu assured me that it is not scary but it will be okay. I really hope so and I hope that I do not stay for long.
Soon we arrive at Nkosana's beach apartment and I am happy we are going to the beach. I have really missed being here.  I unbuckle my belt as he gets out of the car and comes to help me out and I thank him.
“Why didn't you tell me we are going to go swimming? I didn't bring my bikini”,I say to him. 
“We are not really going to the beach”,He says. 
I frown a little.
“What are we going to do?”,I ask. 
“I want to show you something”,He says and I nod my head. 
We make our way inside and the place is still farely the same, person less honestly.
He has me seated on the couch and he disappears for a little bit before he comes back with a cable for the phone and he opens the TV and connects the phone to the TV.  I see numerous albums for photos and videos, well like 3 albums honestly. He comes to join me on the couch after taking the remote and he gives it to me. 
“Select any album you want to view first”,I click the first one. 
The first thing that appears is a video. A video of me wearing my uniform that I got from his mother, the day I got it from his mother.  I was in the kitchen too, I think this was before we started cooking together. 
‘Cheese!’, the me in the video says and pulls a thumbs up. 
“You are so cute, look at that awkward smile you bad on your face”,Nkosana says and I look at him.
“I am smiling okay”
“Okay, smile for me”,He says as he looks at me and I smile for him and he looks at the TV and looks at me again.
“Well it's better”,I hit his chest and he laughs.
“I smile better than you”,I say. 
“You look like a cute daughter who is going to school for the first time”,He says and I look at him. 
“I loved the look but I wanted to go and cook. Not to take videos”i say. 
He chuckles.
“Okay, fair”,He says and moves to another video of me at the beach. 
We were there together. We watch and he holds me by my waist and pulls me to towards him and kisses my neck. 
“You are so pretty”,He says.
“Thank you, why are we looking at these videos of me?”,I ask.
He looks at me. 
“You don't like them?”,He asks.
“I do, I am just curious”,I mention. 
“I want you to see how far you have come with being around people and also the progress you have made. You used to be scared to interact with people and I remember the first time you shouted at me and always locked yourself up in the house when you were with Tusani.  Now you are at school and you have friends and a baby on the way and also me, your soon to be husband and your first boyfriend. I just want you to feel proud of yourself and not let anything stand in your way from now onwards.”,He says and I smile.  
Now I feel like crying. 
“I don't want to cry”,I say and pour my lips and kiss his forehead. 
“Okay let's watch some more of me and you”,I say and he chuckles and takes a remote and I pull him to lay on my chest and I brush his head. 
He changes the album and we start watching a bit of us together.
I really should be proud of myself. I have achieved huge things honestly, I should clap for myself and now I want to do more.  I want to be better and if going to where Mrs Vilakazi say I should go then I will go. 
My phone pings and I frown. Didn't I put it on silent?
“Baby?",I say and Nkosana looks at me. 
I am not one with the pet names in the relationship, he is.  I seldomly use the word baby to him but I should get the hang of it. 
“The baby and I are a bit hungry and this house doesn't have food”,I say then bite my bottom lip. 
“I will order for you okay?",I nod my head and he sits up and goes to get his phone to order for us. 
I take my phone and I see the notification and it is on Instagram, a message actually from an account called Just_lisa02.
I tap into the message. No one has really sent me a message on instragm except Luu when she comments on stories I post from time to time.  Other people just like and I rarely post sometimes.  I haven't posted my baby picture and I will not at the moment. 
‘Hello Zanokuhle. I am Lisakhanya Zuma-Gumbi. I would like to talk to you, I have been searching for you and wanting to talk to you for years.’, the message says. 
I frown as I look at it. 
“What is wrong? You are scrunching your face”,Nkosana says and I look up to him. 
“Someone sent me a message on Instagram and they say they want to talk to me”,I say and he joins me on the couch and I give him my phone and peak in to see. 
He clicks on the lady’s profile and she looks grown. Her page has her and her kids and also a grown black man whom I believe is her husband with the rings on their fingers.  They look well off too. This woman looks very familiar, I just can't put my hand in it. 
“This is Lisakhanya Gumbi”,Nkosana says.
“Do you know her?”
“My father works with her husband. Well last time I checked, they partnered before”,He says. 
“Oh, so what does she want from me?”,I ask.
“Let's ask”,He types a message at her and sends it. 
We wait, it is seen within seconds.
“She is typing”,He says. 
We wait and soon a message appears. 
‘I am so happy to have you reply Zano.I would like for us to talk and I am sure you would love to know about my brother.’,Nkosana frowns and sits up. 
“Let's video call her. She is active",He says.
“Okay",I nod my head and he calls her and it rings. 
It gets answered and this coloured looking woman appears, she gasps and covers her mouth that moment and tears fill her eyes. 
“O my broer se kind (oh my brother's child)”,she says. 
“My brother's only child.Hello Zano,I am Lisakhanya Zuma. Your aunt, I don't know if you remember me when you were young. Your grandmother fetched you and I never saw you again but I knew you were safe. I am sorry about everything, I promise I tried my best to take you with me but I couldn't as yet, I was also a child”,she says. 
I feel like my heart is beating fast.
“You are the lady from my dreams",I say shocked. She does look like the lady from my dreams.  Now I remember. 
I start crying and Nkosana hangs up and quickly pulls me into his arms.
“I am sorry”,He says. 
I feel sad, I feel very sad. Are my dreams really true?
“Please don't let her take me back to the other granny”,I quickly say.
“That will not happen, don't worry”,He says as he kisses my neck and comforts me as I cry in his arms. 
I feel the saddness engulf me more and I cannot stop crying,


Oh sweet home, I am happy that I am back in this city. It feels like I needed this breather and I don't think I want to go back to Johannesburg anytime soon. I drag my feet across the room and make my way to the patio and find my husband seated there working. 
If it is not him working on the business that is in Johburg he is busy with the harbour. 
Yes when he resigned one day and told me that, we had just started being a stable couple that was only married for what? Only 2 years and I have started working, we had a small baby and we just had bought our new home.   It was new and heavy beginnings for us until he told me that he resigned. 
I was angry that time because he didn't consult with me and also now our financial situation was going to be strained but he told me to trust him and he is going to start a business with his friends.
Another thing that fuelled me, I wanted to support him but what ticked me off is the fact that he resigned without telling me and also he could've started the business while working and see if it takes off then leave work but no, Jabulani didn't think of that. 
I supported him either way because well, he is my man and I can't just throw him away.  Well I can but I didn't want to.  
He told me that he got his money, pension fund and everything and he will still handle things. He paid up the bond of our first house and then my car too and actually upgrades me from the Audi Q3, he got me to be a Range Rover mommy.  I didn't know that in a space of a few months their businesses will get off the ground and take off from there. 
From then they bought shares into different businesses and as share holders they benefit from that. 
He suggested that I become a house wife if I wanted to and if I didn't it is okay too, did I think twice when my man moved us to a bigger and better house and bought better cars for us? No, I agreed to be a house wife and I enjoyed it for the past few years.  I loved it, I am glad that at some point I gave this man a try and our son is our love story. Him being conceived was the start of our love story with Jabulani. 
I get to him and sit next to him and he shuts his laptop. 
“I am done now baby”,He says.
“I missed this place so much. I miss my house”,,I tell him. 
“I know how much you love this place",He says.
“You bought it for me, it's a special gift from you”,I say as he pulls me to lay my head on his chest.
“Don't let Njabulo hear you say that”,We laugh. 
“How is mah doing back there?”,I ask.
“She will be fine, throwing tantrums but she will be fine”,He says and I nod my head. 
She has to be fine. We gave her the space that she needs.  
“I know you have been overthinking what she said last time ”,He says and I look at him.
“I am not”,I lie through my teeth.
“You don't have to lie baby, I know”,I sigh. 
“We have Njabulo, I don't understand why is it so difficult to have another baby now”,I say.
I yearn for another child. Just one more then I will be okay. 
Njabulo came unexpectedly though I love him but I also don't want him to be the only child.
“You are 31 years baby, we are still young, we will have a child don't worry",He says.
“Okay",I shouldn't take what that woman said into my head.
Otherwise I will find myself going to fertility clinics and dragging my husband there all over again then I have to take therapy once more. Though we are fertile and I haven't used a contraceptive method in years but I still hope. 
I still have hope. 
To be continued.

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